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"Mate cares so much for us, he asked us if we were okay and even touched us! I'm so happy he noticed us."

Keira has been over the moon ever since we had that brief little exchange with Damian upstairs. Now we were seated on a bench under a shady tree, waiting for Uncle Trevor. Since I came down I haven't seen Aunt Vanessa, Bailey or Bradley. Which was a blessing in itself for both me and Keira.

"I personally want your skanky aunt and her wench of a daughter to see us with Damian. Let them sulk and get jealous over the fact that we found our mate before Bailey found hers," Keira smirked. "If she even has one."

"Keira stop being so petty. We're not like Bailey and Aunt Vanessa, we're above all that," I scolded her.

"Oh whatever. That still doesn't change my mind about who they are. They treat us the way they do to cover up their own flaws and insecurities. It's what all bullies do."

"That may be true Keira, but-"

"Here comes our mate! He's here!" she howled excitedly.

I looked up and sure enough, Uncle Trevor was walking towards us with Beta Zane, Damian and the two other male wolves who were seated with him in the meeting room. When they were about two feet away from me I stood to greet them.

"So this is your mate Damian? I must say she's very lovely," the older gentleman standing next to my uncle said. I observed his features and saw that he had moss green eyes, dark brown hair and was tall and fit. I assumed him to be Damian's father, judging by the fatherly affection he spoke to his son.

The man next to Damian had honey brown eyes and black hair that touched his forehead. Like Damian's father and Damian himself, this man was tall and had a muscled physique. Clearly where they were from, they spent a lot of time working out.

"Karina, this is former Alpha Pedro Volkov and Beta Andrik Vasiliev," Uncle Trevor introduced.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Alpha Pedro, Beta Andrik," I said giving them a small curtsy.

"The pleasure is all ours. Finally the Moon Goddess has decided to show mercy on Damian and give him his mate. He was starting to turn into an old grandpa waiting for you," Andrik said teasingly.
I could see Damian shoot a savage glare at Andrik for his comment and stifled the urge to giggle out loud.

"Karina, Damian will be taking you to the hotel to collect your bag and then we'll go directly home and you can pick up a few things and say goodbye to everyone before you go to live with him," Uncle Trevor explained.

My eyes widened in shock and I directed my gaze to my uncle.
"Are you saying I have to go live with him— I mean my mate? But Uncle Trevor I don't want to leave Blue Moonstone Valley, I'll be leaving you, Thea and Amber and..my parents."
"Darling you have to leave at some point in time, you found your mate. You have to go with him," he said trying to reason with me.
"Technically he found me. And I can't be his mate because I'm not eighteen yet." .

"Karina don't be stubborn," Uncle Trevor pinched the bridge between his nose and sighed exasperatedly. "Remember when I said that your mate can identify you if you find him?"
"Well I wasn't expecting to find him," I protested.

"Are you disappointed little one?" Damian asked cockily.
"Little one? Do I look little to you?" I scoffed.
"Holy crap! She did not just say that to you of all people!" Andrik guffawed as he slapped Damian on his shoulder.
"Karina that's no way to speak to your mate," Uncle Trevor chided. "Please say sorry."
"What'd you expect? He called me little. I'm not little I'm average."

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