Chapter 19

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Play the song when I say so
                         Five Months later

Clay's POV

The blond was finally done with therapy after five months, he couldn't wait for George come pick him up from the therapy place that he stayed at

Clay was just waiting at the waiting room since he couldn't  wait any longer when the blond heard "Clay, someone is here to pick you" the blond looked up to see his therapist say

The blond nodded before started walking towards the entrance to see George standing there but before Clay noticed what George was wearing

Which was a white skirt, light blue hoodie croptop, and white high socks (not sexualizing) as Clay quickly ran to  rush to towards the brunet  to give a hug

"GEORGE! OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU" Clay yelled as he smiled "I miss you too, my lovely boyfriend" George smiled as they pecked each others lips before they heard   "Clay has been getting better, so he doesn't have to worry about anything" the therapist says

George nodded "Okay thank you, have a good day miss" the brunet smiled as Clay quickly took George's hand and started walking towards the car

"So where is your mom?" The blond wondered since George is always with his mom  "oh my mum is at my aunts house that lives two hours away so we're gonna be home alone for five days" George explained

The blond nod as they get in the car when George starts driving towards his house  while Clay placed his left hand on his thigh and slowly rubbing it which the brunet took noticed and slowly blushed

Time skip

When they arrived to George's house which they get inside when they take off their shoes  as George grabs the blond's hand and leads him up the stairs

When they rush quickly to George's bedroom as the blond took notice that the bedroom which was a bit different from before like there was a radio player and a bigger bed then before and sound proof covers?

"So want you wanna do?" Clay asked as the brunet looked at blond  before he  just started thinking before then George  gets an idea "we can just chill" the blond just nodded when they just lay down on the bed

The brunet stared at his boyfriend's green eyes "How was it since I haven't seen you after five months?" George smiles "it was scaring at first but I got used to it to stop doing bad things and not be afraid anymore"

"Am glad, am just proud of you Clay, you came a long time" which Clay nod in agreement since he wasn't wrong about that  "I know anyways how is everyone?"

"There doing good, just busy with collage applications" George said as Clay was just staring at the brunet lips before his eyes  "yeah, I probably won't get answered since you know"

George just looks up at the blond before he smiled "don't worry, you have a beautiful voice so you probably become be a singer?"

"I guess wait I wrote a song while at the therapy place so do you have guitar?" Clay got up from the bed which George just pointed at his closet "over there in the closet" The blond nodded as he  made his  way to the closet

Play now

To see the guitar when the blond grab it and walked back sit down on the bed "you ready?" Clay looked at  George to  nod in agreement when the blond took a deep breath before  start playing the guitar

Breathe deep, breathe clear
Know that I'm here, know that I'm here

Stay strong, stay gold
You don't have to fear, you don't have to fear

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