Fili & Kili Secret Meeting (Smut)

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~>Fili and Kili are characters from The Hobbit. Semi, dubious consent, to help with the picture you start off in Fili's lap, he's the golden haired dwarf and Kili is the dark haired dwarf<~

"Hold her arms!" Said the dark haired dwarf closing in on me as my legs sprawled across the ground.

"She's a fighter." I could practically hear the dwarf behind me smirking as he held my arms together. Kneeling on the ground with me in his lap, the dwarf ripped off my blindfold.

"Such beautiful eyes, you're gorgeous darling." I looked up at the dwarf whose lap I was currently resting on. He had both my arms pinned to his body with one arm, and my raggedy blindfold in the other. His golden braids sprawled across his shoulders. I felt a hand snake it's way to my cheek and I locked eyes with the dwarf kneeling in front of me.

"Hello." He spoke almost breathlessly. I was shocked at how handsome they were, male dwarves are not known for their beauty after all.

"Playing hard to get, we like it." Said the other as he tossed away the blindfold.

"Of course you do Fili." I said smirking. "What's your name?" I asked as the dwarf in front of me as he cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss.

"I'm Kili." Said the dark haired dwarf as he gently pulled back.

"He's my brother, but as long as you're between us, he doesn't mind joining in on the fun." Said Fili.

"Let's get started then." I smirked as Kili wedged himself firmly between my legs. Fili began tying my hands together behind my back as Kili lifted me to my feet. I put my newly bound wrists below my legs, around my feet and then up around Kili's neck as our lips collided. All the while Fili is lifting the many layers of my gown. I felt a cold gust of wind on my bare skin as Fili began to free himself. Before I knew it I was being rammed from behind by a less than gentle dwarf.

"Ow, Fili, please slow down." I managed to choke out between moans and sharp breaths.

"Relax your body love." Fili whispered into my ear as Kili drove his tongue down my throat.

"How can I help darling?" Kili asked between gasps for air. I began grinding against his thigh.

"Pleasure me..." I moaned desperately.

"Mmmmm." He hummed as his hand began to travel passed my navel. Slowly he reached up my dress; I jumped when his hand touched my sensitive clit. Slowly, at first, in small circles, but the more I moaned the faster he went. My vision was beginning to get foggy when his hand swiftly pulled back. I let out a frustrated moan.

"Patience, I'll get you there, but I want to be inside you first." He picked me up gently and I wrapped my legs around his waist while Fili lifted me from behind. Fili slowed, only to allow Kili time to enter me.

"Take a deep breath as I go, okay?" He said as he looked into my eyes.

"Ready?"He asked as I nodded in response. I felt him at my entrance and as I took a deep breath he slid in. Suddenly I felt very full, almost too full. Fili began to speed up again, causing pain deep in my anus, but is quickly subsided. The whole time, Kili just stared into my eyes. Searching for any discomfort,  but, when he found none, he began to slowly pull out again. Gently he came back in and as he did he hit my sweet spot and I threw my head back on Fili's shoulder.

"I told you it would be fun." Said Fili in my ear, as Kili began to thrust wildly.

I felt Kili lean in and begin planting gentle but firm bite marks over my exposed neck. I couldn't hold back a moan as all my sensations fired off at once. I orgasmed so hard my whole body shook between the two of them.

"That's your spot isn't it?" Kili moaned against my neck. I couldn't respond as leftover waves of my orgasm pulsed through my body.

"I bet it is..." Fili smirked in my ear as his hand traveled up the small of my back; tugging at the very tips of my hair.

"Please, don't stop." I said breathlessly as they rutted in and out, over and over.

"I'm so close." Fili whispered as his thrusts became hard and more frenzied. Kili began sucking bright purple spots all over my neck as I moaned out both of their names. My orgasm beginning to build again.

"I'm going to cum." Kili whispered as he began desperately thrusting his hips forward at an impossible speed.

"I don't care." I said as I began to claw at the back of his head. My orgasm was so close I could barely think straight.

"Are you sure?" He said as he stared into my eyes.

"Cum for me." I said as Fili behind me gave a few last hard thrusts. With a moan, Fili threw his head back and finished inside me.

"You're so beautiful love." Said Fili in my ear as Kili finished hard. Kili brought his forehead to mine as we rode out our orgasms silently together. Dripping sweat and exhausted, Kili set me down gently and they both began helping me straighten my gown.

"What now?" Kili said shyly as I fixed my hair, and he cut me loose from my bonds.

"What do you mean?" I asked as the wind began to rustle and moan throughout the tree tops.

"Well, won't you be... you know, with child?" Kili asked looking down sheepishly. Me and Fili smirked to each other. This wasn't our first time having fun away from everyone else.

"I have an elixir I take that prevents that." I said with a chuckle. For a moment Kili seemed kind of disappointed. If my father ever found out I had been fooling around out of wed-lock I'd be kicked out of the house so fast. Even if it were with the kin of the Thorin Oakenshield. A dwarven princess like myself should never be caught up in such a scandal, they would simply send me away the moment they found out. But these dwarves were different, I already couldn't get enough of Fili, but now with Kili as well... I don't think I'll ever let them go.

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