Chapter 45: Blessings

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Chapter 45


After getting back on her own chair (which was more like a wooden throne), Y/n was surprised to see a couple before them, of whom appeared to be in their early thirties.

The woman's awfully large belly made your eyes widen in size.

Both the man and woman deeply bowed to you and Jungkook, and the woman spoke up when she faced you again.

"My Luna! You are even more beautiful up close! I feel honored to be speaking to you."

Her smile was so endearing that it made your heart warm up.

"My mate and I have conceived a little early as you can tell. These are our firstborns!"
She giggled, motioning her hand over her belly.

You thought about how she would most likely be giving birth in the winter while the rest of the pack is getting pregnant.

"I have introduced myself in hopes that... you could bless our pups?"
Tears instantly glossed over her eyes and she fell to her knees in front of you.

"It would mean so much to us, Luna."
She spoke with a persuasive yet benevolent tone of voice.

Y/n quickly looked at Jungkook, who nodded as if granting her permission.

'How do I do that and why!?'
She thought.

Jungkook:please excuse us.
He said, before leading you away.

Jungkook:you're the symbol of motherhood, you will be asked for your blessings for the pups in this pack, whether it be unborn pups, a newborn, or a child.

He breathed out a deep sigh while speaking.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the ridiculous notion.

Jungkook:kneel down to her abdomen, hold it with your hands, and say the sacred words...

So.. you did just that.

Y/n:as your Luna, I hereby bless these babies with prosperous health, happiness, and love, all within my name.

You spoke with utmost passion and closed eyes, leaning your forehead against the woman's enlarged belly while you held the sides of it with both your hands.

The whole concept of this "blessing" to you was beyond bizarre... but as you actually did it, you noticed how the deed filled a void in your heart.

The woman cried tears of joy and continuously thanked you after you stood up.

"Babies" wasn't the correct term to use for any of the pups in the pack, but she understood that you were human and didn't know any better.

You didn't even realize how many people were watching until they started clapping.

The night continued on with your somewhat lightened mood.

To you, the worst part about this night was that you were forced to play the biggest part in it, being the Luna in the Lunar ceremony.

It disturbed you to no end how the pack worshipped you like you were a religious figure.

Jungkook was completely unfazed, however, like he's expecting them to behave that way.

There were all sorts of practices and processions, but not once did you care about any of it.

The night air grew colder and exhausted your trembling body.

As for your acquiescence of being there, the last straw was pulled when you made direct eye contact with someone who you least expected to see within the mass of people...

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