Chapter 20

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Arya woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. She sat up and tried to recall the events of the previous night, but to no avail. She figured she had just gone to a party with MJ and Ned and things just got a little out of hand so she shrugged it off and hopped out of bed.  

Arya walked to her closet, grabbed a hoodie and headed to the bathroom to get herself ready for the day. She was planning on heading to the donut shop with Ned while MJ worked.  

Arya slipped her hoodie on before looking in the mirror. Her face furrowed with confusion as she noticed a necklace that was sat across her chest. She moved a bit closer to the mirror, examing the necklace.

"What the," She mumbled as she examined the small spider chain attached to the silver necklace. Arya was confused, she had no recollection of ever buying or receiving this necklace but she almost felt a sort of attachment to it, like it was important.

Before she had time to ponder more, her phone began to ring from the other room. Arya decided to leave the necklace on and not question it, she didn't know why but she felt as though it had strong importance to her.

"Hey," she spoke as she answered her phone to a call from MJ.

"I'm about to start my shift, are you on your way?" 

"Yeah I'm about to leave and pick up Ned, we'll be there soon," She told her friend as she exited her home.

"Okay, yeah, see you soon," 


Arya walked with Ned into the donut shop as MJ sent them a wave. 

"Hey!" Ned exclaimed as the two walked past another customer who was around their age and sat at the counter.

"One sec," MJ told the two before turning to the customer, "Can I help you?"

"Hi, um, My name is Peter Parker. And I..." he started, drawing Arya's attention over to him. "Would like a coffee, please." 

Arya watched the nervous boy, feeling a sense of Deja vu as he spoke.

"Okay, no problem, Peter Parker." MJ smiled before starting to brew their coffees and handing a donut to ned, "Donut for my fellow engineer." 

"Oh... Wait, what?" Ned asked as his brows furrowed with confusion.

"MIT, they're the Engineers. The Mascot," she explained

"Oh, right, right, right. I should probably know that." Ned replied with slight embarrassment. 

"Look at you with the school spirit!" Arya teased, pushing her friend slightly.

"Tell anybody, I will deny it." MJ spat back causing her friends to laugh.

MJ walked back over to the boy names Peter as Arya sat with Ned.

"Hey Ned," Arya started. "Have you ever seen this necklace before?,"

Ned look up from his donut as Arya showed him the necklace, "No, I don't think I ever have. Is it new?"

Arya shook her head, "That's the thing, I have no idea where I got it from I just kind of woke up with it but it feels important so," 


"Peter Parker." MJ asked, "...Peter Parker?"

Peter snapped his glance away from his other two friends and turned to MJ. 

"Your coffee," MJ told him, handing him the small cup of coffee.

"Right. Thank you." 


"Um... are you excited for MIT?" Peter asked after a moment, causing Arya to pull her attention towards the boy.

"Oh. Uh, right, yeah. Uh..." MJ started before realizing he must have just overheard her friends, "Yeah, actually, I am excited which is weird 'cause I don't really get excited about things. I kind of expect disappointment--" 

"--'Cause then you'll never actually be disappointed. Right?" Peter cut her off, causing a sense of Deja Vu to overflow the girl and a look of confusion to flood Arya's face.

"Uh, yeah. Right. It's just, um-- I dunno, it just kinda feels different this time for some reason."

Peter nodded before pulling out his wallet to pay the girl, "Um, what I was--" "You okay?" He asked, stopping as he noticed the bandaid placed above her forehead. 

"It doesn't really hurt anymore." She explained before looking back to him, "Is there anything else?" 

Arya watched as the boy tucked a note into his back pocket, observing his almost solemn expression, "Uh... no." "Thank you"

"No problem."

"I'll uh... see you around." He says softly before sending a glance over to where she and Ned were sitting before walking out of the store.

The moment he exited the store Arya jumped up and walked over to her friend whose face was plastered with a look she couldn't decipher. "MJ do you know him?"

MJ shook her head after a moment, "No.." She started, "But I feel like I should,"

"Yeah, me too," 



Chapter 20! 

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