Chapter 15: Homesick

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Chapter 15


"hey pumpkin, can you help me bring in the groceries?"
Mom asked.

I groaned complacently.

My father was playing peekaboo with my baby brother in the other room.

Within the blink of an eye, all of us were in the car.

We were on our way home from he beach, singing along to classic rock songs on the radio.

I watched the summer sunset in the sky...

To my confusion, the scene changed again.

Mom and I were getting our nails done.

I recognized it was the week before I'd graduate high school.

Then, I saw my parents arguing after I fought with my brother.

And finally, I saw my mom hugging me tight.

I wore the same red dress from the yacht party...

"I love you. Stay safe sweetheart...have fun, okay?"

Y/n:love you too! Bye!
I yelled, now from the front door.

I was waiting to see her again...

Waiting, and waiting.

The only view in sight was an empty, pitch black darkness.

Then I realized my eyes were simply closed.

I opened my eyes, ready to see her waking me up for school, or watching television on the couch...

But this isn't my bedroom.

this isn't my home.

I sat up.

My lip quivered before I bursted into tears, hugging my knees.

Oh, how I long to see them again...

It weighed me down like an anchor.

A hand gently placed itself across my back.

I looked beside me to see Jungkook's concerned face.

Jungkook:Y-Y/n? What's wrong?

I rested my head on my knees.

Y/n:I miss my family...
I sniffled.

Jungkook went silent for a moment.

Jungkook:I'm sorry, Y/n.

He pulled me into his lap.

Y/n:they don't even want to see me, they hate me now!
I cried.

Jungkook:they still love you, Y/n. I know they do. How did you even think of such a thing?

Y/n:I had a dream of them..
A sigh escaped my lips.

Jungkook cupped my cheek and pushed my head to his chest.

Y/n:you're not going to leave me Jungkook, right? You're not going to hate me if I mess up somehow?

Jungkook:such nonsensical thoughts... no, I'd never leave you even if you wanted me to.

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