Mark of his lips

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When Taylor looked in the mirror after washing her face, she gave a silent gasp. Her chin and neck line showed a slightly reddish lip mark.
She jumped out of the tub and bumped into Joe, who was walking along quietly.
- Shit, what if I was carrying a cup of coffee? Why'd you bump into me again?-he asked.
- What's that?!
-What? -he looked at her blankly.
- That! -Taylor said and pointed to her face.
Joe didn't even seem to understand what she was pointing at, but when he saw it he smirked.
- This is the mark of my lips on your neck
- on my neck! Do you even have a brain? What are people gonna see me like that and think?!
- Taylor relax, I'm the only one who can see you.
Joe went to his room but Taylor wouldn't let him in and stood in front of him.
- And you think that's okay?
- But Taylor, it's not even a hickey. If you don't like it, you can say so and I won't anymore- Joe looked at her and you could hear the irritation in his voice.
- Let me go - Taylor said rudely and went to her room and closed the door.
She spent more than a minute looking at her neck in the mirror. Sighing, she grabbed her makeup bag and began to pull out products to cover a little of Joe's lip mark.
This time she didn't even go to the kitchen to study. She didn't want to see anyone, not even Joe. She just suddenly had the feeling that her personal space had been taken away from her, and now she didn't want to let anyone in. Everything pissed her off and she cursed three times at the computer program that took a long time to load. And then she accidentally touched the water glass with her hand and the water spilled all over the table, pouring all over her notebooks and textbooks, which pissed Taylor off even more.
For the first two lectures she was a volcano that was ready to explode every second, but then she cooled down and even started to think more soberly.
Joe left her alone and didn't try to get in touch with her in any way, which was fine with her at first, but then she started to miss him.
Taylor turned off her camera and just got up from her desk. She plugged in her wireless headphones to her computer and lay down on the couch with her eyes closed, continuing to listen to her teacher.
When the lecture ended she did leave the room. She had had her fill of studying and was ready for communication again. Joe was sitting in the living room as usual. He threw a quick glance at her and turned away. Taylor leaned her back on the tabletop and began to nibble on a bright green apple. The apple was deliciously crunchy and very juicy, so Taylor had even forgotten about the hurt Joe. 
But she remembered when he showed up next to her and took an apple for himself, too. He took a bite of it and started chewing without looking at her. Taylor tossed her stump in the trash and rubbed the edge of her white short-sleeved t-shirt.
- Will you talk to me?- she asked.
- Will you talk to me or will you give me a few more complaints?
- I'm sorry about this morning. I got a little overwhelmed, and that trace really got to me.
- You can just tell me what you don't like without yelling at me and going to your room.
- It's not even that I don't like it- Taylor moved closer to him, shortening the distance between their bodies- I was just nervous about people noticing.
Joe finished his apple and sat down on the living room couch again. Taylor followed him in.
- Do you care what people say about you? Or about me? Or about us?
- I care what people say about bo me, but we'll talk about that another time. I was just scared that someone would see it and ask me. And everyone would notice. And then I'd have to explain how I got it- Taylor wrapped her arms around herself.
Joe saw that, took her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.
- Look, you have a boyfriend and everyone understands that we don't just have dinner and say nice things together.
- Well, how do you say... - Taylor shut up.
- What do you mean?
- I just didn't told anyone we were together- Taylor looked at him with a guilty look on her face.
- What do you mean? We've been together for almost a month and you haven't told anyone? - Joe's jaw dropped in surprise.
-Well, first of all, no one asked me-Taylor started it.
- Oh, fuck. Why? I didn't think you didn't want people to know we were together. Or am I some kind of weirdo and you're embarrassed of me?
- No, Joe, I'm not. I'm just too embarrassed to talk about my relationship. I can't do it. I can't stand all these questions and everything that comes with them.
Joe sat silent for a while before he buried his face in her hair and whispered in her ear.
