Chapter 17

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I'm sorry I took ages to write this chapter but school started again and exams are coming soon. :/ I promise I'll update more often now. Oh and here is the Bowie song ^

"What are you doing ?" I asked Chris as I was going down the stairs. I had gotten out of my room for a snack then I saw him, he was putting stuff together and filling boxes.

"Just packing." He said casually which left me confused.

I raised an eyebrow and got closer to him. I stopped, gave a look at the boxes. Words were written on each of them : "kitchen" ; "baby" ; "CD's" etc...

"Okay, did I miss something or...?" I asked, pointing the load of boxes.

"Me and Kelly are moving away. We're getting our own apartment not too far from here. I think it's time, you know." He didn't even look up at me.

It hit me how things had changed between us. It hit me how everything was changing so fast.

"Why didn't you tell me about it ?" I sat on a chair near him and watched him.

"I don't know, I must have been busy."

I was angry at him but I didn't want to get into a fight so I just sighed and dropped the subject. I decided to get more information about that 'moving away' thing.

"When will you leave ?"

"Erm... Only a few days before you go I guess."

"But what about the house ? You're gonna sell it ?"

"Yes, that's the plan. Getting rid of some bad memories by the same occasion."

"Alright... You know I'm going to visit my apartment in Seattle tomorrow ?"

"You need me to drive you there ?"

"No, I already bought the train tickets. I'll be fine."


"Okay" I mumbled and sighed before leaving the room.

I wasn't hungry anymore. I spent the whole day laying on my couch and listening to the 1003 songs that I had on my phone. It was relaxing me but I was just over thinking at the moment. I was trying to picture my life in Seattle, I was remembering the good old times spent with Chris before Alfie, I was trying to remember how exited I was about college before I met Vic. I remember was so happy to go to Seattle at the time. I just wanted to get rid of high school. I wanted my life to change but then he arrived and I wasn't sure of what I wanted anymore.

As I was thinking of him, he texted me :

"Hey !"


"How are you doing ? :)"


"You okay ?"


"You want me to do something ?"


"Okay something's wrong, we're gonna fix this. Meet me at the park"

I put my phone in my pocket and stared at the ceiling. It took me a few seconds to get up. I felt numb. I put on my shoes and went downstairs. I wasn't so motivated to go but I knew that whatever would happen at the park, Vic would find a way to make feel better. He always made me feel better no matter how I felt in first place.

The sky was slowly getting dark and it was almost night time when I found Vic standing against that tree we used to meet at. I walked towards him. He had set a blanket in the grass and put his bag in a corner. He saw me and looked up from his phone. I could notice a smile on his face and he came to me. He took my hands and kissed my lips softly. He slowly pulled away and looked at me, his smile was still there.

"So how are you feeling ?" He asked.

"Numb." I sighed and went to lay on the blanket, facing the sky.

He laid on his back next to me, turned his head on the side to look at me, waiting for me to explain. I let it all out :

"Chris is moving away with Kelly and he didn't tell me because has better things to do than talk to me or even pay attention and I am visiting my appartment tomorrow and I feel like this is all going too fast, it's freaking me out and I don't know if I wanna go anymore. I wish it could all stay as it is and I'm feeling weird and sad but I am powerless, I can't do anything I just want time to stop so I can be with you forever because you make my life so great and without you I just...ugh." I covered my face with my hands for a few seconds. I felt like crying but nothing came out.

My eyes were wet, still staring at the sky. My throat was tight and I just turned and buried my face into Vic's shoulder. He put his arm around me. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I knew he would change the subject. He always did when it came to talk about our break up. He made me sit up and grabbed his bag. He took out cigarettes and a lighter. He picked one, put it in his mouth, lit it up and handed it to me. He hadn't said a word. Then he looked up and let out a giggle.

"What's up ?"

"It's raining hard tonight. The rain of a thousand soul. The tears of a thousand broken hearted people falling from the sky and all I can do is smile because it's beautiful."

I giggled. "Good one ! I gotta say ! Too bad it's not raining !"

"I know ! I just made it up right now and I thought it'd be a shame to save it for a rainy day."

"Good point." I paused and smiled. "Imagine that shooting stars are really just angels throwing away their cigarettes before God catches them smoking..." I said in a dreamy voice.

"Okay you win. That was beautiful."

There was a silence. Then Vic put his cigarette in his mouth, freeing his right hand and grabbed his bag again. He picked a small speaker and put it down between us and turned it on. I watched him plug his phone and I could notice a smirk on his lips despite the darkness of the place. He scrolled his finger on the screen I couldn't see and stopped on a song. He put down his phone as the sound started playing. Heroes by David Bowie. It was my favorite song of all time. He took my hand, entwined his fingers with mine and kissed me, leading me on the top of him. I rubbed my hand down his face as we were kissing and let my fingers run through his hair. He placed his hands on my waist.

"Why are you so perfect ?" I asked against his lips. He rolled over to end up on the top.

"Because you deserve perfection." He simply said before kissing me again, passionately.

We made out on the blanket as the song was playing. That night was magical.

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