Chapter 5

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The day after was a classic boring school day until the afternoon break. I was standing back against a wall, a lolly pop in my mouth and some random Metallica record in my earphones while checking my Twitter when Tony suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. I stopped the music

"Hey Tony what's up ?" I asked then I noticed his mates around him. 

"Hey Em ! I was wondering...cause me and the guys are going for a drink after school. Do you wanna come with us ?"

"Yeah sure ! Why not !" I answered, a little surprised. 

"Alright then ! See ya later babe !" One of 'the guys' said before winking at me and leave with the others. He was the tallest one of them. He had blue eyes and a sexy smile, probably the drummer cause drummers are all the same.

After school, I just stood there, smoking my cigarette and waiting for Tony and his friends to show up. I waited for about 15 minutes and everyone was already out of the building, even the teachers. When it started raining, I decided to go home. I smoked one last time, threw the cigarette on the floor and put on my hoodie before walking home under the rain. Those motherfuckers were probably gone already. I walked for a few seconds when I suddenly felt a hand grab my arm. 

"Where do you think you're going sweetie ?" He was the one with the dumb hair. He smiled at me and we joined the others a few meters away. 

"I waited centuries for you guys ! Who the hell do you think you are to make a lady wait like that ?" I laughed. 

"Oh come on let's go before we all get soaked !" The small one said.

We got in the closest cafe around and sat. They all took a coffee except the dumb haired one which was funny because when the waitress came, he literally said "What ? Seriously ? You don't have beers in here ? Do you really think that's how life works ? Maaaan I had never seen that before ! I guess I'll just have a coffee then...please" This guy made me laugh so hard and as we were waiting for our orders to come, we started chatting. 

"So what are your names again cause I don't know you at all..." I asked. 

"I'm Jaime, and I play bass...and trumpet cause it's cool" he said. Then the most Mexican of then continued 

"I'm Vic and I play guitar and I sing." 

"And I'm Mike I play drums !" Said the tall one. 

"Oh yeah I knew you were the drummer. You all act the same, it's crazy !" I said.

"How about you ?" Vic asked 

"I'm Em..."

Our orders finally arrived and they had put marshmallows in my hot chocolate which was the best thing ! We laughed a lot, these guys were really nice and we were having a great time. Then Vic asked 

"By the way, I noticed you were very lonely at school. You never talk to anyone...why ?" I looked through the window, the rain was falling like piano notes on a symphony. I was seriously thinking of my answer, wanting to say something simple that would end the topic without sounding aggressive.

I drank a bit of my chocolate and said "I just feel like I don't belong with anyone out there. That's all, we're different and I'd rather be alone than surrounded by idiots and I'm totally fine with that anyway."

I smiled and we started talking about Pierce The Veil. I noticed how close they were from each other and it was pretty fun to hear their bandmates' stories. Jaime and Vic were doing awesome imitations which made me laugh so hard. They were making fun of Tony and Mike was very quiet and he was only speaking to say something stupid. We shared our phone numbers and the time came for us to go home. 

"It was awesome meeting you Em !" Jaime said. We got out of the cafe and as it was raining more and more, I put on my hoodie. 

"Can I drive you home ? It's raining so hard !" Vic asked. I was so happy about this because honestly I didn't want to get sick 

"Please !" I answered. I said goodbye to the boys and Vic took me back near the school were he had left his car.

We were running under the rain and laughing so hard then we arrived to the car "We're soaked Oh My God !" he exclaimed.

"Yeah and that's the moment when you loose your keys and we're fucked" I laughed. 

He checked his pockets "Well I have actually..." He looked at me, embarrassed. 

"Hoe don't you dare !" I laughed. 

"No just kidding here they are !! LOL"

"Fuck you !" 

He opened and we jumped in. He started driving as I was showing him the way. We talked the whole travel about music, how he liked to write and mostly his lyrics. I always enjoyed listening to people talk about their life and all. Plus Vic was extremely passionated and my eyes were hung on his words. When we arrived, I was still shaking because of the cold. Vic stopped the car on a little sidewalk in front of the house. 

We stayed quiet for a moment and he noticed how cold I was "Give me your hands" he said, putting his warm fingers around mine. 

"Damn ! You're frozen !" he said. "You'd better get inside before you get sick." 

I looked at the house for a second then got back to his eyes "You don't wanna come ? You can change and I have hot drinks..."

"No, it's okay, I'm going home now." 

We both smiled and I got out of the car. I waved at him as I was watching the car leave under the rain. I got inside and found Chris and Kelly making out on the couch. 

When he saw me, he got up quickly and exclaimed "Maaan you're soaked ! Where have you been ?" 

"Basically just having a coffee with Tony and his bandmates and it was raining so Vic drove me home." I told him, talking my shoes off. "Hi Kelly ! Great to see you !" I waved at her before running upstairs.

I picked an oversized sweater and went to take a warm shower. Then I got back downstairs and made myself a burning tea before sitting on the couch with Chris and Kelly. They had brought mattresses which was a genius idea and we talked a lot. Kelly told me why she had to move in with us. She wasn't 21 yet so she was still living with her parents. Her whole family was christian and hardly mad at her for being pregnant so young. She was arguing everyday with her father which was not helpful to prepare her exams and because she couldn't stand it anymore and stress is bad for the baby, Chris told her to come here. I was glad that she was with us now and I was so damn exited about the baby that was going to arrive soon. We watched a random Wayne's World movie and we all fell asleep on the couch.

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