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Canterbury: this is so boring

Otago: yeah we should go watch something else ay?

TV: the man who was murdered was a New Zealander...

Canterbury: wait it can't be...

Otago: did another country just mentoin New Zealand?!

Canterbury: we have to spread the word immediately!

Southland: breaking news New Zealand was just mentoined in a movie that isn't from our Kāinga land we are going live with my twin brother Northland in our capital Wellington.

Northland: it is very surprising that New Zealand, a country who isn't even in half the world maps was mentioned in a film that wasn't made nor involved Aotearoa. Aunty Cindy said that this is the first time this has happened during the whole time she was our prime minister. May we go back to Southland?

Southland: thanking you North now may we take some time to appreciate the two provinces Canterbury and Otago who immediately informed us on this important occasion. Thank you that is all for 1 news.

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