Second night

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In her dream, Taylor ran after the train and then fell into the bridge. When her body touched the water, she flinched and opened her eyes, breathing heavily.
Joe was sleeping peacefully beside her, and she sat up on the bed, feeling her T-shirt stick to her back from sweat. Taylor reached for the nightstand by the bed and switched on a small lamp that glowed a soft yellow light. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the time on her phone. It was four in the morning. Taylor sipped some water from the glass that stood next to her and looked at Joe. He was still sleeping peacefully, smiling at something in his sleep.
Taylor contemplated his features, surprised at how well she remembered and knew them. She didn't know how much time she had spent just watching Joe, but she found herself falling asleep little by little, so she turned off the lamp and laid down next to Joe without wrapping herself in a blanket, and closed her eyes and fell asleep again.
Taylor woke up the second time to an alarm clock. She realized right away that it wasn't her alarm clock, her alarm clock had a song on it and Joe's was just some kind of melody. Taylor kissed Joe on the cheek, turned off the alarm clock and said:
- wake up.
- no way- answered Joe, wrapped up even more in his blanket and went back to sleep.
Taylor smiled and put her chin on his shoulder
- Joe, come on get up.
Joe didn't say anything back, continuing to sleep. Taylor began to slowly kiss his neck, going up to his lips and only then did Joe begin to respond. His hands began to pull Taylor closer to him and he began to respond to the kisses. When Taylor bit his lip slightly he opened his eyes and Taylor smiled
- Your eyes are the color of the ocean-she said-and I'm totally drowning in them.
- told me the girl with the most beautiful blue eyes in the world.
Taylor snorted and got off the bed. Joe reluctantly did, too.
Taylor grabbed her hair band from his nightstand and walked out of Joe's room.
When she entered her room she looked around at her untouched bed, the curtains on the windows.
With a quick movement, she pulled the curtains open and let the sunlight into the room.
When Taylor came out of her room holding her towels she realized that Joe had already taken a shower and she had no choice but to sit on the living room couch and wait for him to come out. When Joe came out of the shower with wet hair, Taylor was already drinking coffee.
- Can I borrow your hair dryer? Mine seems to be broken- Joe asked.
- Sure, I'll get it for you- answered Taylor and walked with Joe to her room.
There she quickly found a hair dryer, gave it to Joe and finally got in the shower.
After taking her morning shower she changed her clothes and went out. On her way out of the bathroom she was intercepted by Joe. He kissed her neck and said:
- You have beautiful shower gel, it smells so nice.
Taylor ran her hand through his hair and smiled
-There's a new show on Netflix. Shall we watch it after the lectures? We don't have anything else to do-Joe asked.
- We'll watch it, but not much. We have to eat something, so you can help me make soup later.
- We eat soup almost every day. Isn't it too much?
- We don't have to make it. But then suggest an alternative.
- I don't know, I want something but I don't know what exactly
- Well, then you'll just keep quietly helping me make soup.
Taylor ended the conversation and they both smiled. Joe looked directly into Taylor's blue eyes, which looked at him rapturously, and smiled, showing dimples on his cheeks.
- So, what, to the laptops and the zoom?-asked Taylor.
- Ugh,yes.

