Chapter 10: Anniversary (Pt. 2)

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Chapter 10


Everyone went their own ways before the time for dessert.

I sat alone by the "Jeon" family table.

The champagne left bubbles on the glass as I swirled it in my hand.

If there was one word to describe how I felt, it would be lonesome.

However, my loneliness was temporarily cured and I found two young women around my age standing beside me.

"Hi! Y/n, right? Can we talk?"
One of them asked.

Jungkook would've went apeshit if he heard her call me by my name instead of Luna.

I didn't understand why we couldn't just talk at the table, though I walked with them anyway.

They stopped by the dirt road and turned around so we were facing each other.

There's a good amount of space from here to the party... why did we need to go so far?

"Listen here. I need to talk to you about something."
The smile dropped from her face, and only then did I realize how fake it was.

Y/n:o-okay... about what?

"You and the Alpha."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Y/n:go on...

One of the girls put her hands on her hips while the other proceeded to speak.

"I've been waiting to be in your place since I was a little girl... I remember climbing a tree and not being able to come down, I cried and cried, but the Alpha saved me. It was love at first sight."

My hands began to sweat.

What on earth is she talking about?

"I've loved him ever since. We were meant to be together. I waited all these years for him to notice me, I mean, we're perfect for each other! How is he not my mate? I was here first. I loved him way before you came along"

At this point, my eyes were as wide as saucers.

"I'm prettier than you, I'm stronger than you, I might not be as tall but at least I'm not a human".
She sneered, her tone filled with disgust.

Her words cut deep like a knife...

Y/n:e-excuse me?
I asked, appalled.

"You don't belong here. You might be the Luna, but you're not special. You're no better than the rest of us; you're weak, paranoid, and have not an ounce of wolf in you".

Her words were spoken menacingly.

I angrily narrowed my eyes at her.

"I was suppose to be with him but you came out of nowhere and ruined it all! It's not like he has any real interest in you or anything, you haven't even been marked. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Just look at yourself, Y/n. No wonder he doesn't want you. Don't get too confident."
The girl beside her chirped in.

They truly hit too close to home, saying I am everything that I feared I was...

A tear rolled down my cheek.

How can I be so weak to let them get to me like this?

Why are they doing this to me!?

My mind didn't repel any of their words, rather it took them all in and analyzed every single one.

Y/n:but.. I-I cant choose this anymore than you can...
I whispered.

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