- You're gonna have to tell everyone that we're dating. Sooner or later.
- Okay, just not tonight.
Joe hummed and pulled his hair away from Taylor's neck. He kissed her gently there and she turned to pull him to her lips. Joe kissed her soft and plump lips feeling pure pleasure.
- By the way, I don't have any complaints about the marks on my neck. Just don't overdo it- Taylor said in his ear, tickling him with her breath.
- Glad to hear it- Joe replied and Taylor felt his lips move slowly down to her neck.
But Joe didn't have time to do much as the phone rang from the next room.
- Is that your phone ringing?- asked Joe.
- Yeah, just a second.
Taylor got up and answered the video call from Cara.
- Hi!
- Finally! This is the third time I've called you, why didn't you pick up? - asked Cara in a disgruntled tone but she could tell from her face that she was just happy to see Taylor.
-I'm sorry, I didn't hear. How are you?-Taylor asked.
- I'm dying of boredom and want a normal life, but I'm okay. How are you?
Taylor sat down on the couch in the living room and Joe immediately moved closer so he could be seen by Cara.
- Joe, is that you?-Cara asked with a laugh.
- Me. Hi.
- Oh, my God, your hair has grown back. It's horrible! You need a hairdresser right now! - Cara was horrified.
- Taylor offered to cut my hair with kitchen scissors but I wouldn't let her do it to me. That's why we both walk around here with our hair growing out and trying to look in the mirror less-Joe joked.
- Oh, that's true. I've let my hair down, too. I see you two have managed to get along.
- It was hard, but we got through it-Taylor joined in the conversation.
- But I guess the hard part's over now, huh? -Cara asked- plus you got a new close friend.
- Very close-Joe interjected.
Taylor elbowed him lightly in the side. But he just smirked.
- And how close is that?- Cara asked.
- That's how close - Joe said and then he kissed Taylor.
Taylor immediately broke the kiss and was ready to kill him with a look while he grinned contentedly.
- I knew it! So how long have you two been together?- after a few enthusiastic shrieks Cara asked.
- almost a month- answered Taylor, realizing that Cara was waiting for an answer and Joe was only looking at her
- Wow! And all this time you haven't said anything? What conspirators.
- Taylor was the one who didn't say anything. My friends know and so do my parents- Joe answered her.
- I recognize my friend. But considering she just let out two words about her relationship that didn't happen before I guess you're a positive influence on her.
- Oh my God, you two are saying the same thing. Joe and I have been dating for almost a month and sleeping together, and yes, it's me, Taylor Alison Swift said it- Taylor blurted out.
For the second time that day, Joe and Cara were silent in shock. And Taylor, seeing their eyes ready to burst out of their sockets, allowed herself a pretty smile.
- Who are you and what have you done with my friend?- Cara was the first to get over her shock.
- You know, I underestimated my influence on her - Joe said enthusiastically.
- no way,honey- with a devilish smile Taylor moved closer to Joe and took her phone from his hands and kissed him with her tongue making sure that their kiss was clearly visible to Cara on the video connection.
When she broke the kiss off with a little blush, Cara's jaw could be lifted off the floor
- Quarantine certainly changes people, but not by that much. Somehow my brain refuses to process all this information.
- Well, if it refuses, you shouldn't force it. Wait, I'm going to show you a fascinating note about fashion that I found in a textbook!-Totally calm Taylor turned into her friend Taylor in a second and went to her room talking to Cara in a casual tone.
Joe stared in her wake, still a little disbelieving at all the things she'd done.
Taylor came back from the room when she was done talking to Cara, and by then Joe was getting pretty bored.
- I didn't know you could do that- he said as soon as she showed up.
- I can do a lot more than that if someone brings me to it-she said.
Taylor returned to the couch and Joe intercepted her and sat her down next to him. Taylor kissed him, stood up from the couch, took his hand and said:
- I suggest we take a course for the bedroom
- I very much agree- answered Joe and Taylor pulled him to her lips by his hair and sent him a promising look.
- Let me speed things up- he said, and then with a confident motion he took Taylor in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

Happy "salt air" month!

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