Chapter 23

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Play the music when I say so

"The end" George smiles "that's it?" As George looks at Carly on his lap "sadly it well that was the story of 'The crazy boy from the neighborhood' so did you learned?"

"Yes papa, I did but what happen to him?" Carly asked George picked up Carly off his lap "well you see Carly, he is in my heart" George smiles

Carly looked at her papa confused "But I want to meet him like he seem a cool boy but did horrible decisions" Carly sighs "he did make horrible decisions but he told me that he would love everyone so much as much he did"

"But papa, where is he like. you said you met him before but didn't tell me where?" As George looks at his daughter with soft smile

"He just not around anymore you know?" George sighs which Carly was still confused "what do you mean? Like you said the last time you saw him was over nine years ago" Carly says

"I know cause he just had some difficulties when he was a teenager, like I was being alive without a father and only with a mother aka your grandmother" George muttered "but you have grandma so what do you mean?"

"Here we're going somewhere" George smiles as Carly nods when they start walking outside the car which the brunet helps Carly get on her car seat

"Alright you ready?" George smiles as he looks at the mirror "yes papa" Carly smiles but the brunet knew his smile was fake as he starts driving

George starts driving to the location which wasn't far "Carly, where gonna stop, by the store okay?" As the brunet see's Carly nod

When George arrived to the store, exit the car and making his way to backseat to open the door for Carly which she takes off her seatbelt

As George holds on to Carly hand and starts walking towards inside the store when they made inside. George goes to get a shopping cart

George pulls out the kid shopping cart and picks up Carly to put her on the seating of the cart
(by the way Carly is five years old like the shopping cart the one with idk how describe it but it looks like this

George pulls out the kid shopping cart and picks up Carly to put her on the seating of the cart (by the way Carly is five years old like the shopping cart the one with idk how describe it but it looks like this

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George starts pushing the cart to make to the flower section of the store and see's many see many flower bouquets to choose from

The brunet looks at Carly who was playing on iPad which she was probably playing a kids game But he knew what flowers to get

Since the blonde would always mention that he loves roses so George grabbed a bouquet of roses when the brunet puts the roses in the cart

The brunet starts  walking toward the toy area so Carly can get a toy for herself when they made it the toy area. He pokes Cary to let her know

When Carly looks up from her iPad and see's there in the toy area when she looks back at her father "go head point at something" as Carly looks again at the toys

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