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The alarm sounded right under Taylor's ear. A terribly annoying sound. She groaned and fumbled with her hand to turn it off. She rolled over onto her back and squinted her eyes at the alarm clock. She remembered her little brother making fun of her for buying the alarm clock.
"Taylor the phone has the same functions, why buy a whole alarm clock for that" was exactly what he said. Taylor smiled to herself and got out of bed. She stretched and walked out of her room. She was dressed in a wide T-shirt and shorts. Taylor got up behind the stove and put a pot of coffee on the stove. The smell of coffee immediately wafted throughout the apartment. Then the door to the other room opened and Joe came out. His hair was disheveled from his nap. He saw Taylor and blew his nose.
- Good morning, I guess- he said.
- Morning- answered Taylor and took the pot off the fire and poured the hot coffee into a cup that said "I Love New York. She sat down at the table and Joe came over and turned on the kettle. Taylor turned on the news bulletin on her phone and listened to the news anchorwoman's voice as she spoke:
"The number of coronavirus cases is increasing, and the virus is spreading at an alarming rate around the world," Taylor turned off the news. Today was her first day at the university. She would come halfway through the school year, a brand new girl. How will they feel about her? There would be no more of her loyal friends; they would have to be made. Taylor had friends from high school and Cara. She hasn't met anyone in the last two years so she hasn't started making friends. Joe poured boiling water over his instant coffee and sat across from her.
- So, are you excited for your first day?- he asked surprisingly calmly, without a trace of mockery.
- a little. Don't you care?
- I have to entertain myself while drinking coffee.
Taylor finished her coffee in one gulp and got up from the table and said:
- I'll take the shower first, if you don't mind.
- Lady's first- he said, and then he got off the phone.
Taylor left.
She had been in the shower for twenty minutes and when she came out he was still sitting at the kitchen table looking at his phone. He didn't pay any attention to her, so she went silently into her room where she got ready. Taylor put on a skirt, blouse and vest, applied her makeup and looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to make a good impression on her classmates and teachers. She quickly checked to make sure she had all her books in her backpack and left her room.
- Wait, you're going out already?- came Joe's voice from his room.
- Yeah,and  what?
Then the door opened and out came Joe who was buttoning the last buttons on his white shirt. On his right shoulder was a gray backpack.
- I'll show you how to get to the university.
- I'm okay on my own. I don't need your help-replied Taylor coldly.
- Come on, I know you're the cool girl who looked it up on the maps, but I don't think you want to be late for your first day-he replied as he put on his shoes.
Taylor silently put her shoes on and waited for him to close the door to the apartment. They left the house and Taylor breathed in the cold morning air.
- Let's hurry up, the traffic's awful- Joe said and touched her elbow.
Taylor pulled her hand away which he looked a little strange but didn't say anything. They hurried and got on the bus. There were no empty seats, so they had to stand.
- You have the keys, so we're not dependent on each other-Joe said.
- Yes, okay.
- You're awfully unfriendly for a roommate- he chuckled.
- That's right, for a neighbor. We just live in the same apartment I don't have to be friends with you- replied Taylor irritably. She just wanted to listen to music and he was like an annoying fly that wouldn't leave her alone.
- Whatever- he gave her another look but then someone called him and he answered the phone.
Taylor sighed in relief and put her headphones in her ears and turned on her favorite songs. When they got to the university Taylor and Joe found themselves in a noisy crowd of students rushing to lectures.
- You're right over there. I hope you don't get lost- Joe said, and then some guy came up to him.
- Another one of your girlfriends, Joe?-the guy asked.
- Nah, just a roommate. Are the girls here yet? Come on, let's not keep them waiting- Joe answered him and they went off in the opposite direction leaving Taylor alone.
Taylor blended in with the crowd of students and went to find her classroom. By the time she got to the right classroom, the whole group was already there. Taylor nodded to those who were looking at her:
- Hey guys- she said, trying to sound confident.
- Hey, who are you?- asked a guy she didn't know coming closer to her.
- I'm Taylor. I'm the new student here- she smiled at him cheerfully.
- Ah, the new girl. Well hello- said the girl approaching Taylor too. She put her hand on the guy's shoulder and her whole look said, "this guy is mine, get away from him". Taylor smiled, trying to show that she came in peace.
- I'm Nick, and this is Masha- the guy said, pointing at himself and his date.
- Nice to meet you-Taylor smiled and went to find an empty seat to sit down.
The lecture began, Taylor sat attentively, absorbing the knowledge. The guys didn't really talk to her, except to say hello.
Taylor tried to be friendly with everyone, but still looked out the window and remembered her friends who had stayed home. Taylor was the type of person there who had two friends for real. She never had many friends or acquaintances. And I must say she was fine with that state of affairs.
She didn't feel comfortable in noisy groups like Cara's friends. When the lecture ended, Taylor walked out of the university building and took off her vest. It was warm spring weather and the sun was warm.
She went to a nearby diner where she ate a huge burrito and then went to the university library to do at least some of her homework. Libraries were another one of Taylor's passions. She adored them and enjoyed spending time there. After getting the books she needed, she settled quietly in the corner of her desk and started studying. She put on her dark-rimmed glasses and immersed herself in her studies with no distractions.
