Chapter 22 - Captain America

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June 13th, 1943

Steve Roger's POV

I am still not quite sure how I was picked out of all those soldiers to become the first super-soldier. But I somehow did it and now I am in a car with Agent Carter through Brooklyn. It's nice to be home again, even though it does not feel like home without Bucky and Madison. Seeing all of our old haunts but instead of wandering Brooklyn with my two loves, I'm in a car with Agent Carter.

"I know this neighborhood, I got beat up in that alleyway, in that parking lot, behind that diner," I pointed out to Agent Carter as we drove through the neighborhood I knew so well.

"Did you have something against running away?" Agent Carter asked me.

"Once you start running they never let you stop, you stand up and push back. You can't say no forever. Madison taught me that," I explained. I remember the time Madison told me that very well.

I was 14 at the time and had just gotten beat up for defending Madison against some stupid bullies. I was frustrated and wanted to give up when Madison told me that, to this day I still remember.

"I know a little of what that's like, Madison experienced more than I ever did. To have every door shut in your face," Peggy told me.

"Madison never mentioned any problems," I responded, then again Madison never told us anything about her problems.

"Oh yes. Madison faced it worse than I, a brilliant young girl who was smarter than almost everyone in the room. The men didn't like a girl so young being smarter than all of them so they would try to tear her down," Agent Carter told me, and I couldn't help but feel saddened at that.

"She never mentioned any of that to Bucky or me."

"Madison has never been one to share or complain about her problems. She would only talk about it with me if I confronted her with dinner and wine," Agent Carter explained and I nodded in agreement. That does sound like Madison, the only way to get her to talk about her feelings was by offering her food and alcohol. We soon arrived at the building I haven't been to in a while since Madison got a new job. I have never been inside so it will be exciting to see the secret lab Madison worked in for years.

When we walked in I was surprised when we were greeted by an old lady. That's a strange defense. " Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?"

" Yes, but I always carry an umbrella," Peggy responded. Weird it's sunny outside with literally no clouds, and she isn't carrying an umbrella.

I didn't realize that was a secret code until the old lady pushed a button revealing a secret door to what I am assuming is the secret lab. Seeing all the military police as I walked down the hallway made me kind of nervous so I stayed close to Agent Carter.

Two military police opened the double doors at the end of the hallway revealing an impressive massive lab where scientists ran around doing sciency stuff. Wow, Madison used to work here, no wonder she was sad to leave.

I walked down the stairs to greet Dr. Erskine. " Good morning," I greeted taking Erskine's hand to shake it.

A camera flashed in our faces momentarily blinding me, " Please not now," Dr. Erskine scolded and the cameraman thankfully left me alone.

I couldn't help but look at the giant sciency capsule that seemed very menacing. " You ready?" Erskine asked me pulling my eyes away from the capsule and back to him. I didn't say anything and instead just nodded, " Good. Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat," Erskine commanded.

I couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable taking off my shirt in front of other people. The only people who have seen me shirtless are my mom, Bucky, and Madison. This is definitely outside of my comfort zone, then again most of what has happened the last few weeks has been.

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