Chapter 11

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Third person POV

George, Karl, and Niki walk up to the house to as they take a deep breath before they entered the house when George opens the door to see teenagers drinking or smoking or even dancing

"Okay, am look for Wilbur since he told was gonna come" George and Karl nodded  as they watch Niki walks away to find her tall brunet friend

As Karl and George go to walk to kitchen to get a drink but the brunet was just gonna get water since he was gonna be a sober tonight incase Karl gets drunk

When The brunets heard  "DRINK! DRINK! as they turned around see the dirty blonde sanding on a table drinking a bottle of vodka while everyone wws cheering to drink

But George suspicion knew the blonde was already drunk and high as hell before studied Clay's and Sapnap's outfits

But George suspicion knew  the blonde was already drunk and high as hell before studied Clay's and Sapnap's outfits

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Clay's outfit^^ (but the shirt is green snd a long sleeve shirt under neath

Clay's outfit^^ (but the shirt is green snd a long sleeve shirt under neathAnd

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Sapnap's outfit^^

George noticed that once the blonde finished, he went outside the backyard when Karl was talking to Sapnap which George was glad that Karl had sweet boyfriend

The brunet walked outside the backyard to see Clay leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette and a other bottle of vodka on his right hand when the blond turns around to face George

"Ohhh heyy Georgieeee~" Clay slurred which made George roll his eye "oh my god, Clay you're so drunk and high" the brunet just giggled as the blond nods in agreement

The blond took out the cigarette between his lips before looking at the brunet "Sooo Georgieeee, wwwhoo are youuu withhhh?" George just looks up at Clay's green eyes but red due the blonde was high (A/N George isn't colorblind)

"Oh I am with Karl and Niki, you probably don't know Niki but she goes to a different school" George smiles "I knowwww herrr but that'sssss coooool"

The brunet was shocked that the blond knew who was Niki before he watched Clay takes a other sip of the vodka bottle before a puff of the cigarette before they saw fundy coming there way which fundy looked drunk too

"If it isn't Georgeee and Clayyy" Fundy slurred "oh my godddd Fundyyyy leaveee usss aloneee besidessss leaveeee" Fundy just glared at Clay before leaving

When they now saw Schlatt comes towards the blonde and brunet "hey George and Clay, how are you guys?" Schlatt asked "am doing alright, just Clay is drunk and high right now"

Schlatt nods "was Fundy bothering you guys cause I know how he can be?" The blond nods his head "kindaaa just beingggg a bit drunkkk you knowwww?" As George takes a sip of his water while Clay was Slurring his words

"Okay, let me know if he does anything stupid even if he becomes a sober again alright?" George nods when Schlatt leave the two be alone while one was a sober and the other drunk and high as hell

As George takes out his phone to see it was eleven PM aka 11:00 when George hears "DARE OR DRINK OR TRUTH IN LIVING ROOM!"

"Are you gonna go?" George asked when Clay just nods as the brunet helps the blond to walk inside due he was drunk as hell

When they finally made it inside to see everyone in circle waiting for Clay and George as they sit down in the circle "alright who first?" Quackity asked

"How about mmm- Clay" Daniel smirks shile staring at the blond "so Clay truth or dare" as George looks up at Clay which had a smirk on his drunk dumb face "dareeee" clay smirks  

"I dare you have 7 minutes in heaven with Amber" as Clay see's the girl that asked him out the other day "uhmmm noo thanksss am passsss onnn thaatttt"

Daniel just scoffed "No, It's daré so gotta do it" Clay just slowly nods before he starts to walk  to the closet with Amber when they made it to the closet the door closed on them

Clay's pov

The blond was so drunk and high right now while he just looked Amber which Clay was really uncomfortable which he wish she didn't do anything oh boy the blond was wrong

"Clay~ you so cute right now with that outfit mind if I kiss you since you're really hot" the blond watched and saw her smile but he was to drunk to hear what she said due being echoing in his ears

TW sexual assault (without permission)

Before Clay knew it, he felt her lips press in her lips on his but the blond felt so numb for two minutes, Clay felt her hand going under his shirt  "S-Stop please" he whispered

But she didn't stop "STOP!" Amber didn't stop that's when Clay pushed her off before he knew it, the blond felt tears falling off his cheeks when the blond ran outside the closet

TW over

The blond looked at his friends and they were looking at him but Clay just ran outside of the house when he felt more tears falling off his cheeks that's when he just felt more disgusted that he got sexually assaulted again

Clay just decided to go to the park since it was his comfort zone where he needed to get a break from everything happening in his life

The blond was too drunk to know anything but he knew how to control his body even though when Clay felt like he was a disgusting and not loved human being

When Clay saw the park in the distance but he heard his phone ringing when the blond saw George calling him but he didn't know if he should answer or not

The blond just answered and put the  phone besides his ear  when He heard "Clay?" The blond took a deep breath before he said anything

Normal: Clay
Bold: George

Clay: Uhm hii georgeee

George: where are you Clay?
You just ran out of the party?

Clay: somewhereeee

George:oh my god Clay,
tell me where are you.

Clay: noooo


That's when Clay hanged up on George and continued walking to the playground which it looked abandoned but it still had colors even though the park was almost eight years old

The blond just sat down on the swing set since he was swinging on the swing since when Clay was little but he remembered that he had a childhood friend that he met at this park once but he had to move to the United Kingdom

but Clay never knew if he moved back or stayed at the United Kingdom, all the blond remembers him having dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a few freckles on his cheeks with his plumb pink lips

He had a sweet mom but the blond haven't seen him over six years which Clay really misses him but he knew his best friend probably has a better life in the United Kingdom

The blond just hope he will come back since he was my best friend, his only friend in that time before Clay met Sapnap in second grade

Clay just wishes that he can see his best friend again soon

1,210 words

Posted: March 11th 2022
Edited: November 11th 2022

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