Chapter 32 - The Snow

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Bucky's POV

Cold it's so, so cold.

The last thing I remember before I blacked out was hearing Steve yell my name. I was surprised when I cracked my eyes open though I regret doing so. The moment I woke up I felt immense pain in my left arm. I looked over to see that my arm was gone. I began to panic as the memories of what just happened came rushing back. That was when I remembered that I jump for a reason.

I began to look around frantically for Madison. I managed to stumble to my feet and began to walk around. It took about twenty minutes before I found Madison fell and now lay halfway into the river.

"Oh God Madison!" I exclaimed running over. I noticed that she broke her right leg in several places and the gunshot wound in her stomach was still bleeding heavily and she was cold and pale.

I gently picked her up and pulled her close in hopes that my body heat would warm her up. Much to my relief she was still breathing although unevenly and shallowly. I knew she wouldn't make it long.

"Someone help please!" I cried out as I began to look around. But the nearest help probably thinks I'm dead.

Much to my surprise several soldiers appeared over the hill and approached us and I was relieved that help was here. That is until they got closer that I noticed the Hydra symbol on their uniforms. I quickly set Madison down and stood up ready to fight to the last breath.

"Don't come any closer!" I threatened holding my fist out. I am unarmed and injured and I know I won't be able to put up much of a fight, but I can still try, for Madison.

"Hey no need to worry soldier we are just here to help," one of the soldiers said with a fake sympathetic smile.

"Like hell you are," I shouted back.

"Fine if you won't come peacefully then we'll just kill you," another soldier said as he grabbed his gun and pointed it at me. I braced for a gun to go off but another soldier stopped him.

"Don't those are the soldiers Zola wanted us to find and bring back alive," another soldier sneered. The soldiers then turned towards me again and continued their advance. They didn't get very far before a gun went off and one of them fell to the ground, dead with a bullet between the eyes. I turned around surprised to see Madison standing with a gun in her hand. She limped past me dragging her broken leg behind her before stopping in front of me.

"Leave him alone of I will kill you all," Madison threatened. I could tell shooting that one soldier took all her energy let alone take out the rest of them and I knew we were done. There is no way the two of us, who are seriously injured can take out the six heavily armed Hydra soldiers.

" Sure you will, we can tell you are dying princess so you might as well surrender and we will help you," one of the soldiers said.

" Fuck you!" Madison spat raising her gun again. 

I heard another gun shot but it wasn't from Madison and I watched her fall to her knees in pain as I realized she was shot in the shoulder. But that didn't stop her from managing to shot another soldier. I heard another gun shot and Madison fell onto her back. I immediately knelt by her side and tried to stop the several bullet wounds from bleeding. "I'm sorry Bucky I tried to stop them," she whispered.

Suddenly I was pushed off Madison and I watched helplessly as one of the soldiers stomped on her already broken leg. " Ahhhhhhh!" Madison screamed in pain.

I tried to fight the soldiers but I was losing blood and I could feel my consciousness slipping. The last thing I saw was Madison being shot again in the chest and the both of us being dragged before I succumbed to the darkness.

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