Chapter 14

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Time skip to Monday (cause were lazy smh)

Clay's POV

The blond was laying down in bed well since it was still rarely five in morning barely since school hasn't started yet but he didn't want to go but Clay knew he had to for the talent show

Clay got up from the bed to walk to my desk to grab my packet of cigarettes and my lighter before taking a out a cigarette right as he placed the cigarette between his lips

The blond felt the smoke inhaling his lungs which was normal since he started smoking in freshman year which was kinda young but it was for the best to help him calm down

He went to open to his bedroom's window so it won't smell that bad when he had bad trama in his bedroom that's when Clay heard the door opening

The blond panicked before he threw the cigarette quickly out the window when Clay turned around to see Derek which he looked drunk which he panicked more

"Clay why you doing up so early huh~? Derek slurred as Derek looked at the blond  "l-leave m-me a-alone p-please" Clay whispered trying to hold his tears  but Derek started to come closer towards him

When he was came to his ear "Clay wanna have fun while Melissa and Drista are still asleep~?" Thats when Clay quickly felt his tears feeling his eyes


"N-No p-please" but Derek grabbed his wrist tightly which Clay hissed in pain due of his cuts but Derek didn't noticed "we're gonna fun now be quite" before the blond felt a slap across his face

Clay grabbed his cheek in pain "I AM GONNA DO IT NOW, SHUT THE FUCK UP CLAY!" He grabbed Clay's wrists more tightly which he felt bruises forming

When he took off Clay's sweatpants when he felt more disgusted again  thats when the blond felt Derek's hand started touching him tight as he was done touching him, the blond watched him  take off his belt

Before the blond knew it he started hitting him on Clay's hands when he started sobbing and seeing bruises forming his wrists and hands

Which Clay's eyes widen when he saw his wrists turning to a purple to red color which made his cuts bleed more which was painful watching blood fall

Before the blond knew it Derek dropped me on my floor when he had enough for today

TW over

"Now will you cover those bruises and you know that I know you're gonna be in the talent show, and so  you better be careful"

When Derek was about to leave thats when  Clay had enough with his shit and his life

"AM DONE WITH YOU! I LITERALLY DID NOTHING TO YOU!" Clay ran towards to grab his backpack before going towards the blond's dresser to grab clothing  before packing his clothes and stuffed it in his backpack and left the bedroom

Clay ran before he saw his dad's wallet on the table before he grabbed Derek's wallet and the blond's phone that he left on the table before he slammed the door behind him which made a loud noise causing him to flinch

The blond didn't know where to go since school started soon which he decided to go to school when Clay started walking to school

Clay looked at his  phone which read 6:50 a clock which school started in thirty minutes so he decided to go school so the blond can change in the bathroom

The blond continued to walk since the school was at least seven minutes away which was normal since he would either walk or steal his Derek's car

He saw the school which ran towards the school's entrance before going inside to hurry to head towards the bathroom to change when Clay made it inside the bathroom, he walked into the big stall

When inside he lock the stall, Clay placed his backpack on the floor to unzip it to grab ripped black jeans and a lime hoodie with smiley face on the front

As Clay was done changing, he walked out the bathroom to see George standing there washing his hands "oh hi Clay" George smiled to see the blond

"Oh hey George...uhm I gotta go" George just looked at him weirdly with a concern look "oh okay then, see you later and at the talent show?" Which Clay just nods

Time skip cause am so fucking lazy and want to finish this story already lmao (even tho am rewriting it BAHAHHA)

Clay just keeping hearing on the person that was announcing people who going up next for the talent show

The blond changed his shirt to a collar shirt and he had his pocket knife in his pant's pocket when it was time which be still had his faded cuts and noticeable bruises when Clay walked to sit on a chair

So now Clay was just sitting on a chair waiting for his turn for the talent show, which the blond was honestly scared since he was finally gonna reveal his secret in front of everyone at school and Melissa,Derek, and Drista  was here too

The blond had a video that he made to put in a screen while he is performing which he had him to worry since Derek could get mad at him but Clay knew that Derek will get arrested since the school had security in case something happens

Clay started panicking and shaking, since he wrote this song for himself and any victims that had dea with this trama and he did it last minute,  but he knew anyone that had go through this pain also which was wrong for people do it-

"Clay Anderson is next singing a song he made, playing the piano with it, and a video playing while he performs" the blond heard which made Clay start panicking more when he watched the students putting the piano on the sage and screen up

The blond took a deep breath before that's when he started walking to the stage to perform

1,045 words

Posted: March 15th 2022
Edited: November 15th 2022

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