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That was what I felt while Keira and I ran through the woods with Drake and Damian. Freedom from reality, freedom from making decisions, freedom from the intrusive thoughts that constantly plagued my mind. Here in the form of my beautiful wolf I could let go and simply be me.

After a while of running we halted on top of a hill and gazed downwards into a lush, grassy meadow with hundred of wildflowers and tall, undulating hills. Keira and I took  in the sight with awe. The only other place we've been to like this was the clearing in Blue Moonstone Valley where Uncle Trevor and Taberik took Keira and I for our ritualistic Saturday runs.

And this place was just as nice.

Drake suddenly turned around and went down on the ground in front of us, wagging his tail while gazing directly into Keira's eyes. Keira sensed that he wanted to play and immediately launched herself on him, causing the two of them to roll down the hill. When they finally stopped rolling, Keira jumped up and tackled Drake to the ground and they began to play fight.

As an Alpha Drake was far stronger than Keira and could easily outrun her, dodge her attacks and pin her to the ground. Every time she tried to jump on him he'd duck down and she'd fall flat on her back. When she fell for the fifth or sixth time Drake put his paw on her stomach and held her down.

She tried to get up but he didn't let her. Then she started growling and wriggling her body on the grass. If I had the mindlink I'd have warned Damian against letting Drake do that. One thing Keira didn't like more than anything was being held down against her will. She felt like her sensenof control was being taken away from her and that she was being forced to submit and obey.

She was an Alpha's daughter, submission and forced obedience wasn't in her vocabulary.

Drake eventually let her up and she scratched at the ground as she scampered to get feet. Not about to let him get away with that, Keira waited until Drake's back was turned then jumped on his back to nibble on his ear. He growled lowly and tried to shake her off but she wouldn't budge.

He then resorted to another tactic; rolling on the ground as how a crocodile would when tearing a chunk of meat off its prey. Due to his heavy weight, she was forced to release his ear. Annoyed with him for messing up her fur, she stood on all fours and shook herself out, roughly nudging his side to express her displeasure.

"Now, now, don't be like that. You shouldn't have pounced on him and bitten his ear," I told her.

"He started it. He never should've pinned me to the ground. You know how much I hate that," she huffed. "And he's my mate. If I want to pounce on him and bite his ear, then I will."

I rolled my eyes at her brattiness. She could always give, but never take. This was exactly what she used to do to Ruben when we were little. Ruben would just be lying on the grass minding his own business when Keira would suddenly jump on him and start biting his ear and tugging on his tail.

Now wolf pups were very playful and mischievous, but Keira? Keira wasn't just playful and mischievous, she was like a tsunami.
Ruben was bigger and stronger than she was so he couldn't push her off, otherwise she'd get hurt. So he was forced to endure her assaults until Mom or Dad came to remove her.

One time when Ryan was fifteen the four of us went on a camping trip to Blue Moonstone Lake. While Dad was putting up the tent, Mom was picking berries and Ruben was collecting firewood while keeping an eye on Keira who was busy chasing a butterfly. When the butterfly flew away Keira started to get bored so she took it into her head to jump on Ruben's back and bite his ear.

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