Chapter 3

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Rewritten :)

George's pov (WOOO)

The brunet was writing down his notes down for his science class sine they had a steer coming up this Friday which was kinda annoying knowing there was a test right before the weekend like who does that

George finished the last touches of his notes before taking out his phone from his pocket to scroll through Instagram before something caught his eye that it was a fight video posted  

When he looked very carefully to see who it was Clay and a boy named Max Williams while watching it, it was very violent before George decided to reply to the person that posted it in their story

Hey Y/N, am wondering why
they started fighting in the
first place if you know why?

Oh its just because  Max started
saying that Clay was crying
and he wasn't satisfied so
started fighting him

I see I mean Clay always had
anger issues and problems

Yeah, he has

Well I gotta go
thank you Y/n

You're welcome

George went to search up Clay's Instagram if he posted anything before he saw the story icon was highlighted which meant he did before opening it

George went to search up Clay's Instagram if he posted anything before he saw the story icon was highlighted which meant he did before opening it

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@/Clay_Andreson: 'At a other party again which was fun before everyone left due a police complaint now am alone waiting to get caught lmfao'

@/Sapnap and 3,500 liked this post

The brunet sighed while looking at the photo due the bottle of alcohol in the table knowing Clay was usage drinking but I didn't know why he does it

*RING RING* George heard the bell ring before grabbing his backpack from the floor as making his way out the class and started walking towards his next class period

The brunet continued walking to go towards his class as he was outside the classroom he realize before that George had the same class as Clay for this period but he decided not thing or it due he thought the blond would probably skip the class

As George entered, he saw the blond sitting on his desk but he was sleeping which the brunet didn't expect but shrugged it off before he see's Karl waving at him to come over towards our table as the brunet made his way towards the table

"Hi Gogy" Karl smiled to see his best friend which George just sat down on the chair "Hey Karl, how you doing?" The brunet said while taking out his books from his bag "am doing alright, besides stressed with classwork all work"

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