11 - gay? yes

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When Colby woke up, he once again found himself clung to Harvey. This time however, Harvey was the one curled up up into Colby, laying on his side with one arm and one leg trapping him while Harvey's other limbs lay right up against them.

Harvey was still asleep, his head tucked under Colby's chin.

He tried not to freak out, the warmth and pounding in his chest lulling him back to sleep almost. His head shot up almost immediately upon hearing the door open.

"Glad you two seemed to have made up"

Colby relaxed in realization it was just Salem, who had likely come in to check on Harvey. He had stayed asleep but moved slightly, rolling onto his other side and nearly taking Colby with him.


"Figure out you love him yet?"


Salem chuckled and sat on the end of the bed. Colby sat up now, moving slowly to not disturb the sleeping figure.

"Okay, put simply. We all see how you look at him. And he looks at you the same way."

Colby sighs, watching in endearment as Harvey settles back into steady breathes. A collection of hair falls into his face and Colby instinctively brushes it back gently, tucking it behind his ear with a smile he can't stop.

"I..don't know how I feel towards him though, Sae. I mean it's obvious I care about him but...I don't even know if I'm.."

"Gay? Yes, well whatever you are, it's obvious you love him in some way. If you ask me there's no way it's platonic."

Colby sighs, bringing his hands into his lap. He still doesn't dare to look away from Harvey, who looked like the embodiment of peace as he slept.

"Maybe I really do like him."

Salem nodded before she stood up.

"Come on, lover boy, let's go make your soon to be boyfriend breakfast."

Colby laughed softly and followed her, gently shutting the bedroom door behind him and following her the short distance to the kitchen.


Harvey sighed as he finally got up, tiredly dragging himself into a shower and clean clothes before the sounds of the apartment finally trickled in.

He had heard Salem laughter along with the sound of Norse singing out whatever it was they were doing.

"I do too know how make omelets!" Harvey smiled at the protest from Colby as he walked into kitchen. He inspected over the eggs with careful consideration. There was no way this would be an omelet.

"You sure?"

Wiping around in suprise, Colby was left speechless at the sight of Harvey. If he didn't realize he was attractive before, Colby certainly felt his face blushing now.

Harvey had just thrown on a pair of sweatpants and didn't bother with a shirt. If it hadn't been for the chatter in the kitchen and the demand of food in his growling stomach, he would have been starring at himself in the mirror all day.

"Pretty Rad, huh?"

Harvey laughed as he made a gesture, sweeping his arms down in a 'get a load of this' fashion. He had a knowing smile on his face as Salem sqeueled and began spewing out compliments. Norse stared, nodded, then muttered about the scar being just another way that Harvey was cooler than everyone.

While in Salem's very friendly very excited embrace, Harvey tried to read Colby's silence expression. He was still holding the spatula he was using to cook with and seemed frozen in place as his eyes scanned Harvey.

"Colbster? You okay budy?"

"I- yu- p- holy shit....you look...fuck."

Salem began giggling as she took the spatula from Colby's hand and continued where he left off.

"They're just scars..they'll heal" Suddenly conscious about just how open he was now, Harvey crossed his arms over his chest only to be stopped by Colby.

"No, no okay. What I meant is that..it's just.." Colby scratched at the back of his neck as his face got more red the longer he struggled through it. He had no idea what word he was trying to say.

"What your boyfriend means is that your scars are hot. You're welcome brock."

Harvey's face now goes just as red as Colby's when Norse finished their sentence, leaving the kitchen and entering their own little world in the living room.

"I know they were teasing but...they also aren't entirely wrong.."

Harvey rolls his eyes and drops his arms, taking it as a compliment.

"They still hurt?"

"A little, but not too bad."

"Oh my god get a ROOM!"

Harvey and Colby laugh but both do so anyways. Harvey flops back down on his bed and Colby stays standing at the door, hands in his pockets.


"Wanna feel them?"

Shocked and somewhat confused by what Harvey was asking, Colby hesitates to come closer.

"You okay with that?"

Harvey giggles and shrugs, puffing his chest out. Colby is hesitant to do so, gently tracing along the faint pinkish lines. The raised texture feels odd on his fingertips and he can't help the smile on his face as Harvey holds back laughter.

Colby gently drops his hands, unsure what to do with them. Harvey smiles and picks up his hand, pacing their fingers together before resting his head on Colby's shoulder.

"Hey, did you..happen to mean what you said this morning?"


"Liking me?"

Colby was quiet for a minute and it terrified Harvey.

"Yeah..you were awake for that?"

"Course I was. If it's any comfort, I like you too. Like..a shit ton..maybe even more than the living room demon."

Colby but into laughter at the last comment, the warm laughter causing Harvey to join. The two smile at each other and felt a beat pass between them.

"..what now?"

"Well, a date would be good.." Harvey orompted, not looking Colby in the eyes, instead picking at his socks and doing everything in his power to block out the noise of his own anxiety telling him to stop.

It terrified Harvey that maybe he was wrong or that maybe this wasn't going to go well and it was going to end in disaster.

"Then a date it'll be..RV"


A/n : sorry for any spelling/grammar errors btw; I am simply too lazy to double check

Also I have very few options of cute nicknames for Harvey or Colby to call each other bc I am terrible at coming up with any that aren't awful

Either way I have saved way too many pics of Colby on pinterest because Holy shit that mf gives me so much gender envy it's ridiculous. It literally makes me a Lil angry lmao

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