Chapter 9

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Clay's POV

The blond was slowly waking up with the worst and biggest pain that he ever had besides the point when he was waking up while having a hang over before he following woke up to see there is puddle of blood

Before it hit him that he remembered why there was a puddle of blood since Derek physically abused him again for just not being home today or yesterday as the blond slowly get up to head to walk up the stairs

Clay made it upstairs which was surprisingly since he felt so weak when he unlock the bathroom door to see himself on the mirror to just to see his reflection filled with bruises and dried up blood on his face

The blond was shocked due this being mostly a daily basis for him before he grabbed a small towel right as he turn on the fossett to wet the towel so he can clean the dried up blood on his face before when he noticed his piercing is a bit crooked and purple due the bruise

Which Clay didn't care even though he remember when the blond first got abuse right as the blond removed his clothes and locked the door since he was gonna shower due the blood smell and dried up blood every part of his face

Once the blond got in to the shower and slowly washing himself but he still felt disgusted of his body after twelve years since Derek kept doing it to him no matter what

That's when it hit the blond, He could write a song about it but at the same time, Clay didn't want too since he don't know if he can do it

One the blond finished showering, he grabbed a towel to tied on his waist which Clay quickly unlocked the door to rush towards his bedroom to lock it since he didn't want risk it for Derek to show up

Clay walk towards his dresser to pick out a simple outfit which was a brown sweatshirt and gray sweatpants and his black converse on since the blond was gonna go to the gas station

The blond grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet before he walking out of his bedroom to head to walk down the stairs to see Derek and Melissa sitting on the couch watching the tv in the living room

"Where are you going?" Clay heard to see Derek staring at him while Melissa was just continuing watching the tv "uhm am just go to gas station" the blond gulped which Derek just rolled his eyes "okay what ever just hurry up"

Clay just scoffed, before he walked outside the door and start walking to the gas station since the gas station wasn't far away since it was the nearest one near his neighborhood

The blond continue walking to the gas station before he looked up to see it in the distance, Clay just takes out his phone to take picture it for his Instagram since he didn't have a idea to post

The blond continue walking to the gas station before he looked up to see it in the distance, Clay just takes out his phone to take picture it for his Instagram since he didn't have a idea to post

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'Late nights at the gas station'

When it was posted, the blond just turned off his phone since he didn't get bother with it right as when Clay walked to the entrance door to see the familiar pink haired girl

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