Astarion Approves Of Halsin (Smut)

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~> In the game, Baldur's Gate 3, You can start and stop romances at any point, but it may come to a point where some characters will ask you to choose. Halsin is usually the catalyst (one who causes said reaction) for this dialogue, to occur. However this is Astarion we are talking about.  There is only one of two reasons he is okay with this; 1: He is okay with this because he is manipulating you into being his vampire spawn (slave), so you protect him from Cazador. Or 2: He loves you and doesn't want you to go without dick/understands that his relationship with intimacy is warped after 200 years of forced  prostitution, and that carnal need is an important part of a relationship. Poor guy just wants to be loved for more than his looks:( This is based on actual interactions in the game (Yes the bear scene if you know what I'm talking about)<~

"Astarion?" You ask, as you approach his tent.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about, my dear?" He spoke softly, but you could tell his heart jumped when he saw you coming.

"You wouldn't believe the conversation I just had with Halsin..."

"HA HA HAA..." He cut you off with a hearty laugh. "I was wondering when you were going to ask me about this."

"How did you know?" You asked, taken aback.

"I guessed. The man can't stay quiet about 'enjoying the freedom of nature's gifts'" he said in his best impression of Halsin. "I bet he'd outlaw clothing if he could." He chuckled.

"So you wouldn't mind if I had something with him?" You asked with a smirk.

"I'm happy for you to have as much Halsin as you wish - but I do have one question." His expression dropped, you could see a touch of sorrow cross his face.

"It's not because... You know.... We haven't in a while?" You could see the worry even though he tried to hide it.

"What I have with you is wholly different and very special to me." You assured him. You could see him relax a bit as you spoke.

"I know, I was being foolish. But thank you for saying it." He smiled.

"You should come watch." You purred.

"Ooo, I love a good show." He spoke seductively as a smile crept across his face. "I might not be too keen on joining in if that's okay with you..." He spoke a bit nervously.

"No worries or pressure. Just having you there will only enhance the experience." You smirked as you snaked your arms around his neck. You brought your face dangerously close to his.

"Can I kiss you?" You ask, looking deep into his scarlett eyes. With a sharp breath in, he roughly grabbed you by the jaw and turned your face, inspecting you, enjoying your face as much as you enjoy his. He turned your face back towards his and pulled you in for a long passionate kiss. You loved letting him have these little moments of dominance. Let him feel the power he so often craves.

"Come with me." You whisper as you take him by the hand. You lead him through the camp and over to Halsin.

"Back so soon, I take it Astarion is okay with our little arrangement?" Halsin's deep voice boomed as you gave him a sly look.

"I would love to observe, but I'm not to inclined to join in just yet." Said Astarion, his voice as smooth as butter.

"He's here to watch the show." You smirked as Astarion offered you his arm.

"Well, lets not keep him waiting shall we. I've got a nice quiet spot in the forest for us." Halsin leaned in seductively. "I do have to warn you, it will be untamed, vigorous, and well... Large. I'll try not to lose control, but sometimes when the blood runs hot enough, it's difficult to tame the beast within. But I will be gentle if that's what you need, or at least I can try."

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