Neighbor and Moving

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Cara confidently drove her yellow Ford Mustang and Taylor surveyed the streets they were visiting, noticing the famous landmarks of London from afar.
- You're awfully lucky- said Cara-to get into Imperial College London.
- Yes, I don't believe it myself. I don't know, but it seems to be the only time in my life I've ever been lucky. The last thing I expected was to get a response from them. I didn't even apply for it with any hope at all.
-It's one of the most prestigious universities in Great Britain, so don't miss your chance-Cara encouraged her friend.
- I hope I can make it.
- How long have you been stuck here, anyway? You don't know?
- I think a year for sure- said Taylor and turned her head to the side. She missed America terribly, but circumstances didn't allow her to go back there.
- Hey, cheer up. Come on, it's a great place and great people, I'm the only one who's worth it- Cara joked to cheer her up.
- Yeah, if it wasn't for you, I'd have given up by now- smiled taylor.
- See, there you go. So chin up. At the beginning of the semester I hope you won't be under a lot of pressure and I'll take you out for walks to lots of interesting places and introduce you to my friends. You shouldn't feel like you're in exile here, because you're not!
- Yes, that's what I remind myself of every day when I wake up.
- That's great, plus I'll find you a handsome Englishman.
Taylor laughed; she'd been expecting that line. After all, Cara thought that by her twenties, having only two ex-boyfriends, Taylor hadn't seen life and was always trying to set her up with someone.
- I'm sorry, but I'm going to ruin your plans by focusing on my studies-Taylor said with her hands in the air.
- You all say that, but I know how to fix it.
Then the conversation turned smoothly into a discussion of the new Gucci clothing line and Cara began to talk fascinatingly about her fashion shows and her work with the best designers in the world. Over unhurried conversation they drove up to the right place.
Cara dashingly slowed down so that the sound of the brakes echoed down the street. Taylor rolled her eyes, knowing Cara's love of the show. They got out of the car and Cara steered her confidently through the alleys. They came to a small house and Cara stepped confidently inside. Inside it was clean and modest. Hurrying Taylor, Cara ran up the steps and rang the doorbell. The door opened and Cara was the first one inside. Taylor, who was a little behind her when she was still outside, went in second.
And face-to-face with the guy. The guy turned out to be a tall, smooth-shaven blond. He was wearing a snow-white T-shirt and a black leather jacket.

- Wow, look Cara, she's already bumping into me- he answered in a very beautiful voice

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- Wow, look Cara, she's already bumping into me- he answered in a very beautiful voice.
Taylor didn't pay much attention to the voice, but she wanted to listen to his voice over and over again. She just listened to his voice so she didn't say anything back.
- She's a little shy, Joe, don't scare her off at the door- Cara laughed.
Taylor finally came out of her stupor and let it out:
- Hi, my name is Taylor.
- Wow, that's a greeting worthy of a first grader. Only you seem a little older- he said mockingly letting her in.
- Wow, you're witty- Taylor pursed her lips.
- Hey, you guys have an apartment to share. So exhale and smile sweetly at each other- Cara interjected.
Joe smirked rather than smiled, but Taylor had to smile back.
Only now she noticed that there were two black suitcases in the apartment, the same color as Joe's leather jacket.
- So, on the road?-Joe asked, taking the suitcases.
- Wait, where?- Taylor was stumped.
- to your future apartment- answered Cara again instead of Joe- come on, let's go.
Joe took the suitcases and went down the stairs. Cara looked around the apartment like a hostess, and she and Taylor went out. Taylor was staring at the whole thing in confusion.
- Wait, he's the one who's been living here. Why are you closing the apartment?-she asked Cara.
- It's my parents' friends' apartment. They were going away to the islands for two months and they didn't want the apartment to be empty. So Joe lived here. But they're coming back tomorrow, so he's in the same situation as you.
-what do you know. And I thought he was an aristocrat too and just didn't want to live on the family estate.
- Nah, he's got a regular family. But they don't live in London, and Joe's studying here. So he left his family and moved here. And by the way, he's never regretted it, that's for you to consider.
Cara closed the apartment and they went downstairs. Joe was waiting in front of the car with his things. Cara unlocked the car and Joe put his suitcases in the trunk of the car. Apparently he knew all about it by now. Joe walked up to them and asked:
- will my roommate get in the back? I'm afraid she's afraid to ride in the front seat.
- No, she won't be-said Taylor, mimicking his accent.
But Joe wasn't offended at all, or didn't show it. Instead, he and Cara laughed.
- Don't try to imitate a British accent anymore. Never-he said-you're terrible at it.
- And I agree with him-Cara added.
Taylor folded her arms across her chest and sat nonchalantly in the back of the car.

