Viktor's Aphrodisiac (Smut)

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~>Viktor is a character from the animated series Arcane. I guess you could call this an aphrodisiac oneshot.<~

I'm on my way to see my favorite person in the world when of course I run right into someone and drop all of my research papers. Just my rotten luck. As I'm picking up papers and scrambling to stop them from all being trampled, I slice open my finger on one of the freshly printed sheets.

"Ow!" I say as I suck the blood from my wound.

"I'm sorry are you hurt?" Said a familiar voice. That's when I realized I just bumped into my second favorite person in the world.

"Just a paper cut. I'm fine." I say as I stand back up.

"Where are you off to in such a rush?" Asked Jayce as he handed me my papers back.

"The lab, Viktor needs my help with something." I said as I continued past him with a smile.

"You spoil him to much." He chuckled.

"The man needs a cane, how can I say no?" I laughed as I turned to leave. Jerking back I shouted to Jayce.


"No problem!" He called back as people all around us rushed to clock out for the day. Jayce liked to wake up late and go home early, Viktor is the opposite. He dedicated almost every waking minute to trying to improve the lives of Piltover's less fortunate. As a Zaunite himself, making it all this way on his own, is nothing short of a miracle; and I love him for it.

I scurried down dimly lit corridor after dimly lit corridor as fast as I could. Viktor wanted to cross reference some data I was working on with his own. On my way out of the door I made him something to eat, it wasn't much but I know how he gets when he's working. Ham and cheese will have to do.

"Viktor!" I called as I opened the door to his lab. I walked in and it was almost completely dark.

"Over here!" I heard him call back in his Russian accent. I crossed the big empty space of the lab and pulled back the curtains shielding Viktor as well as his latest project. Hextech. Nothing but a dim orange lantern lit up his desk as he fiddled with the glowing, rune covered core.

"No matter what combination of runes I use nothing happens." He said as it spun and whirled around in its floating prison. The force behind the hextech cores were as powerful as they were unruly. It had been three months since Jayce and Viktor were able to stabilize it and levitate themselves around Himerdinger's lab, but they were no further in understanding it.

"Why don't you take a break, you haven't eaten anything all day." I said as I handed him the wrapped sandwich.

"How do you know what I've eaten?" He said calmly as he stared daggers at the hex core.

"Your cheeks are a bit sunken, which means you haven't had anything to eat or drink... not to mention how sunken your eyes are." I said as I grabbed a canteen full of water and handed it to him.

"So maybe you're two for two." He said jokingly as he took a bite from the sandwich followed by a long drink from the canteen.

"Thanks, I didn't realize I forgot dinner." He paused. "And lunch, and breakfast."

"No wonder you're skinny." I said as I sat on the edge of his desk.

"Thanks for bringing your research." He said as he reached for the papers in my hand.

"Nah, ah, ah." I said as I ripped them back. "You can have these when you finish your dinner." I chastised him mockingly.

"If you say so." He sighed with a smirk as he continued to eat.

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