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"Heartiest congratulations to you Jared. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful father...Yes I'll be sure to relay the good news to my parents...Yes, we'll catch up some other time...Send my regards to your mate and family," I concluded my conversation with my friend Jared O'Connell and hung up the phone.

He was the Alpha of Blue Calcite River and a good friend of the family. He called to inform that his mate had given birth to a son. He also wanted to know if I had found my mate yet, to which I replied yes. He was ecstatic to learn of this and promised to visit us soon, preferably when his mate was strong enough to travel.

Checking the time I saw that it was almost four o'clock. Karina and Bethany should be home by now. Getting up off the bed, I walked out of the bedroom and went to the living room. As soon as I did, I came face to face with my beautiful mate. She held her numerous shopping bags in her hands and her face was flushed with the heat of the afternoon sun. "H..hi. I'm back."

I took the bags from her and set them down in front of the sofa. Before she could close the door, I had pulled her into my arms. She let out a surprised gasp and looked up into my eyes, filled with yearning and dark with lust. Burying my face in her neck, I inhaled deeply her alluring scent.

Drake whined and scratched at the barrier, demanding to be let out so he can have a chance to be with his mate. I growled lowly and tightened my grip on Karina as Drake started to get more and more impatient. Usually I was better at controlling him, but after so many hours of being away from Karina, he was restless.

Determined to keep him under control, I closed my eyes and silently counted to ten, taking several deep breaths. When I opened my eyes again, I pulled back and looked down at Karina, who also seemed to be having difficulty in controlling Keira.

"So how was your day? Did you have fun with the girls?" I asked as I picked up her bags and carried them to the bedroom.
"Hmm, it was hot, a bit crowded, but enjoyable nonetheless," she said following me into the bedroom. "How was yours?"
"Busy, quiet and lenghty. Drake kept bugging me to call you. He missed you and Keira."

She nodded and took a seat on the bed. "We missed you too. Keira was moody because she didn't want to be away from you."
I laid next to her and took her hand in mine to rub my fingers on the soft skin. She hummed softly and scooted closer to lean her head on my shoulder. We stayed there for a few minutes before Karina got up to pack away her shopping.

I sat up and watched as she took out her clothes to sort through them. The closet was more than big enough for both our stuff, she had the right side, and I had the left. Just as she picked up a bag from Louis Vuitton, another bag fell on the side and I saw a bit of red poking out of it. Curious, I went to pick it up and saw that it was a red lace lingerie.

More specifically; a two piece bra and thong set.

"My Goddess. I wonder what compelled her to buy this," Drake wondered. "What I would give to see her in it right now."

"Bethany must've put it in here," I mused. "Karina doesn't seem like the type to wear these kinds of things."

"Doesn't hurt to ask."

I was just about to do that when she turned around and saw the lingerie in my hand. Her face went red with embarrassment and she snatched it back and hid it behind her back. "I swear, Bethany and Zaelynn put that in my bag, not me," she murmured, keeping her eyes to the floor.

I chuckled and reached into the bag to pull out another lingerie. This one was a black bralette set with a leather bra and panty and fishnet stockings. Looking at it made my dick twitch in my pants.
"And what about this one? Did they put this in your bag too?"
She opened her mouth to say something but no words came out.

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