Chapter 27 - London

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Madison's POV

I somehow managed to fall asleep on Steve's lap and even managed to have a dreamless sleep. That was all ruined though when I was jolted awake causing me to quickly sit up. " Whoah careful Madison we just touched down no need to worry," I felt someone touch my shoulder and I couldn't help but flinch.

I looked around completely forgetting where I was, "Hey Madison it's just us, no one is going to hurt you," I finally met Steve's concerned gaze.

"Sorry, I forgot where I was," I mumbled, feeling bad that I scared them.

" There is nothing to apologize for sweetheart," Steve told me. The plane came to a complete stop and I looked out the window to see it was pitch black outside and I could see the city lights in the distance. I was once again lost in thought, so much so I didn't realize everyone had e

"You ready to go doll?" I was pulled away from the window to see Bucky waiting for me.

" Yeah, sorry I got distracted," I said standing up quickly which I shouldn't have done cause I got really dizzy for a moment. But I managed to shake it off and luckily Bucky didn't notice. " Where is Steve?" I noticed my favorite blonde, blue-eyed super soldier.

"He's getting our bags, and putting them in our ride," Bucky told me, "Now let's go before Colonel Phillips comes in here and drags us out."

"Right, no need to make him angry he's scary enough," I quickly followed Bucky out to see Steve was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ahh there's my two favorite people, thought you might have fallen out of the airplane," Steve told us with a smile that never ceased to give me butterflies.

"Sorry I was having a moment and Bucky was helping me," I said as I walked up to him and give him a hug. It's been a rough day, Hydra won't leave my mind even though that base is thousands of miles away. All I want is to curl up in Steve and Bucky's arms and sleep forever.

"It's alright Madison," Steve whispered into my ear. We then stepped away from each other just as Peggy approached us.

"If you are all ready to go our cars are ready," Peggy informed us. The three of us walked after Peggy to see two black Cadillacs waiting for us. Colonel Phillips was already sitting in one of the cars and Howard was leaning against the other one.

"Your chariot awaits Colonel Hayes," Howard said as he opened the door for me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Howard's antics as he gave me a cheesy wink, " Thank you Howie." I know he hates that nickname, so if he annoys me I annoy him. Once I got in Steve sat next to me, Bucky got up front, and Howard got into the driver's seat. I couldn't help but stare at the beauty of London as we drove through.

"London is beautiful," I breathed out, staring in awe at all of the beautiful lights. I've been to London before, but it's not quite as beautiful when you almost never leave your office.

"It really is, I just wish we were here under better circumstances," Bucky added sadly. Sometimes I can almost forget there is a war happening, but reality always comes crashing down destroying any peace or hope I may have.

"That is true, but this is probably the only time we will ever be here together," Steve added optimistically.

" Exactly, so we might as well enjoy it, even if we are only here for a few weeks and most of it will be spent working," I concluded before turning back to the window staring at Buckingham palace as we drove past. London is truly a beautiful city but the war has not left it untouched, as we continue you can see the scarred buildings and towering rubble from where bombs have hit. Even the great city of London hasn't been left alone, nothing has been left untouched by this wretched war. Sadly enough our ride came to a end as we found ourselves standing outside of an ugly brick building that used to be an old factory that the Allies repurposed as a military headquarters. I know this building all too well. After all I did spend sleepless nights and exhausting days working nonstop.

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