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At first the smell of fresh coffee reached Taylor's nostrils. She reached up and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Joe's back, standing at the stove doing something.
Taylor's memory of last night came flooding back, as if she'd been doused with a bucket of ice water. She instantly closed her eyes, and her mind immediately conjured up images of the previous night. She remembered Joe's hands on her hips, his kisses on her lips and neck, making her immediately hot. Trying not to make any noise, Taylor slowly rolled over onto her stomach and rested her face on the pillow. She was practically out of breath from fear of who knows what. Taylor heard the floor creak under Joe's feet and a second later felt his hands cover her back with the blanket. The warm blanket gently covered her back and Joe pulled away.
If Taylor had been less afraid of being seen she would have moaned or rather screamed into her pillow at the realization of what she had done last night. Taylor averted her eyes and saw Jo go into his room. She didn't know what she was thinking or what motivated her to do it, but as soon as the door closed behind him she immediately jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Her hands instantly locked the door and she leaned tiredly against the door, hearing only her own breathing. Suddenly there was a knock on the door that made her flinch and move away from the door.
- Taylor, are you there? Is everything okay?- came Joe's voice.
Taylor cleared her throat, coughed, and said, trying to sound as convincing as possible:
- Yeah, I'm here. It's okay, don't worry.
- Okay- Joe said and walked away.
Taylor felt a drop of sweat drip down her temple. She wiped it off and looked at herself in the mirror.
What a fool she was. Why had she let herself kiss him, why had she kissed him herself. Yes he was handsome, smart, but he was just her roommate.
She looked around. Taylor ran into the bathroom with nothing at all. But luckily and fortunately for her, besides Joe's towels, there were white towels they'd never put away since moving in. She looked around hysterically and realized that she couldn't go out of here like nothing had happened. She stripped off her clothes and got in the shower.
She took a quick shower, wiped her body with soft towels, and put her clothes back on. She washed her face, but it didn't give her confidence; on the contrary, she wanted to run away every minute. Taylor walked to the door and on the count of three, she sharply opened the door.
There was no escape route anymore, Joe saw her. He smiled at her and continued eating his yogurt. Taylor smiled nervously and walked over to him. She took out a cup and put the kettle on the stove.
- Good morning, how did you sleep?-asked Joe.
- Fine, thanks - replied Taylor and went on with her morning coffee like nothing had happened.
Joe, if he was surprised by her reaction, didn't show it. He stepped closer to her and she saw him about to put his arm around her waist. Taylor immediately stepped away from Joe and stopped his hand.
- What are you doing?- she questioned angrily.
- What am I doing that I can't do?- smiled Joe not noticing that Taylor was getting worked up.
- Yes, you can't do that. Get your hand away from me please
Joe pulled his hand away from her and sipped from his cup with a frown.
- So you're the kind of girl who runs away the next morning and says everything that happened earlier was a mistake?- there was a mix of confusion and irritation in his voice.
- No, I'm not that kind of girl. But I'm not going to continue what I started last night drunk- answered Taylor.
- Oh, I see.
Taylor looked at him. Was he sorry? He looked pretty depressed, but about what? As sure as Taylor was that this was all just a one night stand for him. After all, she had already figured out that he and a serious relationship were things that weren't connected. All those one-night stand girlfriends of his were worth it. Even if there were two of them, the fact that there were any of them speaks volumes!
- I don't know what your problem is with me-Taylor said, just to be safe, she stepped away from him.
- Why are you messing with me? I have a class, so...
- and I have class, too. And you know what? I'd rather sit in my room- with that, Taylor took her cup and went back to her room, slamming the door loudly.
Back in her room she sank down on her bed and sighed. She seemed to have done everything right and he hadn't realized she liked him. She hadn't lied last night, she knew exactly what she was doing. The alcohol just gave her the courage to do what she wanted to do, that's all. But as usual with the alcohol she forgot the consequences of such behavior. But she had saved the situation, so it was all right.
Taylor laid out her things on the little table that stood in her room and walked into the conference. At first everything was fine and then she needed water and realized that she would have to leave her room for the kitchen. The anticipation of this immediately put Taylor in a bad mood, so she endured as long as she could and came out only when she couldn't stand it.
She opened the door and walked out of the room with an independent look on her face. The kitchen table at which she so loved to study was empty except for the dirty plate and fork that lay on it. Joe was sitting in his usual spot in the living room. Beside him lay the ill-fated plaid under which they had slept together last night.
He looked around and saw Taylor. And their eyes met, but she immediately averted her eyes. Trying not to look at anything else she poured herself a glass of water and immediately went into her room. She went out again, but all the times Joe pretended not to notice her. But now it was dinnertime and that meant they had to sit at the same table. Although Taylor had hoped in her heart that he would be eating somewhere else. She made herself some mashed potatoes and meatballs and gravy and sat down at the table.
Joe put food on his plate and sat across from her, and if they didn't speak, they both reached for the salt shaker and their hands touched.
Taylor only felt his warm skin for a second, but it felt like an electric current ran through her body. She jerked her hand away in fright and knocked down the salt shaker.
- You can't be so clumsy-Joe said coldly.
- I forgot to ask you- said Taylor.
- At least you remembered to spill the salt.
- What's the point of this dialogue?- asked Taylor trying to end the conversation quickly. She couldn't help the fact that she loved his voice and that accent. She loved the way he spoke words and the way he smiled and ran his hand through his hair. She liked everything about him.