When it started to get dark Taylor walked over to Joe, who was writing something on his laptop, and sat down next to him.
- Joe, can I talk to you for a minute?
- Yeah, I'm listening to you-he said without taking his eyes off the computer.
- Can we sleep in my bed?
Joe looked away from his laptop and asked:
- What's wrong with my bed? It's not like they're the same.
- Not at all, your pillows are uncomfortable and I like my bed better.
- You can bring your pillow into my room and sleep on it- Joe said with a shrug.
Taylor got up from the floor and sat on the edge of the chair where Joe was sitting. She wrapped her arms around his neck and watched him do his homework. Finally Joe reached up and turned off his laptop.
- Shall we go to bed?
- Fine, but I'll take the shower first- said Taylor.
- Why's that?-Joe raised an eyebrow.
- I want to wash my hair, and you already washed yours this morning. So I'm gonna go- with that, Taylor left, leaving Joe behind.
When she got out of the shower she started looking for her hair dryer, but she remembered that she had given it to Joe. She looked around his room and didn't see her hair dryer, so she walked over to the bathroom and knocked. There was a faint sound of water and Joe looked out a minute later. Taylor could only see his chest with water dripping down it and one hand, and she settled down and just stared at him for a while.
- Hey, you called me for something-Joe reminded her of himself.
- Oh, right- Taylor blinked excitedly- where'd you put my hair dryer?
- It's in the chair, didn't you see it?
- Oh, yes? I'm sorry, I really didn't notice.
Joe hummed and closed the door. Taylor put her palm to her cheeks, which were now burning, and saw that the hair dryer was indeed lying in the chair.
She's surprised she hadn't noticed it before. Taylor was still drying her hair in Joe's room when he showed up, shirtless and with a towel on his shoulder again.
- I thought you were in your room.
- No, you took my hair dryer- Taylor picked up a comb and started brushing her hair.
Joe went to his closet and pulled out a fresh T-shirt that he put on. Taylor, on the other hand, had finished drying her head and Joe tilted his head slightly and walked over to her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.
Joe smiled, too, and kissed her softly. Taylor closed her eyes and focused only on his lips. Joe gently began to lead Taylor over to the bed and after a while laid Taylor down and himself hovered over her on top of her.
Taylor nervously licked her lips but just as she did so Joe kissed her with passion
- You should know how much that turns me on.
-What does? -Taylor asked, biting her lip a little-this?
Joe smirked and kissed her again, Taylor licked her lips again, slower this time then asked:
- Or maybe this?
Joe's hand began to penetrate under the edges of her shorts, and his lips slid lower and lower down her neck.
The certainty of his movements left no doubt, and Taylor mustered up the courage to touch Joe's shoulder.
- What is it?-he asked, pulling away from her neck.
- I just... -Taylor hesitated - you're the one who's a big ladies' man and I'm not and like...
-Stop,what's the problem? -Joe asked, finally pulling away from her neck and sitting down next to Taylor.
Taylor got uncomfortable with his stare as she lay down and he sat up, so she sat down too and wrapped her arms around herself.
- Well I meant don't expect me to be cool and experienced because I'm not.
- Is that an implication that you don't want me or am I missing something?
- No-Taylor looked around, wondering how to make a point-Let's just say I'm inexperienced, insecure, and not like you.
Joe put his arm around her and Taylor laid her head on his shoulder, he reacted completely calmly, though how else could he react?
- I like you just the way you are. And I don't care if you think you're inexperienced. Even if that's true, we'll fix it quick- he tried to make a joke.
- You know, the number of times I've had sex can be counted on the fingers of two hands, so...
- who cares? -he kissed her on the cheek, Joe didn't know what was going on with her.
-I just wish it would go well and not be a disappointment
- You know I'm a little nervous too, but that means I really like you and I've never been this nervous before, you know-Joe said trying to cheer her up because she was really losing it.
- If you got dumped after sex, you wouldn't talk like that- Taylor got sad, remembered something and looked away.
- So what's going on? Whoever did this didn't realize what a girl he had, he's an idiot- Joe immediately felt hatred for this unknown guy.
- Maybe so, but he said to my face that I'm a log in bed and we should break up. That kind of thing doesn't go away, you know.
Taylor hugged Joe, and began to say things she hadn't even planned to say, and things she'd been trying to forget for a long time.
The words just came out of her mouth, the memories came to life, and she couldn't stop.
- He was five years older than me, he seemed so mature, and I was glad he was interested in me. When our relationship became more serious there were these phrases like, "if I date someone I usually sleep with them". It went on for a long time and eventually turned into an ultimatum: we either sleep together or we break up.
Taylor was silent, slipping into a memory.
- I knew guys like that. They're worthless, they're scum.
- Yeah. I loved him so I had to say yes. We slept together a few times and then he dumped me saying we weren't compatible in bed. I gave him everything and he used me and dumped me as soon as he got what he wanted.
Joe looked at her. She wasn't crying, just staring at one point. He already had his arms around her and couldn't hug her any tighter but he didn't know how else to show her that he was with her.
- I'm really sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen to you. It's not supposed to happen to anyone.
- That's why, even though I like you and want you, I stop halfway through. He was my last boyfriend before you, and since he left I've been alone for over a year. I was just afraid it was going to go back to that scenario.
- I'd never do what he did. Because I really like you and care about you- Joe whispered in her ear.
- You're really not like him. So at least I've done something right in my life-she smiled faintly.
Joe kissed the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her hair.
- I'm sorry for messing up again and telling you sob stories- said Taylor.
- Don't apologize, you and I have a lot of time ahead of us. I'm glad you told me.
Taylor lay down on her back and Joe next to her. Joe ran his hands through Taylor's hair and began to play with it. In such a peaceful environment, still talking and discussing stories from their lives, they gradually fell asleep.

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