Chapter 7

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Hey guys ! Here is chapter 7! I'm on spring break so I'm gonna have the time to update a lot. Anyway I'll try to give you a new chapter at least once a week which seems okay, even pretty quick to me. Enjoy this one and don't forgrt to vote and share this story with other chemical kids !

G-F-Am-B...? No, that doesn't sound good. Sit on my bed with my precious carnet open on a white page, I was trying again and again to play random chords with my folk guitar, to find inspiration which seemed to never come. Had I forgotten how to write a song ? After 2 hours of trying, I gave up and got down my scale but my foot slipped and ended up laying on the floor, in pain. I got up and turned toward the scale...broken. Dammit ! I looked at it, tried to shake it but it was unstable and half of the wood thing ended up in my hands. It had to be fixed or otherwise I would struggle to get on bed again.

"Chris ! I need help here !" I shouted. No answer. I got out of my room, stood up the stairs, looking all around the house from that spot. "Chris ?" I got downstairs and noticed him in the living room, putting his coat on like he needed to go somewhere important. "Chris I need help !"

"Not now !"

"But Chris ! I broke my scale !"

"I SAID NOT NOW !" he looked so angry, it was scary. I hadn't seen him like this in a while.

"Okay what's wrong ? And where the hell are you going anyway ?"

"At the hospital ! Kelly is having long contractions. The baby could come at anytime now get out of my way!"

"But it's been a whole week you're saying the same thing ! Nothing happened yet ! And what if I needed you here ? What if I had something very important to tell you about ?"

"Emily you're not the person who I care the most about today okay ! Where the fuck are the car keys ?" He looked everywhere, panicked.

"Your left hand !" I said angrily. He looked in it and found the keys before he opened the door. "You're welco-" he had closed the door before I even stopped talking.

FUCK IT ! I let myself fall on the couch. I understand he's stressed and all, Kelly's pregnancy had been on over 9 months now. The child was late and she had been staying at the hospital since the past week. But Chris had totally stopped paying attention to me. I didn't matter anymore, it was all for Kelly until the birth. And even after, I could imagine Chris being way too busy feeding his son/daughter to even listen to me. I mean, I'm allowed to be at least a little mad at him, am I not ? Even just a little ? Well I guess I could say goodbye to the 'princess life' I had got the past year with Chris always being so interested and caring about my dumb life. That's why I had taken the habit to go out a lot more with Tony, Jaime, Vic and Mike...

I took out my phone and texted Mike. He could always make me feel better with his stupid jokes. Plus he was very fast at replying which was enjoyable.

Hey !

Hi ! What's up Em ?

I broke the scale of my bed and Chris is being rude :(

You want me come over and fix it ? ^^

But you're bad at fixing things aren't you ? XP


You out today ?

Nope, sorry :/ but I think Jaime is. You should ask him.

Thnx !

I immediatly texted Jaime.

Apparently you're out today ?

Are you spying me ?

I have my sources ;)

I'm going to buy a bass. Wanna come ?

Yay !

See ya at Starbucks in 20 minutes ?

Sure !

I got up lazily and took my earphones then I locked the door before leaving. Another artist I loved ; 50 cent. And I had decided to listen to him while walking to Starbucks. The weather was going colder, October and then end of Fall. Jaime was waiting for me, just in front of the cafe. He was carrying two drinks in his hands. He winked when he saw me and I got closer with a large smile. He extended one of the drinks toward me.

"I took a random hot drink for you. It's really cold today."

"Sweet ! Thank you so much ! What is it ?"

" chocolate, honey and almonds. You like it ?"

"Perfect ! You're awesome !" We walked to the guitar shop and came in. "So what are you looking for exactly ?"

"I have a bass I use for the band but it has a very deep sound you know, mostly for punk music which is great for the style of Pierce The Veil but whenever I'm at home and I wanna play another genre, without a pick you know, just playing with fingers, it still doesn't sound funk enough !"

"You've been saving up a lot for that, right ?"

"1000$. What do you play with ?"

"Well I have my double bass whenever I wanna play some Jazz or blues stuff. But for a funk slap solo I REALLY like Fender Jazz basses." I explained. "Look ! Here's one !" I took the white hung up bass off the wall and plugged it on the amp next to me. I turned on the sound and started slapping.

"Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers plays this in their song Can't Stop, right ?"

"He is the official best bassist alive !" Jaime took the bass and started playing.

"This is awesome ! Really !
350$? Damn !"

"Worth it, huh ?" I smirked.

"I take it !" We paid, put the bass in its slipcover and left. We sat on a public bench to finish our drinks.

"How did you end up playing the bass by the way ?" I ask curiously.

"Oh that ! Haha. I've been playing the trumpet for ten years and one day my uncle came over and he told me 'you know you can't get chicks playing the trumpet ! This is ridiculous !'" He quoted with a spanish accent. "So I started taking guitar classes but bass is obviously better so yeah !"

"So ? Conclusion ? How are girls doing with you ?" I smirked.

"It doesn't work better. I mean I get a lot of girls but it's all in the catch phrase."

"What was your catch phrase ?"

"It was so dumb ! I used to start talking about planets and then I got close to the girl and I said 'Hey girl ! I love Uranus.' You got it ? Uranus, your anus ?"

I spit the chocolate I had in my mouth and started laughing so hard !

"Really ? You're fucking kidding me ? I understand why you're single !" I laughed.

"Nah but now I changed it and whenever I wanna get laid, I just say it and it works all the time."

"Show me !"

He got up and acted like he was a stranger, coming to sit next to me on the bench. He put his arm around me, got his face closer to my ear and whispered "Daddy's home."

I shuddered. It was the weirdly getting hot around and my cheeks blushed. I laughed as his thing was working on me. "Pff ! Shut up !"

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