Chapter 15

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Arya stood extremely still as she watched Norman struggle to his senses, "...Peter?" He whispered, looking towards the youngest. "What have I done?" 

Arya watched as Peter 3 rushed over to the eldest Peter, who was still laid on the floor with an open wound., "You okay?" He asked him, inspecting over his wound.

"Uh, yeah, I'm good. I've been stabbed before." He retorted, a small laugh escaping him. 

"Oh, good. Good, good, good," he replied, helping him to his feet. 


Arya looked up, her eyes widening as she saw what looked to be holes in the sky. "Peter!" She yelled, drawing his attention before raising her arm to point. 

"What? Is that happening, or am I dying?" the eldest asked, his eyes widening as he surveyed the sky.

"Are there... people in the sky?" 

The group watched as Peter's face furrowed in worry, he knew the end was coming. "I gotta go!," He yelled, giving them a grateful look before webbing into the sky towards strange. 


Arya stood by her friends for a moment before she felt herself being lifted by a strong hand. She let out a small yelp before she realized she'd been picked up by her favorite Peter. 

A smile crept onto her face as she wrapped an arm around his neck as he webbed up to a ledge of the scaffolding that they had previously been on. 

Peter sent her down on the wood but kept his hands on her waist. The two stared at each other for a moment before Arya broke the silence, "Hi," 

"Hi," he replied with a smile

Arya smiled widely at the boy, putting her arms around his neck, "You sure love swing us up to tall heights huh?"

A small laugh escaped him as he stared down admiringly at her, "I guess I do, yeah," 

Arya smiled at him, examining his features a bit, "So why exactly did you bring me up here?"

"You know I don't know," He told her with a small laugh.

Arya smiled even wider, she found his awkward unknowing self quite cute, "You're cute," she told him, watching as his cheeks flushed red. 

"Is that so?" he teased

Arya rolled her eyes a bit, "Hmm..," she started. "Actually no, I've come to the realization you're actually not anymore," She told him, a fake sad voice playing from her throat. 

Peter let out a laugh, "I guess you're right, you're cuter anyway,"

"Shut up," she told him, playfully rolling her eyes a bit.

They stood there for a moment, just looking at each other before Arya moved a strand of hair out of her face, "Peter," She started, "Tell me about you, I feel like I don't know much," She told him, removing her arms from his and sitting down on the edge of the scaffolding 

Peter watched as she did so and took a seat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"What do you wanna know?" he asked, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Everything, start from the beginning," 

Peter nodded, looking admiringly at the girl who wanted to know everything about him, "Well, you might know half of this stuff because it happened to your Peter too but my parents died when I was young, it was very sudden, I was sent to live with May and Ben." He started. "I loved them like my real parents and they were great but I could never get that sort of hatred out you know? Of course, I didn't really hate them but I was just mad that they left,"

Arya watched him as he spoke, taking notice to the way his eyebrows furrowed and his dimple twitched as he talked, "I totally get that, I felt that same way when my dad left and I lost my mom, I always felt like May was my mom too, she treated me like a daughter,"

Peter nodded, "Yeah, and then school was never really hard for me, except for Flash."

Arya's eyes widened in curiosity, "Wait, you have a flash to?"

Peter nodded, "Yeah. Wow, I didn't know there would be another one. I don't know how it was here but he was pretty hard on me until I graduated, he apologized and we became pretty good friends, but before that, I never really had any friends. Except for..," he told her before cutting himself off, Arya could tell it truly troubled him.

"Except for who?" She asked, grabbing his hand supportively. 

"Harry. Harry Osborn, I don't think you have one here. He was my best friend, like Ned, but," He started, taking a deep breath before continuing, "He grew angry after I refused to give him my blood, and he, well, he was the one who killed Gwen," He told her, his voice shaky.

Arya's face filled with sympathy for the boy, "I'm sorry Peter, I could never imagine what that would be like,"

Peter smiled at the girl, "You know, I almost gave up being spiderman. After it happened," He told her, interlocking his fingers into hers. "I was just so angry, I felt that if I continued to be spiderman I'd put everyone I'd loved into danger. I mean I had already lost Ben then Gwen and I couldn't take it anymore. But then I realized how much I needed it, so I decided I wouldn't give it up" 

Arya smiled at him, "I'm glad you didn't"

"I'm glad I didn't too, because I never would have met you," He told her, leaning into to connect their lips, which Arya happily returned.



Chapter 15! Hope you enjoyed the fluff chapter, the next one will be fluff to I think but yeah. 

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