Chapter 7 - Loss

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September 17, 1936

Three Years Later

Madison's POV

The last three years have been life-changing for Steve, Bucky, and me. Last year I graduated from New York University with honors and a Masters's degree in biology and mechanical engineering. I now work full-time with Dr. Erskine and Howard Stark for The Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) which was a military-funded scientific research reserve. Now I was training for the military by direct orders from a man by the name of Colonel Phillips.

I wasn't quite sure why I was being given military training but I didn't object, I did enjoy the training it was fairly difficult but nothing I couldn't handle. The training made me more physically fit which I couldn't complain about.

When Bucky turned 18 he moved out of the Rogers's apartment and bought another two-bedroom apartment not too far from where Steve lived. A few months later when I just turned 17 I decided to move out of Dr. Erskine's apartment and moved in with Bucky. Bucky got a job working as an accountant for the department store Macy's. The Great Depression finally ended two years ago much to every American's relief and now we were in a peaceful era.

Although I have heard that the Nazi party in Germany has become a threat to several European countries. But that might just be superstitious military talk, the last thing the world needs is another Great War.

Right now I have just gotten home from a long exhausting day. " Hey, Bucky I'm home!" I called out from the doorway as I took off my heels since I now had to wear them every day along with a stupid skirt.

" We're in the kitchen!" I heard Bucky call out.

I walked past the kitchen to my room so I could change into pants, "Hey Bucky, hey Steve. I will be right back I just need to change," I explained as I walked past where Bucky and Steve were talking in the kitchen.

I quickly changed into my favorite pair of pants and threw my hair into a ponytail before walking back out to find Bucky and Steve's right where they were when I first walked in. " Hey, Madison how was your day?" Steve asked me turning to look at me when I walked in.

" It was fine, it was exhausting..." I began until I noticed that Steve had a black eye. " Oh my God! Steve are you OK!" I exclaimed running over to him and grabbing his face in my hands so I could inspect him.

"Madison, I'm fine. It was just some bullies," Steve assured me taking my hands off his face.

"Just some bullies," I heard Bucky scoff from behind me as he handed Steve a bag from the freezer to put on his face, "Why don't you tell Madison how you got into that fight."

I then turned back to Steve with a quirked eyebrow. "Go on," I urged Steve who suddenly seemed very uncomfortable.

" I just heard some people at school making fun of you," Steve mumbled turning red.

A lot of the teens my age made fun of me for graduating so early. " Oh, Steve how many times do I have to tell you, my reputation is not something to get into fights over," I sighed.

" I know but I can't stand someone talking about you like that," Steve responded.

" Steve, what they say doesn't mean a damn to me. While they are in school still I am working a full-time job working in a lab for the military and can pay my bills. What they say has no effect on me and should have no effect on you," I told Steve.

" Ok, I promise I won't get into any more fights over your reputation," Steve finally relented.

" How about no more fights?" I suggested.

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