Newt Scammander A Study In Muggles (Smut)

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~> Newt Scamander from the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movies only it's set closer to the present day<~

It had been 7 months since you agreed to help your friend Jacob with something... well, help Jacob's friend. A shy, timid, man who comes alive at the sight of any creature, magical or otherwise, as you'd soon come to find out. He had a name and occupation as odd as he was. His name, Newt Scamander, his title, magizoologist and as it turns out, a wand carrying wizard. Your whole world turned upside down when you found out. Even stranger, he wanted to study you and the habits of muggles. He wanted someone who didn't know much of the magic world to observe and document for his next textbook. Whenever he wasn't watching and writing about your every move he was climbing into his suitcase to check on the many animals under his care. You suspected, he only took an interest in you because of the overlap in your work, him as a Magizoologist and you a regular Zoologist.

One day you decided to sneak into the makeshift "office" you set up for him. Not that he used his half of the poorly divided room for more than housing his research; a room that was once solely your office. A flimsy blanket draped on a string through the center marked the end of your neat and tidy side and the start of his messy paper explosion. Stacks and stacks everywhere. He was always taking notes on you but you never knew why or what he could be writing about. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to why, where, or when he pulled his pen and pad out and started scribbling things down. You picked up the first few stacks and begin skimming through them. The first few were pretty mundane; daily habits and routines, various commuting methods he's observed you take, diet, all the basic behaviors you'd expect. But then you flipped to the last stack. You were stunned by the words you had read. "Monthly bodily and mental cycles of muggles (female)" you didn't know what to feel. At first you wanted to feel anger, but you couldn't, he like you, is a zoologist, of course he's going to want to observe everything about your behavior. You guessed the shock came mostly from not realizing how closely he had been watching you.

"I'm sorry, I was going to ask you before I published that part." You hear a sheepish, posh voice say from behind you. You turned around and his gaze immediately fell to the floor, only glancing up once before casting his eyes back down at your shoes.

"It's okay, I just didn't realize you were paying attention that's all." You stammered. How long had he been standing there.

"Would you mind if I read it? I'm curious about what you've noticed. I can fact check for you and clear up any questions." You suggested as you began to skim the first page of the chapter.

"Go ahead, but please don't be offended by anything, I just tried to keep it as scientific as possible. Observable facts only, I know certain muggle interpretations of your cycle can be quite rude and offensive." He assured as you began to look closer at the papers. You gasped for a second.

"Excuse me!" You joked, Newt shrank away for a brief second. "I do not have a heat period! I'm not a dog!" You laughed and punched him gently in the arm. Almost instantly he looked relieved.

"And you can't tell when I'm ovulating, that's impossible." You laughed. He smiled.

"Yes, I can, you have very predictable patterns. You only date for a few weeks every month before you 'give up on men for good', you're fine for a few days, then you have your period, cry and eat ice cream for a week, then a few days after that you get horny again and start all over." He laughed. "As for knowing when you ovulate, I had a theory and I might have used magic to know for sure."

"You snake." You laughed and punched him again. He chuckled as he looked into your eyes. He studied your face intently, not something he normally does. You being the tease you were, and him always being so shy, you thought this would never work on him, but you wanted to have some fun.

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