20 - how to say i love you

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Harvey tossed and turned in his sleep far more frequently since getting back from West Virginia and even with Colby by his side, holding him in his arms, he couldn't sleep.

Instead, he'd settle for admiring Colby while he rested, gently playing with hair or clothing while taking in the gentle sound of breathing. The world would lay silent in peaceful bliss for just a second and Harvey could breathe.

Until a sharp stinging pain would find it way to his chest and ran throughout the rest of his body. The distressing voice (though could you really call it that when nothing made sense) rumbled loudly in his ears. He could never tell what it was saying but something in him knew it was hurtful.

Worst of all was the nightmares. Or rather, reaccuring nightmare that would somehow escalate in fear and horridness the longer he would be asleep.

Harvey would barely be able to keep his eyes open for much longer than a second before eventually he'd knock out.

The first hour or so he'd be still, flowing down a dark abyss as a familiar and calming acoustic tune echoed throughout hollow rooms of concrete.

Then, he'd come to a sudden hault and look up, only to be met with the tall shadow figure. The figure would taunt and laugh as panic would rise in Harvey's chest. He couldn't figure out why the figure had brought so much fear in him.

Then a number of violent and horrid things would happen and the only thing that Harvey would remember when jumping awake was visions of blood. He was sure whatever this shadow thing was was causing all of this. He had no idea how to get rid of it, so instead he avoided sleep like it was the plaque and shut down any concerns from his friends. No one would know anyways, seeing as he was the only one seeing it.


Harvey was exhausted. He knew he should have canceled the stream he had planned but at the same time, he needed a distraction that wasn't Colby.

Colby had been reluctant to leave Harvey alone after last night. He never told Harvey because he didn't want to scare him, but he heard Harvey's scared mumbles and whimpers. He knew Harvey had spent over half the night tossing and turning, staring into the corner of his room in fear. Colby didn't know if something happened while he was gone and that scared him.

Colby left either way, having promised to be safe on the trip.

And Harvey started his stream with the best energy he could muster up while riding the aderline of half an hour of sleep and 2 monsters.

"And I've somehow convinced Wilb to play among us with me again."

Harvey was soon dragged into a new discord call and his eyes darted across the names. Wilbur, Harvey, Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Sykunno, Corspe Husband, and Jacksepticeye (sean) were all in the game lobby.

"Ah, Harvey we meet again!" A voice rings out and Harvey smiles, instantly recognizing it as the Floridian who upon 'meeting'the first time promptly flirted with him in front of 4 thousand or so people.

"Yes hello, Dream-not-found"

Chat began spamming the name, making Hrvey smirk as Dream protested the name through wheezing laughter. It was clear the two joked like this often.

After a couple of brief introductions, the game started and Harvey tried to stifle a yawn. He had to hold back several in a row before he sighed and pushed his chair back from the desk.

He unmuted himself briefly to explain he'd be afk before switching facecam off for a second and leaving the room.

Entering the kitchen, Harvey let out a sound of suprise at seeing the shadow figure again but did his best to ignore it. He hadn't been getting enough sleep and being paranoid of seeing that thing probably started to make Harvey seeing it.

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