Chapter 13

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Clay's POV (play the song when I say so)

Clay just decided to walk 'home' since he had to practice for the talent show due it was on Monday so the blond had two days besides he knew how to play piano since his grandma showed him how to when she was alive

The blond continue walking since it was a ten minute walk back but he was still to drunk to know where he was going but oh well

Clay looks up at the light post that was super bright since it was dark outside which was normal that's when he remembered that He had school today since it was Thursday

The blond didn't know if he should go or not since Clay been having a rough sleep schedule due of all of the stress and partying besides. That It almost two in the morning

He saw his house in the distance which Clay was scared to enter due of the drama in the household when the blond grabbed his keys from his pocket

The blond opened the door but it felt so empty and strange when Clay walked upstairs since he needed to go to his room where the keyboard was hidden

Clay  walked inside his bedroom when he turned to see a note on his desk when he grabbed the note which it read 'Clay, we're out for the weekend but we will be back on Monday for the talent show'

The blond knew this was his chance to tell his mom but he calls her real name aka Melissa but why would they leave without him but it was better then nothing since it can be better then without dealing with Derek for three days

When he walked towards his closet to pick up the keyboard that was hidden right as Clay grabbed his notebook from my desk and a pencil to write the lyrics with for the song placed it on my lap and started playing

Clay's thought process was doing well after not playing for ten years before he write down the lyrics down when the blond saw it was three in the morning Clay decided to practice singing

So the blond won't have to worry on Monday since it was early for it to come but Clay had to do it so he won't be scared anymore so Derek could get caught after these years

Play now :')

Clay takes a deep breath before starts playing the keys  again as he got the the rhythm before starting to sing in calm voice

I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than

Body, let me see your body
Take off all your makeup and your clothes
Trust me, why don't you just trust me?

You're the only beauty, show me more
You're not a dime a dozen
Oh, your skin is golden

Let me show the whole damn world
You're one in a billion
The only thing you're missin'

Is some tape over that mouth

Young Clay sitting on the bed with tape covering his mouth

Body, I'm more than my body
You can pack your things up, buh bye, just go

Body, I'm more than my body
Don't owe you a thing, no, not at all
I'm not a toy to play with

Not just a sight to see and
My mind is worth its weight in gold
I'm not a dime a dozen

I know I'm worth this, more than
You will ever know
Touch me, you just want to feel me

As Clay felt tears pricking his eyes

You just want to share me
You don't care at all
Trust you, why don't I just trust you?

You just want to use me
Now I know
Body, I'm more than my body

You will never get me, buh bye, just go
I'm more than
I'm more than

Tears were falling on the keyboard

I'm more than
My bodyyyy
I'm more than

I'm more than
I'm more than
My bodyyy

Before the blond's green eyes saw his pocket knife on the floor while playing the keyboard when he grabbed it and placed it on his lap

I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than

My bodyyyyyy
I'm more than
I'm more than

I'm more than
My bodyyyyyy
I'm more than

I'm more than
I'm more than


The blond shoved his keyboard off his lap before Clay rolled up his long sleeves to just face to face

TW scars and bruises  and selfharm

His faded scars and bruises are when the blond remembered that Clay placed his pocket knife on his lap before he placed the blade on his skin and starts cutting

After the blond cut over ten times each arm when he threw his back knife across the room

TW over

TW mention of sexual abuse

Clay just saw his arms bleeding which he didn't care and started walking towards his bed before laying down and started crying cause of the trama and pain

But the blond knew he had to tell his story with the song and tell anyone that been through this pain and dealing with it in memory and trama

Expectally when he had it without permission and without context when it was happening like why when he was just four years old, Clay didn't know till the blond was ten when he knew it was wrong but he couldn't tell anyone about it

Since no one would believe him but when Clay would perform the song in the talented show, he hope someone will noticed and help him before the blond had an idea

That they will believe him on what happen to him so he can wear a button up shirt and have my pocket knife in my pocket so I cut the sleeves to reveal the truth

Which was a good idea for it but he hope Melissa  catches it quickly so she can divorce Derek even though she hasn't noticed over these twelve years of dealing with it

The blond just hope she will if not then he will no longer call her as his own mother that gave birth to him since she was always busy with Drista and  Derek

Not even Clay aka himself when he was her first child but if his friends notices it then he will just have to tell them after the talent show which was a good idea so they can call the police or even

So they can go to the police station to report of sexual abuse which he hope they put Derek in jail after what he did to him if they don't then Clay will be not safe at home or with Derek

TW over

Before Clay decided to just closed his eyes to before falling asleep

1,140 words

Posted: March 12 2022
Edited: November 15th 2022

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