Cara and Joe got in the front and drove off again. They stopped at the motel where Taylor lived to pick up her things. Taylor had a bed paid for for tomorrow, and since she was short on money, she felt bad that the money was going to waste. They went up to the four-person room where Taylor was staying. Cara and Jo sat down on the next bed whose owner hadn't come in yet and watched in silence as Taylor hurriedly put her things in her suitcase and bag. Joe looked around the room and said:
- Yes, it's modest. Are you sure you can pay for the apartment I picked out? It's expensive- there was a sneer in his voice and an obvious hint of Taylor's inability to pay for a good apartment.
- Yeah, well, I paid for it myself. I wasn't living in a friend's apartment for free- answered Taylor nonchalantly.
- You're so self-reliant-Joe said sarcastically.
- At least I'm not a gigolo.
When Taylor said that, Joe's face lit up in a way he hadn't expected, and Cara burst out laughing.
- That's it Joe, you're in the puddle. My quiet friend, if you piss her off, she's a scary person.
- Yes, I noticed that-Joe said and sat back down on the bed, this time with his hands on the phone and no further comment on Taylor's actions.
Taylor quickly managed without his comments and they soon left the motel. Taylor dragged her suitcase, which was too heavy for her, cursing everything in the world.
- Joe take pity on her and help her already for God's sake. I can't stand to see her suffer-Cara said.
Joe smirked and walked over to Taylor and easily took the suitcase from her hands. Taylor was immediately relieved, but she couldn't give up so easily.
- Give me back my suitcase, I didn't ask for help- she demanded.
- You didn't ask, I'm honoring Cara's request- he answered cheekily and ran down the stairs first, leaving Taylor and Cara behind
- No, did you see the nerve of that guy?-Taylor turned to Cara.
- Yeah, I did. Come on, we already wasted a lot of time.
Taylor sulked but she had to follow them. A little more time on the road and Cara brought them to a small courtyard. Joe got his and Taylor's suitcases out and went into the building. Cara helped Taylor carry her things in that she took her bag and Taylor and her suitcase went on. They went up a few floors and Joe rang the doorbell. They were greeted by a woman who was smoking an e-cigarette and her hair was dyed platinum blond. Pretty creepy in Taylor's opinion.
- And there you are. Come in-she said in a surprisingly soft voice.
They walked into an apartment furnished in green and white.
- Who rents?- she asked the trio.
- Me and Taylor - Joe readily spoke up.
Taylor didn't get any closer to the woman, so Cara had to nudge her.
The woman looked them over and asked:
- are you two together?
- No, we're friends- answered Joe.
- I don't care- the woman shrugged her shoulders and gave them a tour of the apartment
The apartment was small and made in white and green colors. There were two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet, and a small common living room. Taylor and Joe split the amount in half and gave the woman the money for the two months' rent. The woman left, leaving behind only the smell of cigarettes.
- So, guys, am I going home or what?-asked Сara.
- Yeah, let's go. I'll text you later, okay?-said Taylor.
- Deal. Well, don't fight here-Cara jokingly wagged a finger at the two of them.
They said goodbye to Cara and she left. Joe looked over at Taylor and said:
- Well settle in or something. Don't bother me- and went to his room.
Taylor flicked him the tongue when he turned away and went to unpack her things. Her sneakers and sandals and a light jacket appeared in the hallway. In the bathroom she put her colored towels that she had brought from home since she didn't want to use the white ones that were in the apartment, and some of her cosmetics like face masks and foam for washing. In the kitchen, on the fridge, she used a magnet to fix the schedule of her classes at the university. In her bedroom, she hung things on hangers in the closet and placed a framed photo of her family by the bedside table. She heard a sound in the kitchen and left the room. First she heard the smell of hot, fresh pizza and her stomach rumbled hungrily. Then she saw Joe with a box of pizza in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.
- What are you looking at? It's just a delivery, it's okay-he said and went into his room.
Taylor looked him over. She realized how hungry she was. She quickly got her shoes on and went outside looking for a store. The store turned out to be a ten minute walk from the apartment and was open 24 hours, which was a big plus. She bought some groceries with the money she had left and returned home. She was so tired that she just made some instant noodles and sat down in the kitchen to eat them. While she ate, while chatting with her mother, Joe came out of the room with an empty pizza box and an empty bottle of beer.
- Bon appétit-he said indifferently, and tossed the box and bottle into the trash.
- Thank you-replied Taylor politely, but he didn't even pay attention.
Taylor quickly finished her food and went back to her room. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. If only he wouldn't pay attention to her all the time and everything would be fine. She crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

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