Chapter 12

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"Um, I don't really know how else to tell you that it's not closing!" MJ yelled, her voice frantic.

"I'm trying to close it, MJ! Don't tell them that it's not working!" Ned shot back, looking between the girls.

"What the shit do we do if it doesn't close?" Arya asked, looking between them before looking back out towards the portal. 

Ned takes a breath as his face contorted into concentration, "Okay, wait, wait. Yeah... wait. We'll just keep going." he suggests.

"All right, no. It's fine... you're gonna do it again. We're just gonna keep trying." MJ adds, trying her best to encourage her friend. 

"All right, all right, we got it, we got it... we got this!" 

Arya stood for a moment, watching the two before her eyes narrowed on a large figure coming towards them. "Guys! Guys! The lizard!" She yelled, her eyes set on the giant creature running towards them. 

Peter's eyes narrowed on his friends, "Oh no. No, no, no!" he exclaimed before webbing over to them.

"And that is a lizard!" MJ yells, looking to Ned who equally shared her dismay.

"No, no, it's a big lizard!" 

MJ took Arya's hand as they ran frantically around the lab, doing their best to avoid the rabid lizard chasing after them. 

"Shit!" Arya exclaimed, looking around before dragging MJ out of the lab.

The three friends ran frantically across the scaffolding, still being chased by the large lizard. 

"Peter do something!" Ned yelled as the group continued to run.  


Electro approached the two peters who were currently searching for his cure. Before he could get to them, a familiar voice could be heard approaching. 

"Leave 'em. They're mine." Doc Ock announced, his arms reaching out towards the boys. 

"I don't need your help. I've got it just fine."

The eldest's Peter's eyes narrowed in shock, "Dr. Octavius, no..."

The two boys watched as the doctor's arm reached towards electros chest, ripping the arc reactor from it. 

"What are you doing?!" Max exclaimed, his eyes filled with betrayal. "Get it off of me!"

The eldest Peter quickly caught on, handing him the man's cure which was placed quickly on his chest. 

Max was cured. 


Arya, MJ, and Ned were still running from the lizard at their tails. 

Arya racked her brain a solution before an idea quickly popped into her head, "Ned!" she exclaimed. "Ned, try to open a portal, get him out of here!" she yelled as they ran along the scaffolding. 

"Quickly!" MJ added, urging the boy.

Arya's feet quickly skidded to a stop as the group had reached the edge. Her eyes widened as she lifted her arms to shield herself from the lizard who flew towards them. 

"Got it!" Ned exclaimed as a portal opened in front of them, the lizard falling quickly through it. 

Arya let out a breath of relief and she continued to cling onto MJ. 

After catching their breath for a moment, the silence was broken by MJ, who currently held the box in her hand.  "We gotta hide this thing!"

"Oh, right... right, right--" Ned starts, lifting his hand to open another portal. 

As the portal opened, Arya's eyes narrowed in confusion, "Wait is that?-" she began before she was quickly cut off as a figure emerged. 

"Where is he?" Dr. Strange announced, his voice clearly irritated as he stepped out of the portal. 

When nobody responded to the man, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He reached forward, much to their dismay, and grabbed the box from MJ's hands.

"Before you do anything Mister-- Dr. Strange, sir, uh... Peter's plan is working!" Ned announced, trying frantically to reason with him. 

"What plan?" he asked the boy

"He's curing them!" Arya announced. "Look, he's already gotten a couple fully cured!" 

"Well, I'll be damned." he starts before his eyes widened as he turned back to Ned. "Did you just open a portal?"

"Yes-- Yes, sir. I did." Ned replied proudly, Arya giving her friend a proud pat on the back. 

"Hmm." He muttered as he walked off to find Peter. 

"Dude you so just got the doctor strange approval!" Arya exclaimed, looking at her friend proudly. 

"I gotta tell Peter!" He replied, a wide smile plastered on his face. 



I feel like this chapter was so bad but enjoy it anyway!

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