Fun Fun! Pt. 2

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the sun was about to set, it was pretty, until Komi's mom drowned me in questions to get to know me better, i think she is just doing this for komi.  "so! do you have any brothers or sisters?" i dont have any, i'm an only child thankfully" "what are your parents like?" "they are very....interesting people.." "where do your parents go for work?" "they work at a big industry somewhere far away. but they get good payment." "do you have any pets?" "only a cat named kaido." komi pleaded to her mom that this was enough and they are going into her room now "aww, alright then! we will talk soon alright Y/n?" "yeah sure, ill always be available whenever you feel like chatting." i bow down and look at komi and smile. "shall we get going then?" she looks at me and nods, she leads me to her room upstairs, "nice room! i like the little cat decorations." "" komi says smiling a bit, i smile back and i sit in one of the cushions on the little coffee table she has. she also sat down but it was on her bed. we stayed like that for a few minutes, i couldn't think of a does tadano do it, is he a wizard?? "is it really okay for me to stay here?...i have no experience with sleepovers because i didn't have any friends before. i should maybe go if i'm just a rock to trip on-" komi hugged me and shook her head "really..?" komi nodded her head with a slight pomph "im really happy you dont think im a burden" i smile while tearing up a bit, komi was worried, and trembling if she did something wrong "you didn't do anything wrong, im just not used to reassurance and affection" she stared at me with the most worrisome eyes, wrote on her notebook and told me if everything was okay. "im fine, dont worry! haha.."

  i say trying not to randomly get a mental breakdown. "please dont lie to me.." komi spoke. "please tell me whats going on. i want to help.." "eh?" "i always see you laughing and smiling in school, but when we go home...your mood changes.. almost like you dont want to go home." "well, yes, normally-" "we are not talking about what's "normal!", were talking about you and your family!" i stare at her, shocked. "if your hurting without us knowing it just hurts us more because we dont know whats happening to you and we want to help, but if your just going to stay there silent and not tell us whats wrong because you might think that we dont care, then i will not allow that." she says with a serious tone "im hiding my life from you guys because im scared." komi sat there shocked "while najimi introduced me oh "im not telling them about myself further than my hobbies and what i do" "they wouldn't care about me because im just a random kid anyway" is what i thought. so i started thinking....and i realized that i have feelings for you." komi looked at me, shocked but flustered. "even if i said anything about myself it would be awkward because people would come over and suddenly care about me even though they heard a tiny bit about me. it just wouldn't be the same now hahah....but if i were to not say anything and keep my mouth sewed shut you guys won't have to worry about the little ol' me!, everyone wouldn't be sad, and i would be happy. what a good plan, is what i so suddenly thought. so im doing this for me." 

"you cant do that either." komi said. "eh? why? even though i said i want this??" komi nods in response. "why? wouldn't you hate having someone who is hiding their true feelings??, wouldn't that make you sad??" "i would hate it! and i would make me sad! but i would hate it more seeing you suffer without us knowing! i want you to be with me, with us! i would hate it even more if you'd stop faking your smile!.... b-because i also have feelings for you Y/n!" she said on the verge of tears, as her face slowly turned to a shade of dark red "shouko..." "so i will definitely not allow it!" ......."dont give me that! i would just hide myself even moree" "you cant" "even if it is for my sake" "and i wont let it be for our sake" "its easy anywayy" "its not." "how am i supposed to refuse to a beauty like youu!" "you are a lot prettier than me" "that's not true!" "it is. your pretty and funny, and fun to be around your cooking is splendid too" i blushed by her compliment "...well, you are also pretty!, smart, and fun to be around! your cooking is good too!" komi got flustered by the compliment "thats why im going to hide myself" "you cant." she stands up and sits next to me "cmonn!~" i say tearing up "y-you cant." komi says smiling while tearing up, she hugs me again, then she wipes my tears. i wipe hers and she gets a bit flustered, "your a little red shouko~ is it because i'm really close to you that i can kiss you anytime? hm?~" komi's face turned red as a ripe tomato and shook her head "hahaha! your face! pfft!"

