Chapter 10

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The group stood around Ned, watching as the boy opened his portal.

"Sick," Arya mumbled, a proud smile plastered on her lips.

The group stepped out from the portal and onto the platform, her Peter stepping aside to call the daily bugle. Arya, along with the 2 Peter's made sure the cures were in place.

As Arya strapped the lizard's cure to the poll she was approached by one of the Peter's, "You ready?" he asked her. 

Arya looked up towards him, a smile forming as she took notice to which Peter he was, "Yeah, I think so. Of course, it won't be as hard for me as it will for you guys so I presume I should be asking if you're ready"

"Yeah, I guess I am," he told her, nodding slightly.

She smiled at the boy, doing one last check on the cure, "all set, I better head back inside before the guys get here," she told him, turning to leave. 

Peter impulsively grabbed her wrist, "hey Arya?" he asked, pulling her back.

Arya glanced up at him, curiosity furrowing her brow, "Yeah Peter what's up?"

Peter stood for a moment, pondering on what to say, "Listen I-Uhm," he started, his voice wavering.

She nodded, looking up to him, "Mhm?"

Peter sighed slightly, feeling stupid, "It's uhm--It's nothing, I was just-Nevermind just stay safe Arya," 

Arya's eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Oh. Yeah Uhm, you to Peter," she told him,  a smile returning to her face. 

The couple's attention was grabbed as Peter exclaimed, "Okay guys, it could be any minute now."

The two walked over to them, Arya leaning on the poll.

"You know Max was, like, the sweetest guy ever... before he fell into a pool of electric eels."

"That'll do it." The eldest replied, nodding.

Arya watched as the eldest Peter started to stretch his back, pain clear on his face. 

"You okay?" Arya asked, clearly noticing his distressed look.

"Oh, it's my back. It's kinda stiff from all the swinging I guess." 

"Oh yeah, no, I got a middle back thing too." the second Peter replied, a nod of familiarity lacing his face.


"Yeah. You want me to crack it?"

"Yeah! Yeah, that'd be great." he nodded.

Arya watched as the boy stood behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and hoisting him up. Her eyes lit up, her mouthing raising into a smile as a laugh escaped her. 

As Peter set the boy down he sent the laughing girl a small smile. 

As Arya headed back to the chemistry lab Peter cursed himself for failing to make a move. he was furious with himself, he didn't even know if he would make it out of this and he failed again. He was taken out of his thoughts when the younger made his way back to him, "Ah, this is so cool. I always wanted brothers." he started, before looking to the eldest. "So you, like, make your own web fluid in your body?!"

"I'd rather not talk about this." He replied defensively. 

"No! I don't mean to--"

"But are you teasing me--?" 

"No, no, no! No, no, no... he's not teasing you. It's just that, we can't do that, so naturally, we're curious as to how your web situation works. That's all." the middle Peter jumped in, clearing up the situation. 

"No, I wish I could tell you, but it's like I don't do it. Like I don't... like I don't "do breathing." Like, breathing just happens." he told the two, a smile forming over his earlier defensive features.

"We should give each other some sort of nicknames, you know since we're all called Peter," the youngest suggested.

The two nodded in agreeance, "Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3" the eldest said, pointing to each of them. 


Arya stood with her two friends in the chemistry lab, watching the boys from afar. 

Arya looked towards MJ, "Hey MJ? What did you tell Peter earlier?"

MJ glanced towards the girl, a small smirk dancing across her lips, "Oh nothing, I just told him I knew he liked you and to do something about it that's all"

Arya's eyes widened slightly as she glanced at her best friend, "What!? Are you crazy? he does not like me," she told her defensively. 

MJ rolled her eyes slightly, "Sure he doesn't, besides that's not what he told me, I saw the way you looked at him. The feeling is clearly mutual,"

"Really? He said that?" She asked, her tone increasing.

MJ smirked slightly, "Mhmm, I told him he better do something about it or he'd have to deal with me,"

Arya stood for a moment, their conversation replying lightly in her head, "Shit," she mumbled.

"What is it?"

"While I was just out there with him, he was acting weird, like he was going to say something to me but just blubbered and quit," she exclaimed, her features lacing with realization.

"Well? What are you waiting for, go talk to him!" MJ exclaimed, shoving the girl lightly. 

Arya nodded, "Thank you MJ, thank you," she told her before quickly turning towards the portal.

Arya walked quickly towards the opening, "Pete-"

"'Sup, Pete?" a voice she recognized as electro exclaimed, cutting her off. 

Arya glanced back to MJ who had a sorrowful look plastered on her face, "I'm sorry Arya..but they're here and we have to close the portal,"

Arya nodded sadly as she stepped back inside, praying to herself that this battle would go smoothly. 



chapter 10! 

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