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After I had calmed down enough, Damian and I went for a walk in the garden, allowing us a chance to talk and get to know each other better. And after the day I've had, it was nice to be able to spend some quality time with my mate. Keira too was elated to finally get a chance to be with Damian and Drake after spending the majority of the day away from them.

Just at that moment, a brisk wind blew and I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly feeling a little cold. Damian immediately took off his blazer and draped it over my shoulders. Touched by the small act of kindness, I smiled and clutched the fabric closer, inhaling deeply and filling my senses with his scent.

"The temperature in Bloodstone Isle is significantly colder than that of Blue Moonstone Valley since the ocean is not too far from here," Damian explained. "It isn't so bad in the mornings and afternoons, but around five o'clock, the winds change and it starts to get chillier."

"I'll keep that in mind," I tell him as we continued our walk. "Although I'm glad for the coldness, Blue Moonstone Valley was always so humid in the nightime. I usually had to sleep with the air-conditioning on. But I'm sure I'll adapt to the temperature here in no time."

Damian directed me to a garden bench and we sat down for a minute. I idly observed my surroundings, the neatly trimmed hedges, rose bushes and fountain attracting my interest. I especially liked the lamppost that stood a little to the left of the bench Damian and I occupied. It would be perfect for those evenings where I'd like to sit and read in the splendid outdoors.

Thankfully I brought some of my favourite romance and mystery novels with me. I'd absolutely hate for them to remain at Blue Moonstone Valley. Once when I was fifteen Uncle Trevor took us on an outing to the beach and I was reading on a blanket under the shade of a umbrella. Bradley—with his immature self— took my book and started to page through it, jabbing at the words and scratching out anything he didn't like with a pen.

I was so mad I picked up a handful of sand and threw it at him. Thankfully he dropped my book to rub his eyes and I took the chance to run away. Luckily Beta Zane witnessed the incident and told Uncle Trevor. Bradley was grounded for a week and I was given a new copy of the book.

That memory was about two years old and yet it remained fresh in my mind as though it were yesterday. There were many other memories just like it. Bailey, Bradley and Aunt Vanessa may act perfect in public, kind, considerate and empathetic, but behind close doors, they weren't very nice.

I was always the target of their wickedness and criticism. Keira would often scold me for not standing up to them and asserting myself. I couldn't find fault with her, I was an Alpha's daughter, I shouldn't have to put up with anyone's bad behavior towards me.

"Are you happy Karina?"

My troubling thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Damian's voice. I turned to look at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "Sorry I didn't hear you, what did you say?"
"I'm asking if you're happy," he repeated. "I know you were hesitant to leave the valley, your home and your pack. I just need to know if you're happy here, with me and my family."

"Of course I'm happy Damian," I said placing my hand on top of his. "Initially I didn't want to leave Blue Moonstone Valley, but now I see that it's for the best. That talk you gave to the pups when they were trying to get me to stay, it made me realize my place is in fact with you. This is my home now. So yes I'm happy to be here—happy to be your mate."

"That's good to hear. I wouldn't want you to be unhappy here. I want you to feel comfortable, safe, secure. It may take some getting used to, but in time you'll learn to accept your new life as my mate and Luna," he said as he brought my hand to his lips to kiss it. I blushed and leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder and snuggling into his side.

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