Good riddance.

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Tw: mentions of house wreck, yelling, and a tiny bit of suicide. skip this top half if you dont like this topic.

it was the end of the day and everyone was heading home. i said my goodbyes to najimi, tadano, and komi. and headed home.  when i opened my door i saw my parents packing up and stuffing their luggage's in clothes and accessories. and mostly work stuff after they were done they burst through the door forgetting i was there. "geez why are you always in the way you disgrace." said my father. "i-im sorry." i said. scared. "ugh just dont get in the way next time you mistake. were not going to be home for a few years." my mother said

 "years? i thought you said you'd be gone for six months..." "SHUT IT. WERE GOING TO BE GONE FOR A FEW YEARS AND THATS FINAL. GEEZ YOU ARE SO CLINGY AND DESPERATE. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE." my father yelled. i just stood there with an emotionless expression. "alright then. bye." i shut the door and locked it and began silently crying as i slid slowly down the floor. they banged on the door saying im a disrespectful daughter and i should just end my life. like if i hadn't tried that 100 times.

  the banging and yelling stopped after a few minutes. and i just heard a car starting and leaving. i'm assuming they got tired of me and just left. i was done crying, got up and just sat at my sofa in silence. then i remembered that Komi, Tadano, and Najimi are going to be here tomorrow. so i got to work and picked up glass remainings, fixed up walls, floors, made the ceiling fan work, did my room, made my parents room and threw all the bad stuff they had inside, basically did house chores. i sang to keep myself from crying. 

[the song you were singing was called "i wanna be your girlfriend" by girl in red] 

after i stopped singing, the house looked normal. everything was finally fixed and in order. and the cigarette and alcohol smell was finally gone. i laid down in the sofa and slept the whole day. until morning struct and it was time to go to school. the day finally began and i walked to school. i sat on my assigned seat and laid my head down tired. i had 4 hours of sleep anyway.  i tried my best to listen and pay attention but i couldn't anymore and slept through class.

"L-L/N-san....w-wake u-up.. p-please.." i heard a soft yet soothing voice say. i woke up slowly to see Komi-San in front of me sitting down in one of some students chair backwards where the front of my desk is, she was playing with my soft hair. it reminded her of a cat. for some reason it felt...nice. she was maybe a little too close to comfort. i can hear her breathing slowly calming down. her purple eyes are just staring at mine with such deep sorrow, her lips look as soft as a peach. oh god i wanna kiss them.. but.. was she worried about me?? i dont see anyone else but her around.

  after i realized she was too close i got away from her face while blushing. komi was blushing too after she realized what she did. even more than last time.  i was red as a tomato. "s-sorry" she said without using her notebook. her voice was so beautiful... after i calmed down i said "where are the others? aren't they supposed to be with you..?" i said. she got her notebook and wrote down "there waiting outside. i thought of waking you up so i told them to wait outside so we can go to your residence remember?" "oh...yeah. c'mon then. we dont want to keep them waiting" 

She nodded in agreement and we both got up. we fixed some tables and headed outside with out looking at each other until we heard Najimi "L/N-san! hi hi! what took you so long?" Najimi said "i slept though class and Komi-San woke me up" "did you not get any sleep L/N-San?" Tadano said. "nope im afraid not. i only had 4 hours of sleep. i feel like im going to die anytime soon" Komi wrote in her note book "please dont die." while looking like she was about to cry. "dont worry Komi-San. i wont die. i just feel tired that's all." trying would just result in failure anyway.  she sighed in relief and calmed down "anyways, lets get going. my house is only two blocks away." 

we all walked to my house and finally got to the entrance. i opened the door welcoming them. "thanks for coming. make yourselves at home" Osana just rushed in the house and said "thank you so much for letting us come!" while tadano-kun and komi-san just entered like normal people. i closed the entrance door behind me. "you have such a nice home L/N-San!" Tadano said.  "thank you Tadano-kun. i bet yours is too. would you guys like some tea?" they nodded and i headed to the kitchen to make some tea. "your house hasn't changed a bit. i thought it would have a slight change in design" Najimi said not phased at all. "but my room did. it has some cool lights and some bean bags i bought myself. along with a gaming set up and instruments. there's a lot of cool stuff in there."

after i said that they rushed to my room and yelled out "Woah!" they both got in and saw a bookshelf, 3 beanbags, LED lights surrounding my corner walls making my room look cool, an electric piano along with a ukulele and 2 guitars, also a kalimba, and a gaming setup with all of the games included. i grabbed the tea, headed upstairs where my room is and laid the tea down in my coffee table. "here's your tea. i recommend drinking it while its still hot" i said "your room is so cool!" Najimi said in awe. "thank you. you guys can sit wherever you like" they sat on the soft beanbags and talked for a while. "oh yeah L/N-San why did you and komi-san looked so nervous when you came out of the school? did something lewd happenn??" Najimi said with a smirk

Me and komi-san both blush as red as a ripe tomato. "o-oh dear no! y-you are misunderstood! i would never do such thing! 😥 we fixed tables! yeah." Komi nodded in agreement "suree you diddd" najimi said  "we did i swear! :')" i said "yeah yeah ill believe it when you too kiss" they said with an even wider smirk "theres no way in hell i would kiss the most popular girl in school! do you know how risky it is if they found out??? they will kill me." i blushed even harder. also did komi san. "finee. but dont expect me to smash your faces together "by accident" >:))" najimi said  "please dont. Najimi-San"  Tadano said "no promises Tadano-kun" Najimi said proudly 

[1189 words]

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