9. twitter & crush

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Harvey was slightly panicked.

The night Fiona had shown up and Colby took Harvey to get his medical things done, the three came back to the apartment. No, that was not the problem. The problem arose when Colby decided to spend the night with the excuse that he wanted to keep an eye one Harvey.

That was perfectly fine until Harvey jokingly prompted Colby to just sleep in the same bed instead of kicking him onto the floor and Colby went with it. So Harvey layed awake for hours after slowly forming thoughts while he watched Colby's breathing.

He definitely had a fondness for the other now, despite his efforts to push those feelings down. He'd never tell Colby, that'd just fuck everything up.

"Mdcold" Harvey held in a laugh as Colby grumbled in his sleep, inhaling sharply in suprise when the boys arm fell across his stomach. Relaxing, he thought it would just be an arm.

Then he felt Colby sleepily sit up a bit and scoot closer, gently hugging Harvey with an arm draped across his stomach and another resting on his shoulder. Harvey was trying his best to relax, his arm becoming itchy from Colby's hair.

After what felt like hours of fighting sleep, Harvey finally just relaxed and fell asleep.

The next morning had been the cause of Harvey's current state of panic.

Neither Colby or Harvey had mentioned they ended up tangled into each other, or how they nearly fell over each other to stop Fiona and Norse from posting the picture of the two boys cuddling.

Colby went home almost silently without much of an explanation, leaving Harvey to dwell in anxiety alone.

And it stayed that way for the rest of the recovery period. For 5 weeks the most communication Harvey had with Colby was the occasional meme sent back and forth. No one could really understand why the two stopped talking and the fans of both had started to notice it as well.


Demon boy just posted!

@demonic.harvester - feelings...gross


taylr.xplr - aw buddy it okay
>colybrock - tay u suck at cheering ppl up
>taylr.xplr - sHuT


@demonic.harvester - not that you'll ever see it but I really do like you. Your stupid little smile and stupid laugh and stupid way you hold onto my hand without even thinking. I miss your warmth and your voice when you aren't here and all I can dream about these days is holding you in my arms


Sae.lemspells - Harvey look at the gc rn
>demonic.harvester - well shit


gc - this house is full of homos

Sae bitch >:( 👻
harv your last tweet better not be about you know who

International harvester🌾🌼
it's not about him I promise


ishy fren 🐟🐋

Norse pole 🥶🧊
You know that myct that also makes music and is british? 14 y/o are like obsessed with him and that whole famous friend group

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