Chapter 25: Hidden In Plain Sight

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Chapter 25


Jungkook:you could smell her in the city!?

William:yes, Alpha! Her exact scent lingered on one of the bus station seats! The bus station was at central street I believe, but we weren't able to smell her anywhere else besides the sidewalk.
He said, frowning and looking over to Himchan.

Himchan:we think she got on a bus because we could only smell her on the seat and the sidewalk, but her feet hadn't continued once she got to the road. And there wasn't a trace of her smell anywhere else.

Jungkook:shit... go to her parents house! Just get in a taxi, and tell them to take you to this address.
He wrote on a sticky note and handed it to them.

Jungkook:Do not go inside, until you can smell Y/n in the house. If she's in there, find her and bring her here immediately.

"Yes Alpha"
They chimed.

Jungkook:you better not disappoint me. Must I remind you of the circumstances, I haven't been able to get out of this bed for days, and the Luna is missing.
He emphasized, glaring directly into their eyes.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆

It was dark out by the time Himchan and William arrived at your parents house.

They creeped around the bushes, peering into windows.

Both could smell Y/n, but there was no trace of the Alpha's scent, so she couldn't have been there recently.

Realizing this, Himchan shook his head at William.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆

William:we can smell her there but we can only smell you in the front room where you once stood, she clearly isn't in any of the other rooms.

Jungkook:I'm gonna have to look for her myself...

Himchan:w-were so sorry Alpha!

William:Alpha, no disrespect, but how are you going to find her? It's not like you'd be able to smell a perfect trail if we couldn't.
He questioned.

Jungkook:I'll have to go to the city on one high-dosage pain killer.. one is just enough to keep me from collapsing. It will be like a game of... hot and cold. A lot of guessing.

They furrowed their eyebrows at him.

Jungkook:the pain would increase if I got further away from her, and it would decrease if I went closer to her. Understand?

"Yes Alpha"
They said simultaneously.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆

She rushed to the jolting body on the bed.

You were having your first night terror, and you couldn't stop screaming.

Rosé ran to your side and shook you awake.

Y/n looked up at her, confused from Rosé's anxious teary face.

You were oblivious to the fact that your face held the same expression as Rosé's, but for different reasons.

You could hardly remember your dream by now.

Rosé:what's wrong, Y/n?
She asked with a shaky voice.

Y/n:I-I don't know... it was just a bad dream..

You rubbed your arm nervously.

Rosé:bad dreams shouldn't be making you scream bloody murder like that.. has this happened before?

Y/n:Rosé... l-leaving that place has only brought more harm than good. I'm living in fear everyday, and now I'm even having nightmares. If I j-just stayed there I would've been fine!

Rosé silently cried, feeling terrible for her friend.

Rosé:no you wouldn't have. Why did you run away from the village in the first place? Because you felt fine? Obviously not.

She lifted her head.
Rosé:Something wrong was going on there, something so wrong that it drove you to run more than eleven miles just to get away.

You bit your lip and looked down.

Rosé:it's okay, Y/'s all okay now.

Y/n hugged rosé from the bedside and bursted into tears on her shoulder.

End of chapter 25

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