Chapter 41: Remembrance

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Chapter 41


I feel sick...

Just a few minutes ago, I thought Jungkook was gonna force himself on me.

I kept repeating how sorry I was for pushing him too far, and I begged him not to hurt me...

It's always been a fear of mine that he'll take advantage of me because he can do it so easily.

Even what he just did, he held me down to the point where I could no longer move... but it was no effort for him at all.

Let alone if he did put effort into his movements toward me, my bones would probably break.

I was slowly preparing myself for his wrath, waiting for my nightmares to come true and for him to finally snap.

It shakes me to no end how at the end of the day, all I can do is trust that he wont hurt me.

But... he didn't.

He was simply looking at that damn green mark on my skin...

I didn't even know it was there until he pointed it out.

Once he said the word "ritual", more fragments of my memory were coming together.

They soon became horrifying... I didn't want to believe that it happened.

I asked Jungkook about the drugs in the first place because something about it didn't feel right, I wanted to know if the high I experienced was normal.

It made my body feel like I was stuck in a pool of tar, everything sounded like I was underwater.

My vision blurred and swirled, occasionally changing the colors of everything.

The girls sat in a circle around my body on the floor.. they held each other's hands and looked over me while they chanted in some foreign language.

All of their heads looked like blobs to me though.

By their skin being the only color on their bodies instead of the pink pajamas, I could tell were all in the nude...

I couldn't feel my own body, so I don't recall anyone smudging a green paste over my bladder area, but I do remember the smell of it... the scent of those plants was so strong, it slightly burned my nose.

Nausea grew in my stomach and my head whirled from the horrific recollection of last night.

They didn't do anything perverted...

It was all women, and I knew they weren't undressed for any sexual reason, it seemed more like some "all natural" bullshit.

Yet, I still feel so violated.

Jennie.. she was my only friend here.

Always so kind and supportive of me... but she let this happen?

That whole "sleepover" was probably some fucked up plan for all of this.

God, I need to get the hell out of here... these wolves are fucking crazy.

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