Chapter 8

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George's POV

The brunet was just walking around the halls since he needed to make sure everyone is in class besides trying to skip classes but Clay was off limits since he knew how much the blond didn't care if he skipped or attend class

George checks his Apple Watch to see it was 1:30 so class is about to be dismissed which was good since school gonna be over-


The brunet watches to see the students leaving their classroom which everyone is heading to their last class for the day or just talking to theirs friends while doing that which was normal

TW Sexual Assault, f-slur, bullying

When George wasn't paying attention of his surroundings when he felt someone smack his  ass right as he joint in shock before the brunet turned around to see no other then Daniel "what the fuck Daniel, why did you do that!" He just laughs "because it's funny little faggot"

"YOU HAVE THE NOT RIGHT TO DO THAT ANYONE AND USE THE WORD!" George yelled while Daniel just rolled his eyes  "why not, little Georgie aren't you like a principal pet?"

At the point George just speechless and didn't know what to do "HEY LEAVE GEORGE ALONE!" The brunet heard someone yelled when he see's  the blonde aka Clay "great, it's the crazy boy from the neighborhood"

TW over

"You have not the right smack anyone, like that like what the fuck is wrong with you!" Clay shouted which Daniel just glared at the blond "because it's funny besides why you even protecting George? he literally a principal pet"

Clay just filled his body with distressed "It just his job to help the principal so just leave George alone!" The blond yelled  at he Daniel that was just crossing his arms while George was just standing their awkwardly (a/n like this🧍🏻)

TW f-slur

"Wait are you faggot too, Clay?! Like why would protect a gay person unless your a faggot too" Daniel grinned before gagging in disgust

TW over

George noticed that Clay didn't say anything after that "just leave us alone" with that Clay grabbed George's arm to pull him with the blond so they could get  away from Daniel

When we're away from Daniel which Clay still holding my arm  "Clay can you let me go now?" The brunet raised a brow "oh yeah, uhm sorry"
Clay just let go off George's arm before he just stood their  awkwardly

Right as George watched the blond grabbed his backpack to unzip before he pulled out a cigarette and his lighter which of course the brunet knew Clay was gonna smoke "so uhm are you okay?"

Clay raised a brow with a concern look on his face "Am fine, just kinda forgot, I had my taser and pepper spray to be honest since I didn't expect anything to happen but I was wrong"  George sighed as the blond slowly nods before lighting up the cigarette

"It's not your fault George, besides he didn't have right to call you a faggot and do that" George just look at the blond placing the cigarette between his lips while his blonde hair falling on his forehead with his cigarette between his lips  on his lip piercings

Before George remembered that Daniel called the blond the f slur tok before she decided ask a question "Uhm Clay? Why were you quite when you were defending me after Daniel asked you if you were a faggot too?" Which Clay looked at the brunet with a blank expression before removing the cigarette off his lips

"It doesn't matter besides can you stop asking questions" the brunet slowly nod since he knew it wasn't his business to know about Clay even though George was still curious about the blond

George just took out his phone to check anything new on his phone but there was nothing new since everyone was busy before he heard soft snoring?

The brunet  looks up to see Clay leaning on the locker there sleeping which of course he looked so peaceful when he slept, he also looked cute wait what- George didn't  even know if Clay is even gay though

But you can't label someone what they look like since everyone can have different sexuality without you knowing so George didn't want think the blond was straight to assume anything

Before the thought George will think to wonder if Clay's hair was soft since it was messy and curly but the brunet didn't  feel like he was gonna make the blond uncomfortable with it

Right as George felt his eyes sleepy but tried his best keep his eyes awake since he was a tired person in general before he heard Clay talking but his eyes were still closed and asleep  "s-stop please"

Which the brunet looked at the blond before he saw tears falling Clay's eyes and cheeks that made George panic and decided to wake him up "Clay wake up" the brunet starting shaking the blond to wake up "s-stop" That's when the brunet just shake him more "CLAY! JUST WAKE UP"

Clay quickly opened his eyes, they were red and puffy "are you okay?" George asked with a worried look on his face "uhm I gotta go" with that the blond started to run away and left

Now the brunet wondered if the blond is okay since he was crying in his sleep but George can't know if he will make him uncomfortable to ask why he is crying and more things he can't think of

Clay's POV

The blond quickly ran 'home' since there was no where to think before since he had be there if not the blond didn't know what was gonna happen, when Clay grabbed his keys out of back pocket, the blond took noticed that he was shaking

Clay quickly unlocked the door and closed it before locking it as he was cut off by someone pushing him in to the wall

TW physical abuse (skip if not comfortable reading abuse)

The blond looks up to see Derek holding his wrists tightly, Clay just felt so numb "finally you're home so time to punish you since you didn't come home yesterday wait who's clothes are those?!"

Clay just glared at Derek "They are my friends and he let me use  his dad's clothes" Clay muttered which was quite but audible  "WHAT EVER NOW TIME FOR THE FUN!" That's when the blond felt a punch on his chest

Which cause Clay to fall on the floor holding on to his chest in pain before when he felt more punches on his face and banging on his head

The blond felt tears pricking his eyes "S-Stop please" Clay whispered in pain but Derek just scoffed not caring "eh I don't care now shut up!" Right before Clay was kicked on his ribs feeling he was gonna have a bruise after this

Clay saw Derek grabbing his cheeks before  his knuckles hit his cheek when The blond spit out blood out of his mouth "aww you just spit out blood that's kinda good since now" 

When the blond felt a banged sound which I saw Derek holding his head one more time on the wall before Clay knew it,  he passed out on the floor with puddle of blood

TW over

1,232 words

Posted: March 3rd 2022
Edited: November 9th 2022

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