Chapter 18

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Third person POV

"So uhm Its kinda bette,  if you have therapy and that you can could help you forget you know what" Clay just looks down to see the IV on his left hand and cast on his right arm

Before the blond slowly nodded in agreement "Okay.." the doctor check on his clipboard if there was anything else to tell Clay  "also you need therapy,  for at least five months alright" Clay looked at George which the brunet nodded his head "that's fine, can I just stay for my boyfriend and friends for a bit"

Which the doctor nodded "Of course, just click that button if you need anything" the doctor says as he walks out the room

George sighed as he looked at the blond that was sad knowing he was going to therapy soon before he went to look at Clay "it's gonna be okay Clay, besides it's better for you to forget"

Clay looks up at his friends and boyfriend "yeah man, it's for the better" Sapnap smiles as he grabs Karl's hand which Karl just nodded in agreement

"So y'all gonna support me through this even though am gonna be gone for five months for therapy?" Clay asked looking up at the brunet and his friends Which George leans down to kiss the blond's cheek "yes Clay, we will no matter what since I love you and I want you get confidence in yourself"

Clay just feels tears pricking his eyes which he hated  since he hated crying in front of people since he hated showing his emotions but he had to embrace himself for  his lover and friends

"Thank you George for everything and even thought this gonna be hard just know I text you everyday" the brunet just wipes Clay's tears from his cheeks

George slowly smiled as he looked the blond "Of course now, let's hope you will get better and you're arm will get better and your scars which probably will leave a mark but just know that your beautiful and strong"

Clay just nodded before staring at his cast on his right arm "I will never forget you George even though,  we're gonna be five months apart just know I will always do my best to call you everyday"

George softly  smiled before the door opened  to  where he  saw a nurse to come in with a wheelchair "Clay you ready?" The nurse asked

Clay nods as the nurse walks towards the blond to help him sit down when the blond sat down on the wheelchair before he looked up to see his boyfriend and friends

"I will see you guys soon alright?" Clay smiled "okay, goodbye clay" they all said which the blond smiles as the nurse and Clay leave the room

The brunet felt tears pricking his eyes "don't worry George, you will see him soon alright?" He turns to see Sapnap staring at him which George nods and knowing he will see the blonde again in five months

"Am miss him but I know it is for the best" as George walked out the hospital room to make his way towards the waiting room where his mum was

The brunet saw his mum reading a book that was in a shelf to read while you wait "mum" as Alissa looked up to see her son "how is he? (A/N I forgot George's mum name-)

"He is well and uhm he is going to therapy for five months for you know so uhm can we go home?" Which Alissa nodded before they made their way out the hospital to beards towards the car

when the two of them started to walk towards the white suv before getting the inside the car as The brunet unlocked the passenger seat door before George sat down on the passenger seat as he placed his seatbelt on while his mom got in the driver seat

Time skip

Once they got home, George just rushed towards the front door before looking for his house keys in pocket when he found them, the brunet quickly unlocked the door as he took off his shoes

Before rushing upstairs to go to his bedroom and without changing due being lazy without knowing he was crying, George fell asleep

The next day

The brunet slowly waking up due the bright sun light was reflecting the curtain before he rubbed his eyes right as he about get off his bed as George looked down to remembering when he saw Clay sleeping peacefully when the blond slept over

Which made George feel sad since he couldn't see his boyfriend for five months due of he was going to therapy which made the brunet sad to think about

The brunet slowly made his way towards his dresser for his outfit for today which was a basic but it wasn't like a boring outfit but it was something which he chose a white shirt, light green sweater, black sweatpants, and a few jewelry which reminded it of Clay

Before George realized that he had school today which he didn't feel like going but the brunet knew that he had to go which gonna make him ssd but he can deal with five months hopefully inches before he made his way out the bedroom to go downstairs where he smelled bacon and eggs 

As the brunet walked downstairs where he saw his mum surely cooking breakfast which she looked up from cooking "oh good morning George, how are you doing" she softly smiled before flipping the bacon on the pan

"Morning mum" George sighed as he sat down on the bar stool before taking out his phone from his pocket to go towards on Instagram

To search Clay's Instagram to see many posts with the blond and the gang which made George slowly chuckle "here you go George" the brunet turned to grab a fork before start eating breakfast

"So are you going to school today?" George looked up to face his mum before nodding before waiting till the food is down his throat to speak "yeah, I am since I don't want miss school" Alissa nodded

"Ok, I will go get the car ready so go brush your teeth, get your backpack, and put on your shoes and meet me at the car" George nodded as he watched his mum walk out the door

George was nervous but he knew that he still had go to school as the brunet  finished his breakfast to place the plate on the seat to go towards the bathroom to brush to his teeth

Time skip

George was in the car with mum while driving to school before he saw the school as his mum parked "here we are, also George call me if you need anything since a lot of things happen"

Which the brunet nodded before he walked out of the car to walk towards the school

1,160 words

Posted: April 11th 2022
Edited: November 17th 2022

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