Homelander's Surprise (Smut)

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~> Homelander is a superhero in the Amazon prime show, The Boys. His powers include super strength, hearing, sight, smell, he's invincible, has laser vision, can see through walls, and can fly. This takes place after his son goes into hiding but before soldier boy returns, fair warning his character has a thing for milk, so that may come up more in future additions if i make them, for now I've limited it quite a bit, he's got major mommy issues, (also supe is short for super, someone who has super powers) he's also raging narcissist fair warning even though I try not to write my fics that way<~

"I'm a god they are beneath me. As soon as I find where they've taken my son I'll kill them all just for the thrill of it." Said an angry Homelander absolutely seething with rage on the other side of the couch. His jaw clenching and unclenching with every violent thought.

"Of course baby, you always do." You assured him as you slid cautiously in his direction.

"You've been hiding something from me." He said through gritted teeth. Your pulse began to quicken ever so slightly, as his cold dead stare turned towards you. A twisted toothy smile spread across his face. He could hear your pulse quicken even more through your ribcage. Even though he claimed to love you, you knew no one was ever truly safe around Homelander.

"It's not like that. I'm not hiding something, I'm keeping it from you, for now." You declared, boldly, trying to push the fear to the back of your mind. For a moment he almost looked taken aback, but it quickly faded. You're playing with fire, if he decided he didn't so much as like your tone you could be ripped apart in seconds.

"And I'm not about to let you spoil the surprise either so keep your nose out of it." His neck craned back with a look of confusion at your fearlessness. Not many have dared to speak to him that way and it always took him by surprise when someone did.

"I'll tell you over dinner tonight." You said with a smirk as you got up and left the room. He spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what you could possibly be surprising him with. He was raised in a lab run by a massive pharmaceutical company and this was probably the first time someone was doing something this nice for him, out of love and not fear. Not to mention he can see through everything, so nothing really surprises him.

You returned to the tower about two hours later, with all the supplies you needed, and began the long process of cooking and prepping everything for the delicious dinner you were about to make. Of course Homelander smelt all of it before he even entered the building, he was probably already listening in on what you were doing in the dining room. You heard the elevator ding just around the corner to his penthouse, any second he would come around the corner, so you rush to hide the little navy blue wrapped box with a deep red ribbon, not that hiding it did much.

"What are you hiding from me." His dark voice boomed, you hadn't heard him cross the room while you were covering it, but he was right behind you now. The box's interior was lined with nickel so he couldn't see through it. To him it stuck out like a sore thumb the moment he was ten blocks away, and not knowing was pissing him off.

"A gift nosey, be patient, trust me it's worth it." You replied as you watched his jaw muscles unclench. "I'm going to spoil you tonight." you hummed as you looked up at him.

"Tell me now. I'm not asking." He spoke in that menacing tone. The last tone most people hear from him. Slowly, you snaked your arms around his waist.

"Dinner first, and it'll be the very next thing I tell you." You whispered seductively in his ear. Stake, Cesar salad, mashed potatoes, desert (chocolate covered strawberries), lit candles, the works, it was a very special occasion after all. He slammed down into his seat, angry at your defiance no doubt, but to intrigued to kill you, he stared daggers at you while you both ate until you couldn't resist it anymore. You pulled the box out and slid it across the table to him.

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