What past is past

178 22 5

Tw: eating disorder

They went into Taylor's room where they currently lived together and she sat down on the edge of the couch. Joe settled down next to her and put his arm around her.

Taylor leaned her head on his shoulder, wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her face against his chest. Joe hugged her, running his palm through her hair.

"You don't know much about my past" Taylor said, and then she fell silent again

Joe kissed the top of her head and said:

"I believe that if you didn't tell me something than there was a reason"

The girl pulled away from him and looked down at the floor.

"Noah doesn't just watch how much I eat and what I do afterwards. For a long time, since I was a teenager, I've been struggling with eating disorder. You know,when I was younger I always ate what I wanted and didn't get fat, I laughed at the girls in my class who counted calories. I felt great about life. But then, continuing my usual way of life and not limiting myself in anything, I found that I gained ten pounds in one year. And I started to look at the mirror more. Staring more and more, closer and closer, from different angles. And hating my body more and more. So I started counting calories. It started innocently, I ate the calories I calculated and was happy to lose weight. Only then it became an addiction... The first thing I did in the store, I looked at the number of calories, counted them everywhere I went. If I didn't count or counted approximately, I would just panic. I couldn't do anything about it. And then I started testing myself. What if I will eat a hundred less calories a day? How about two hundred? Three hundred? Five hundred?My quota was getting lower every day. I was getting thinner and thinner, and I was happy about it. I didn't eat, but I reminded myself what I was doing it for.But then my family began to notice my unhealthy thinness. Of course I denied everything, but at least at family dinners my mother always made sure that I ate a hearty meal. So... that's how I developed bulimia. Every time, after eating, I would just go to the bathroom and try to throw up as inconspicuously as possible. I was good at hiding it from everyone, and if anyone was worried or started asking a lot of questions, I just joked off and said that I was a naturally fast metabolism. But one day at a school performance, I collapsed from hunger. Scared, my parents took me to the hospital, where they diagnosed me with anorexia"

Taylor stopped talking, tears streaming down her face. Without stopping.

"That's why he watches how much you eat..." Joe said quietly.

"Yes. My recovery wasn't going as smoothly as I would have liked. I had a few breakdowns where I stopped eating again. If it weren't for my friends, including Noah, I don't know where I'd be right now. I could be in my grave"

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm just..."

"I'm fine now. But those few years were hell and I will forever be grateful to my friends and my family for the support"

"You're very strong, and I love you"

"I love you too. It means a lot to me that you love me and not just my body"

"Taylor..." Joe stopped talking just hugging her tightly.

She turned to him and kissed him. The kiss was wet because of Taylor's tears that wouldn't stop flowing. Joe gently wiped the tears from her face and kissed her on both cheeks. She pressed herself against him and slowly began to calm down.

Joe continued to hold Taylor tightly, his arms wrapped around her in a comforting embrace. He felt a mixture of emotions swirling within him—admiration, concern, and a deep sense of commitment to be there for her.

"You're incredibly brave for sharing this with me" Joe said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I can't imagine how challenging it must have been for you, but I want you to know that I'm here for you"

Tears continued to stream down Taylor's face as she looked up at Joe, her eyes reflecting a blend of gratitude and vulnerability. "Thank you" she whispered, her voice trembling. "It means a lot to have your understanding and support."

Joe gently wiped away her tears, his touch soothing against her skin. "I want you to know that I don't love you any less because of your past struggles. In fact, it only makes me appreciate your strength and resilience even more"

Taylor nodded, her expression a mix of different emotions.
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, a sense of hope began to wash over them.

In that moment, Joe made a silent promise to himself. He would continue to educate himself about Taylor's struggles, to be patient and understanding.

Together, they would create a safe and loving space where healing could take place, knowing that their bond would only grow deeper as they supported each other through life's challenges.

After calming down a bit, Taylor moved away from Joe and said, "I have to go put the plates in the dishwasher.

"Sit" replied Joe, returning her to the couch "you made us dinner, I'll do the dishwasher. You've been running around the house cleaning all day anyway."

"Thanks" smiled Taylor.

"Anything for my princess" smirked Joe, kissing the girl on the corner of her lips "pick something for us to watch in the meantime. I'll be right back."

Joe took a step back, his eyes lingering on Taylor for a moment before making his way to the kitchen. He grabbed the dirty plates and utensils from the dining table and loaded them into the dishwasher, his mind still processing the earlier conversation with Noah.

As he worked, Joe couldn't help but reflect on the importance of trust and support in their relationship. He wanted Taylor to feel loved and cherished, to know that he was there for her in both the big and small moments of their lives.

Meanwhile, Taylor settled back on the couch, scrolling through their streaming service to find something to watch. She felt a mix of emotions lingering from the earlier tension, but Joe's gesture of taking over the household chores brought a small sense of comfort.

Lost in her thoughts, Taylor was brought back to the present as Joe returned to the living room, drying his hands on a kitchen towel. He gave her a playful smile, his eyes filled with affection.

"All done," Joe announced, taking a seat beside Taylor. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. "Now, what's our entertainment for the evening?"

Taylor leaned into Joe's embrace, feeling a sense of ease wash over her. She looked at the screen, scrolling through the options before settling on a romantic comedy.

"How about this one?" Taylor suggested, her voice tinged with a touch of excitement.

Joe glanced at the movie choice and chuckled. "Sounds perfect. A good romantic comedy to lighten the mood." He wasn't a fan of movies like this but always watched them with Taylor

As the opening credits began to roll, Joe and Taylor settled in, their bodies pressed close together. Joe rested his head on Taylor's shoulder, their fingers intertwined as they immersed themselves in the world of the movie.

In that moment, as laughter filled the room, Joe felt a renewed sense of connection with Taylor. The earlier tension with Noah still lingered in the back of his mind, but he was determined to focus on the love and joy they shared.

Throughout the movie, they shared gentle laughter and whispered commentary, occasionally stealing kisses and exchanging loving glances. As they basked in the warmth of each other's presence, Joe couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of gratitude for the love they had built.

In the midst of their movie night, Joe realized that it was these simple moments of togetherness that truly mattered. It was in the mundane tasks, the shared laughter, and the unwavering support that their love flourished. With every passing day, he was learning to navigate the challenges and uncertainties, striving to be the partner Taylor deserved.

As the credits rolled, Joe pressed a soft kiss to Taylor's cheek. "Damn,I love you more than words can express."

Taylor turned to him, her eyes shining with affection. "I love you too, baby"

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