Chapter 20 - Under Attack

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October 5th, 1943

Madison's POV

This goddamn war has been going on far too long. It has been a year and a half since I saw Steve and I worry about him constantly. The super-soldier serum worked and he became the first and unfortunately last super-soldier when Dr. Erskine was murdered. Finding out a close friend of mine was murdered by Hydra just made my vindication to end this damn war even more prominent.

I was called after Erskine died to see if I would come back to the states and recreate the serum, but I refused. My men need me here and I refuse to leave them. I was saddened that after Erskine died instead of Steve joining the war he became the propaganda piece known as Captain America going around the United States dancing and singing.

It hurt to see all that Erskine dreamed of, crash and burn when he died. But hopefully, Steve will be able to rise out of the ashes and build Erskine's dream again. Right now how has been rough, the 107th which I now command is running low on supplies and ammunition as the attacks from both Hydra and the Nazis become more and more brutal.

Right now we managed to push back the Nazis enough to be able to cooperate a little and recover from the attacks. About half of my men have been injured and about a quarter of those have died. Morale is low and the only thing keeping me going is knowing both Bucky and Steve believe in me.

The only good thing that has come out of this war, is I have become friends with the Howling Commandos as they like to call themselves, they are my best fighters and Bucky has become the best marksmen in the infantry. Still not quite sure why they call themselves the Howling Commandos, as far as I know I haven't heard a single one of them howl.

" God DAMMIT!" I yelled after I just got word that reinforcements and supplies were still a weak away, and I know deep down we won't last that long.

" Madison, what's wrong?" I heard a voice speak up softly and I looked up to see a bruised and dirty Bucky looking at me with concern. No one has had a shower in weeks since the bases bathroom was destroyed by a bomb.

" I just got word back from the states, that our reinforcements and supplies are still a week away. Bucky we won't last that long we only have enough food for about four more days and enough ammunition for maybe three," I cried out in dismay. I feel like such as failure right now, and my men are going to pay for it. I already failed the 141st and they are all dead, I can't fail the 107th too.

"Madison, don't worry we will be fine. You will figure something out," Bucky tried to reassure me walking toward me and squeezing my hand. I know he's trying to help but I honestly have no clue what to do.

"That's the thing, Buck, I have thought of every angle and there is no way out of this. My men are going to start dying in three days if I don't get more resources," I sighed.

Bucky was about to say something when he was interrupted by gunfire, explosions, and people yelling. Knowing immediately what was happening I ran behind my desk grabbing two machine guns throwing one to Bucky before hoisting up the other one.

" WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" I heard a soldier yell as sirens began to go off.

Bucky and I looked at each other briefly, silently communicating before we both ran out of the tent towards the threat waiting outside. Thank god I am wearing uniform pants instead of that stupid skirt I'm supposed to wear with my uniform and I would be doomed if I was wearing heels. Too many things were happening at once, we were being bombarded by hundreds of Hydra and Nazis soldiers, several massive tanks were shooting at us.

I knew immediately that we were not winning this battle, with half my troops out of commission and we were already low on ammunition. But that won't stop me from bringing down as many of these fucking Nazis as I can.

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