Chapter 19 - Doing Something Stupid

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Steve's POV

January 16th, 1943- The Day Bucky Leaves

I woke up to the sun shining through my window and in Bucky's warm embrace. I looked at Bucky's sleeping face smirking when I noticed his unruly hair and the drool that was slowly leaking out of his mouth.

I laid there for a few minutes running my hands through Bucky's hair before he woke up. "Ughh, what time is it?" Bucky groaned throwing his hand over his eyes to block out the light. Bucky was never a morning person, unlike Madison who is an early riser.

"Bucky it's 9 a.m. it's not like it's four in the morning," I laughed, he did this every morning unless he slept past noon.

"9 a.m.! That's too early," he groaned again throwing the blanket over his face. As you can tell Bucky Barnes is not a morning person unless he wakes up to pancakes.

At this point I got up and ripped the blanket off Bucky who immediately curled up into a ball, "come on Bucky, you leave today if you don't get up now we won't be able to have breakfast together," I sighed which caused Bucky immediately to jump up.

" Ok, ok I am ready. Let's go eat breakfast," Bucky jumped up not wanting to waste any more time on our last day together. I try not to think that these moments with Bucky may be my last. But now is not the time there will be time for those thoughts later.

" Alright, I got donuts from the bakery down the street yesterday so I didn't have to cook," I explained as I got hastily got dressed. Ever since Madison left there hasn't exactly been that much cooking. I can only cook two things: potato soup and pancakes. Anything else I burn so we have been eating out more than I care to admit.

When I turned around Bucky was already in his dress uniform and let me just say he looks damn good in a uniform. If the uniform didn't mean he was leaving I would've asked him to wear it all the time. "Aight I'm ready," Bucky said eagerly, he always loved donuts.

We ate our breakfast quickly since Bucky didn't have much time before he had to leave to go report to base. Now we were standing in front of the door neither of us wanting to say goodbye first.

"I got you a gift," Bucky said suddenly fishing in his uniform pocket before pulling out a small poorly wrapped box.

"Bucky you didn't need to..." I started as Bucky pushed the small box into my hand.

"Nope, I need something for you to remember both Madison and me by, just in case..." Bucky didn't finish his sentence, he didn't need to. I already know he meant just in case they don't come back.

"Ok," I whispered sadly before opening the box. Inside was a beautiful compass, that seemed way too expensive for us to be able to afford. It was a fairly simple compass with a bronze cover but for people with very little this compass seems like everything.

"Madison got it in London and sent it with her last letter to me. She told me to give it to you before I shipped out so you are never truly alone," as Bucky told me this I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. This compass is the last thing of mine Madison has touched.

"This is the most amazing gift anyone has ever given me," I whispered trying to hold back the tears.

" That's not all, open it," Bucky said tapping the compass.

When I opened it, the inside is more beautiful than the outside, it had a beautiful pearl face with an inscription on the rim that read til the end of the line. But that was not the best part, the best part was a picture stuck on the inside of the compass' cover that was a picture of Madison, Bucky, and me smiling. I remember this trip, it was two days before Madison left and we went to Coney Island. This was right before we rode the Cyclone and I threw up.

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