Legolas Is A Vampire (Smut)

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~>A younger, less forgiving Legolas from The Hobbit. This story has violence as well as (very) light gore.<~

I was running as fast as I could through the forest. No one was chasing me, but I got the strangest feeling that someone was watching. I heard a crack and I stopped when I came to an opening in the trees. I looked all around as the forest swayed under the moon light. It's just my imagination. Or was it.

Another sound came from behind me. Just the wind, maybe. Had to be.


Definitely not the wind.

I bolted back towards the trees, but before I could get out of the clearing, an arm jutted out from behind a tree. I fell hard to the ground as the wind was knocked out of me.

"Where are you off to?" Asked the figure standing over me. When he leaned down into the moonlight I saw his red eyes. He's a vampire. With a crash, a small band of goblins came out into the clearing. The vampire turned to fight them and as he did I took my chance and ran. Getting smacked in the face by branches as I crashed through the forest. I could hear some of the goblins were following not far behind. They caught up to me and threw me down into a creek.

"Thought you could get away." Croaked one as he came to tower over me. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me up onto my knees.

"Nice try little lady, that vampire can't save you now." Another chuckled as he came upon the scene. I screamed as a blade was pressed against my throat.

"Please don't kill me! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP!" I cried, but they only laughed. The goblin over top of me slashed me in the side.

"No one is coming." He laughed.

"Get your hands off of my dinner." Came a dark commanding voice. With a flurry of movement I saw the head of the goblin go flying clean off. His blade clattered to the ground next to me as he fell back. With grace and precision the vampire fought off the remaining four goblins. Like a dancer he swung and slashed with his sword, killing them with ease. After he dispatched them all he stood there motionless. The silence dragged on for what felt like forever.

"T-Thank you." I said shakily. With a flash, he was upon me, my neck firmly in his hand, nails digging into my skin.

"I wouldn't thank me yet. I just prefer maidens to goblins." He growled as his pupils widened in the moon light. Vampires look like elves, they talk like elves, but they are twice as wild and way less predictable. He inhaled deeply through his nose. Smelling the blood pouring from my side.

"Can't have you leaking." He hissed as he pinned my head and my leg down flat. I struggled against him to keep my mouth out of the water, he yielded, but only slightly. I felt his tongue lick a long trail up my open wound and I shrieked out in pain. My wound began to heal and my flesh fused back together. Vampires are notoriously hard to kill, partly in kind, to the healing properties in their saliva. There's something about this one though. I studied him in the moonlight when he sat back up straight.

"You're beautiful." I blurted out under my breath.

"Am I now?" Damn it, I should have kept my mouth shut. "Please love, tell me more. But flattery won't save you. I'm going to drink you dry and leave your husk to rot." He locked eyes with me.

"Please don't hurt me." I whimpered as my eyes filled with tears.

"No, of course, we can't have that can we?" He mocked as he squeezed my windpipe shut under his wrist. I choked and thrashed as I tried to get away.

"Struggle all you like. It will only make you taste better." He hissed seductively. Suddenly, I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. Somehow this was so erotic. All at once, he wrenched me up by the neck and threw me down into the water again with a violent splash.

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