After an hour and a half, Taylor took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes tiredly.
- Hello again- said a man's voice.
Taylor opened her eyes and saw Nick. He was carrying a pile of textbooks and notebooks in his hands.
- Oh, hi! Are you here, too?- asked Taylor. It was a silly question, considering he was standing right in front of her.
- See, can I sit down?- Nick asked.
- Sure- Taylor took her backpack off the second chair and Nick sat down on it.
- How are you doing here? Are you settling in?
- Little by little. Well, the library's great, the burrito at the diner's good. I think I'm gonna have a great time- Taylor smiled.
- So cool- Nick didn't get a chance to say anything because he got a text message. He read it, wrote back, and told Taylor:
- Masha's coming over.
- Okay- said Taylor. She liked the girl less, but she told herself she would be nice to everyone.
- Nick! Sweetheart, there you are!- said Masha's sweet voice.
But when she saw Taylor her smile disappeared.
- You. Hello again-she said to Taylor and then kissed Nick.
Taylor felt a little uncomfortable with this display of affection.
- Nick, I just realized I forgot to pick up my management book. Can you get it for me?- she said in a still sweet voice to the guy.
- Sure, miggo- he smiled and walked away.
And Masha lost her sweetness and turned to Taylor in a cold voice.
- You're hanging around my boyfriend again. Decided to come here and get the cream of the crop? Look, just leave him alone for good.
- Masha no, I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend. I was here studying and he just came over- Taylor started making excuses. Of course, the last thing she needed was a feud with this girl on her first day of school.
-I really hope so. You're going to get in trouble. I warned you.
Nick returned to the girls. He said:
- Darling, I was told that you already took the management textbook.
- Oh yeah, that's right. Sorry, I got so caught up, I forgot-Masha blinked innocently.
- That's okay.
The couple sat with Taylor for a while and then they left. Taylor stared at them, and then she decided it was time to go home. She quickly packed her things and drove home. When she finally got home, she found a lot of cars parked in the yard. This had never happened before. Taylor quickly went up to her floor and heard loud voices yelling a song. She immediately got a bad feeling.
She opened the door and stepped into the smoky hallway. The apartment was filled with people. There were about thirty people and the apartment was too small for that many. Taylor walked through, staring at the loud people who were drinking alcohol out of plastic cups. She went into her room and found two couples making out.
Taylor felt her cheeks turn red. She quickly put down her backpack and ran out of the room like a scalded girl. In the kitchen, she saw a familiar blond hairdo. Kicking people around, she headed toward him. Of course it was, it was Joe sitting on the table, a plastic cup of beer in his hand, and with the other hand he had his arm around some brunette girl.
- Joe! What's going on here?
He found her with his gaze and smiled.
- Well hello there. There's a little reunion of friends.
- There's a party going on! Who are these people?! I didn't invite them!- Taylor was shocked at his insolence.
- It's my apartment, too. Don't forget that.
- Okay, but two couples are about to make love right here on my bed!
Joe just laughed it off.
- You can change the sheets later, it's no big deal.
- I didn't give you permission to do that. You're out of your mind!
Joe was approached by a tall guy that Joe had met this morning before university. And he had a homemade joint in his hand. Taylor could smell pot.
- Joe, what's your roommate up to?- he asked laughing.
- She's just a little bit of a pain in the ass- Joe answered.
- They smoke weed in our apartment! Do you even think?- Taylor was furious.
- share it with you? - Joe's friend was more than willing to offer.
- That's the last thing I need! They're all high!
- So? We're having fun, take it easy- Joe said, and the girl answered him.
- I'm done!
Taylor grabbed her jacket and ran out of the apartment leaving this party behind. She went outside and called Cara.
- Hi Taylor. How was university?- she answered immediately.
- your Joe threw a party at our apartment without my permission and all his friends are there drinking and half of them are high!-Taylor almost yelled without even saying hello.
- I had no doubt. It's Joe Taylor. He likes to party.
- and I don't! There are strangers in my room! He doesn't know what personal boundaries are!
- Taylor, I understand, but you're gonna have to deal with it. Plus he doesn't do it that often, it's money-Cara said as if nothing had happened.
- Cara I don't care I just want to sit quietly in my room after class and read a book like an introvert!
- First of all you're not an introvert and we know that. And secondly if you want I'll call him and he'll finish the party as soon as possible. Is that okay?- Cara said soothingly.
- Yes, it fits. And you found me the worst roommate ever- with those words, Taylor ended the call.
She went into a small café where she bought herself a salad, a cup of tea, and a small brownie. She spent half an hour there after she received a text from Cara:
- The party will be over in an hour.
- Okay, thank you-Taylor replied.
She spent that time at the cafe and then headed home. The cars disappeared from the patio. Taylor got up and saw that the people had really disappeared. The windows were open everywhere and the smell of pot was almost imperceptible.
Taylor didn't see Joe, but she could clearly hear the sounds coming from his room, and they were mostly women's moans and cries of "faster Joe".
She grimaced and began to pick up the trash. Damn party boy. He and his buddies have fun and she cleans up afterwards.
She quickly tossed out the empty bottles and cups. Shot the table, washed the plates, and went back to her room. Trying not to pay attention to the sounds from the next room she covered her head with a pillow and fell asleep.

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