17 - jealousy grows

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After new years, Harvey seemed to take a break from his usual content and began streaming again. Most of the time it was just by himself playing different horror games he'd found on an endless scroll through steam or occasionally popping up in other streams with Jake.

He had began reconnecting with quite a few people such as Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo (obviously). And although he wasn't complaining, he noticed that Colby was getting increasingly clingy.

Normally Harvey didn't mind this, seeing as he was pretty clingy himself when he was in a relationship but the thing that concerned Harvey was that Colby was worse.

Colby would be over almost every day if he wasn't filming and when he was away he'd either have Harvey on a call or be texting him. On top of that, when Colby was over he wouldn't let go or get off of Harvey for almost anything.

Harvey didn't know how to break it to him that it was too much. He knew he had to just talk to him but he wasn't sure how to word it in a way that didn't sound like he hated this much attention.

Sighing, Harvey runs a hand through his still damp here before finally pulling a hoodie over his head and setting up for his day of editing.


About two hours in, Harvey had been playing lovejoy (aka Wilbur's music) through his computer as he read an email. He was having trouble focusing and figured music was the best way to get his brain to shift gears.

It was proving to be doing the opposite as a discord call rung through.

Answering it without a second thought, Harvey left his camera off and mumbled out a monotone greeting.

"Ooh, Ev, couldn't quite catch that, wanna try again?"

Picking his head up, Harvey curiously looks to the other person in frame. Their about a foot shorter than Wilbur even if the two are sitting and they were nervously chewing on their lips.

"I said hello, british pyscho"

"Hello, American pyscho" Harvey rolled his eyes and sighed while exiting both the YouTube and email tab, bringing discord into full view.

"What do you want, wilb?"

Wilbur took a deep breath before smiling sincerely, looking over to the other person, who immediately blushed and tried to hide their face in Wilbur's shoulder.

"This is Argo...my partner" Argo waved to Harvey, who only smiled and complimented their outfit. Just as the three were throwing insults and stories around, Harvey's door swung open.

"V- oh. Uh I'll co-"

"Colby, hold on!" Harvey stood up quickly, bringing the other boy back inside the room. He quickly hung up the call and crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.


"Well what?"

"Wanna tell me why you get all sad anytime you see me talking to Wilbur?"

Colby rolls his eyes and crosses his own arms.

"Because you're obviously going to go back to him. I mean you two connecting again...you loved him once too.."

Harvey sighed. Sure, he had feeling for the brit once. But any of those were gone. He figured that out quite a while ago and he wasn't going to just leave Colby.

"Once. But I promise you, Colby. I promise you that I'm not leaving you for anyone, okay? I love you and only you. Besides, why would I want to date him again anyways, he has a partner. Wanna meet them?"

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