 i laugh as komi stares at me, she looks happy and relieved. "what's that smile for? ima widen that smile when i tickle you to death!" she looked at me with her chibi expression, all confused but excited bcause im tickling her all of a sudden, i got even more closer and start a little tickle fight, komi was holding in her laugh until she couldn't anymore, her laugh will forever be engraved in my mind repeating on loop. i stop tickling her after i realised im on on top of her. she calms down, and i boop her nose "boop." she gives me a 'you shouldn't left your guard down'  look and begins to tickle me, i start to laugh, which she pushes me softly off her  and goes on top of me, with her chibi face she looks intrigued and continues to tickle me, at this point i'm a laughing mess. komi stops tickling me, because clearly i cant take it anymore to the point im crying my eyes out because of the tingly sensations. i grab her hand softly and lay it on my chest, she looks at me flustered and i just smile. "my heart just wants you to know how thankful it is to have you in my life." i say panting, still exhausted from the tickling, komi was about to say something back until her mom busts in her room "Shoukooooo i brought some tea!-" she looks at komi, then at me, then at komi, then at me, with her chibi face that komi sometimes makes. "oh~ i see how it isss~~" komi rapidly got off me and started shaking her head, trying to reason that she got it all wrong, and it was just a tickle fight, while clearly blushing like a ripe tomato, maybe because of embarrassment.  

i sat up, and clearly was dying inside. Shuuko looked at me and winked and mouthed 'good luck, take care of her for us'  she set the tea on komi's work table and left. i was there realising what she said and banged my head on the table. komi got startled and looked at me, i lifted my head up and looked at her "o-oh....sorry...ahaha.." komi went to check if i was okay "you are not hurt right? are...y-you okay?" "im fine, really, it was just something i remembered" komi calmed down and nodded. it was already time to go to sleep so we got ready. i changed in the bathroom so i dont have to change in front of komi, that would be embarrassing for me. i wore some sweat pants i had in my backpack, i carry around an extra pair because some of my bullies steal my gym clothes when they forgot theirs or they just feel like bothering me. then i take off my bow tie and uniform and leave the shirting intact. i folded my clothes i took off and put them inside my backpack for later. i get out, get the backpack, and go upstairs. i knock on the door so i dont walk in komi half naked "yo shouko! are you done?" she opened the door and nodded. she wore some simple pajamas, which i thought were cute on her, she let me in and closed the door behind her. i wondered how i was going to sleep because there was no futon layed out. komi uncovered her bed sheets, went over to the otherside of the bed, covered herself while patting the other side of the bed signaling me to come on over. "u-um. are you sure i can sleep with you?" komi nodded with her little chibi expression. i grabbed an extra pillow, and layed it where the empty bed space was, and then layed down. the blankets were really warm, i haven't felt this comfy in a long time. i turn myself around and stare at komi. she looks at me but i close my eyes. i open them, and she looks at me again. i close my eyes and laugh a little. komi looks at me, and smiles. "c-can i touch your cheek?" "eh? why so sudden?.." "..." "fine... i suppose you can. im ok with it" she does her little chibi expression with a pomph and her little imaginary cat ears flew up. *squish*  "!!!!"  "....."   *squish* "!!!!" *squish* "!!!!"  *squish* "!!!!!"  ".......okay i think thats good enough.."  ".........." *squish*  "shoukooo....i said that's enoughh" "......" "........."  *squish* "next time you do that i'm going to charge you with a kiss."  Komi blushes "!!!!!!.."  "........" *squish x 100* "ok come over here you blockhead~" "!!!!!" 

i kiss her on her left and right cheek, her forehead, nose, lips multiple of times until i see her all red as a ripe tomato. i stop and look at her all red. "*laughs* i wasn't joking dear~ now, lets go to sleep, its already late.." komi slowly nodded "can...we...c-cuddle?" "sure. c'mere." komi scoots over to me and hugs me, her face was in my chest, which kinda tipped me off, i can feel my heart beating like a thousand drums playing the same note. i hugged her and gave her endless gentle headpats, then she slowly fell asleep. then i fell asleep too under the moonlight.

[Komi's mom in the background witnessing all this:]

[Shuuko's thoughts: 'oh my oh my~!! they are so cute together!! i should let them sleep, get married you too!!']

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[Shuuko's thoughts: 'oh my oh my~!! they are so cute together!! i should let them sleep, get married you too!!']

[1852 words....kill me ;-;. quick question...who should be the top of the relationship?]

[Komi? 😏]




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