Taylor didn't finish her meal and got up from the table, she went out to her room unable to stand it.
Then Joe went to his room and sat there quietly as if he wasn't even there. Taylor was now walking quietly around the apartment but it felt kind of empty without him. Usually he was doing something, was in plain sight, and she admired his facial features.
Taylor sat in the living room in the spot where he liked to study and occasionally threw a glance at the plaid from last night. She couldn't concentrate on her studies or anything at all. Taylor gently ran her hand over the plaid and then wrapped herself in it. The plaid smelled like Joe.
And she felt somehow better in it. It went on like that for a while until she realized she couldn't go on like that. Joe was a drug she was addicted to. And his kisses all the more so.Taylor sat for a little while longer, gaining confidence and thinking about what she was going to do, and then she got up from the couch.
She knocked on the door and after waiting a few seconds went inside. Joe was lying on his bed, looking at something on his phone.
- What are you doing here?- he said.
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is on TV. You said it was your favorite movie in the series, shall we go watch it?
- No, I don't want to. And now you can leave my room.
Taylor pretended not to notice those words and went on as if nothing had happened:
- Okay, if you're not going to Harry Potter's, then he's coming to yours.
Joe didn't have time to object before Taylor quickly went into her room, grabbed her laptop, and returned. She masterfully settled down on Joe's bed next to him and turned on the computer.
- You didn't understand the language, did you?-asked Joe.
- Look, I haven't seen Harry Potter in years, and it's your favorite movie. Actually, I'm doing you a favor and
- I don't need any favors from you-he said. Joe dangled his feet off the bed to get up.
Taylor grabbed his shoulder and said:
- Let's look together. We have a lot to discuss, don't we?
- What does a movie have to do with us having anything to discuss? Yeah, and I thought we didn't need to discuss anything.
- We do. Stay- Taylor squeezed his hand.
- You kick me out, and then you squeeze my hand when I'm about to leave. I'm not your errand boy.
- Joe just... just let's watch the fucking movie!- Taylor had to raise her voice.
Joe gave her one more look and then went back to the bed.
- you're right, I shouldn't have to give up watching a movie just because you can't get your shit together- with those words he took the laptop from Taylor and turned on the movie.
They watched the movie in silence, sitting next to each other. Taylor occasionally watched Joe's face; he only looked at the screen and never once looked at her. And she wanted him to look at her even out of the corner of her eye. She had to summon up all her courage and chutzpah to come here and she hoped it would be worth it.
Her head leaned gently on his shoulder, Joe didn't say anything but he didn't move away either. Now his arm was around Taylor's back and Taylor could feel his heart beating. Suddenly Joe stopped the movie, put the laptop aside, and said:
- Your behavior now doesn't match the way you've been acting all day. Do you want to explain?
- That's why I'm here.
- Fine, explain.
Taylor glanced around the room and then looked at Joe again. He was sitting across from her, looking at her expectantly.
- There's not much to explain. I like you-Taylor said, trying not to show the tremor in her voice.
His face remained dispassionate, and that frightened her. He smiled evidently, but to a frightened Taylor it looked like a devilish smirk.
- But you've been explaining to me since this morning that it's nothing like that.
- I know. I'm sorry about that. I don't regret what happened yesterday and I did it consciously. It's just that the aftermath looked really scary this morning and I thought it would be better if you thought it was just a drunken kiss,but it wasn't - Taylor finally realized he was smiling instead of smirking
- I like you too, and I didn't understand why you were acting like that this morning. When I was actually making you coffee
- What? You made me coffee? -Taylor didn't notice anything this morning.
- There were two cups on the table in case you hadn't noticed.
-I really didn't notice. I'm such an idiot.
- You're not stupid, come here.-He said he was holding his hands out.
Taylor sat closer to him and he put his arm around her. She gratefully buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around him. Joe gently ran his hand down her back and she lifted her head.
Instead of saying anything, Joe kissed her and Taylor closed her eyes with pleasure as she felt his lips. He kissed her like a ravenous predator, ignoring the lack of breath.
Taylor pulled away from him and breathed heavily, regaining her breath. She smiled as she looked at him and ran her fingers through his soft hair pulling him to her. Joe readily responded to the kiss, pulling her closer to him.
At first Taylor even tried counting the kisses, but when she realized she'd lost count, she stopped. It was so beautiful to just sit there and kiss him time and time again.
Taylor touched his smoothly shaved cheek and ran her finger down it. Joe intercepted her hand and pulled Taylor toward him. She engaged him in a kiss still not believing that it was so easy and simple. And it felt so right.
When Taylor happened to see the time on the clock, she realized it was late at night. She pulled away from Joe, who insistently tried to kiss her, and said:
- I have to go to bed.
- Won't you stay up?-he asked.
- Why?- asked Taylor and then realized the stupidity of her question when Joe smirked-No, I'm going to sleep in my room.
- Can I come over to your room under cover of night?
- If I want to, I'll come myself- Taylor kissed him again and then got out of bed- good night
- Good night- answered Joe as he walked her to the door of her room.

Oh, my God, that was something.
The thing is that this account is registered to an email account that I no longer have access to. And one day I get kicked out of my account, I don't remember the password and I can't use the email to reset the password.
More than a week I corresponded with support service, proving that I am the owner of the account and today I was able to restore access to it what I am very happy. So I will update stories more often, because the summer started and I have more free time

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